General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about calibration

Question about calibration in General Discussion

    If I keep playing normal matches even after having a level 50 experience trophy, will I be able to improve my mmr in my first calibration match. I am currently in high skill bracket and at level 47 and I dont think i can get to VHS before i get level 50, should I keep playing normal matches until I get VHS or would normal matches after level 50 wont affect hidden mmr anymore? I am aiming for a high mmr.


      Yes u can still be playing normal matches, get VHS and it will affect your mmr on initial TBD match. But that 10 calibration matches mean the most for your final mmr. Invoker is a good hero to calibrate with since he farms decently with midas and forge spirits, has good avg KDA and HD. Whether u win or not is less important.

      Keep in mind that VHS starts from 3.7 k hidden mmr. But unranked 3.7 is like 2.5 ranked. Difference in tryharding is huge on ranked compared to unranked.

      Whether u will gain 4k + mmr depends on different things. Ususally more than 4.3 K get mostly people who originally have much higher mmr - 5k+.

      If u were never 4k+ its ok if u calibrate on 3.5k and work your way up, instead of luckily getting 4k+ and destroying games for everyone, cos u wont handle and get reports everygame for poor performance.

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      kadal mesir

        tutorial for getting vhs bracket pls. I stuck in hs bracket.


          ^ how u want VHS when u suck at the game ? Git gud


            true, but my problem is on my last smurf account I was in high skill bracket but i was calibrated to 2.8k and was not satisfied about that and at 2.8k you dont get to enjoy the game because I main supporting but I get forced to play carry because I cant trust my teammates, My smurf account ended up to 2.7k due to consecutive losses even though i've done a great job supporting my teammates. This is why im doing my best to get to 4k as I want to support higher level players


              the problem is u must know how to carry to be abke to calibrate to 4k but its plain cancer there.. just take ur 2.7 k and have fun :) a friendly tip


                I was in high skill like 2 months ago, but when I started spamming Spectre, I am now in VHS. So I think, the overall impact is very important, like you have to be able to consistently contribute to every team fight. Total damage, assists, etc. Based on my experience, DO NOT AFK FARM. If you can join the team fight, JOIN.


                  actually i spammed sven and i won 8 games in a row , but i never went to VHS i think its because i lack hero damage


                    also how high should my KDA be , i can manage to get 4-5 every game as spec


                      If u want to escape 3k u need to play core roles, not supports. And 4ks are still same 3ks with a lil bit more game understanding. Well tbh they are most toxic in dota community. Low 4ks. They think they are 6k already and u are the one responsible for their mistakes, not themselves.


                        ^ Not if but u must know when u can contribute. If u cant, better keep farming your game changing item.


                          my spectre is a little inconsistent though, if i get space i could carry the team easily but what i dont like about him is since i am in high skill bracket not all the time my team pick support and spectre relies too much on items to be effective and 30-40% of the time i have to lane with other carries,


                            i believe getting out of 3k is easier than getting out of 2k right? or am I expecting too much from 3k players?, only one way to find out, lol


                              @Lex I've been waiting for someone to say what you said in your first comment "But unranked 3.7 is like 2.5 ranked". I feel like that's so true I keep seeing people saying they play HS then when they rank they get below 3k. I grinded my way to high skill unranked which was good for me and I did that compendium thing and got 2.5k so I'm sure what you said is actually reallly important and people keep forgetting that your ranked mmr willl at least 500mmr below your unranked, maybe not quite as big as a difference as your said. Thanks


                                Nmm = hidden MMR which your calibration is based on, you are still able to climb mmr while calibrating but in your case most likely not, since you simply are not good enough. Normally any 4-5k player gets a hidden mmr of 4-5k in first 5 games.


                                  but i was able to get to VHS but i got down to HS, but now im getting VHS games im not sure if i will stay there though, hopefully i can get consistent VHS games soon, also I heard in some topic here in the forums that on your first ranked calibration match you will have a game 1 bracket below yours and if you do well on the first game valve will calibrate you based on your bracket but if you do bad you will be calibrated 1 bracket blow your normal match bracket, is this true?