General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill bracket changed from Hight skill to Normall skill

Skill bracket changed from Hight skill to Normall skill in General Discussion

    Hello, i have a question. I have some games with players 4000 mmr+ and when we have won i went to dotabuff and saw that was very hight skill bracket. Next day i open dotabuff again and saw that skill bracket for this game was changed to Normall skill...WTF???(that was happened again with hight skill bracket games) vhs was when i played for the Tusk

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        that actually happened to me to. My centaur warrunner game went from high skill to normal skill overnight. It was a party mmr game at about 3.2k


          same issue here... I thought I went crazy.

          ||--Pa!n Ampl!f!ed--||
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                ^ did you actually read the post? the games were ranked vhs and then changed.


                  Oh shit I misread the post , i apologize

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                    Maybe mods will enlighten us :-).


                      everyone is normal skill trash now, high skill and VHS are only for 7k and 8k+ avg games.


                        My last earth spirit game was on hs. After 3 hours, I rechecked it and was placed on normal skill lul


                          Its the API LUL...... everyone raise your hands and give GabeN our energy. Kappa