General Discussion

General Discussion4G Internet connection

4G Internet connection in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    So anyone have one of these? Currently I'm fighting with my router / antenna the whole time. Sometimes it gives me a stable ass ping with nice 20mbit down / 10mbit upload and sometimes i get fokken 50kbit download with 2k+ ping. I already ordered a better antenna, but it will be there here in like 2 weeks, so if anyone has an idea how to get more stable connection feel free to give suggestions.


      I'm using one 4g stick, and didn't had a single problem (apart from dns issue at the begining, but that's no problem to play).

      If your connection vari that much, most likely there's plenty of people near your location using 4g aswell.


        im using 4g on my phone and a bottle of ice on my phone so that my phone doesnt overheat
        and i play without problems

        Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

          4g is a mobile network, not something you use for gaming on a pc...

          Never use wifi, just direct cable from router/modem to your pc. Be sure your networkcard supports it, but most modern ones do. I currently play on my pc directly connected to the router with a normal ethernetcable, we have fibre glass all the way to house, but that depends on country/city/luck. 200Mbs down, 30Mbs up and about 15ms ping.

          Just dont use wireless.

          lm ao

            youre kidding i dont use antennas in my country


              Personally I have found that max up/down speeds are fine, but pings can fluctuate a lot.

              Farming Simulator

                My Laptop and Router are sitting on the same table, which means i can use ethernet instead of wifi or vice versa, here are the things i noticed when playing dota:
                Minimum ping on Wifi:28ms
                Minimum ping on ethernet:27ms.
                Down and upstream were identical on both (50mbits down/10mbits up).
                So the thing is, at really close distances it doesnt really matter wheter you use wifi or ethernet although it may be possible that my laptop is actually bottlenecking the ethernet speed. Though i believe that the new wifi standards established in the last years are able to keep up with ethernet, given that there is a direct unobstructed line of sight between the two devices.
                Something to keep in mind, sometimes, really seldom, i have a packet loss of about 1-2percent for a few seconds (on wifi)
                This rarely happens, like once every few hours, and i think it may be caused by neighbouring wifi networks useing the same channel.

                Edit: drifted a bit off-topic: I work for the technical customer support for the biggest osp in my country and i can tell you that gameing over 4g is definitley possible. LTE connections can have pings close to 30ms aswell as download speeds of up to 150mbits. (though 384kbit already enough to play dota without packetloss (low ping included). There may however be fluctations as you are sharing one cell with many other people.
                Trying a stronger antenna is definitley a good choice, however it may not solve the problem if the cell is simply at its limit due to load.

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                Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                  That all may be in an ideal situation, but most people who use wireless dont have their pc next to their modem, because why wouldnt they use an ethernetcable then in the first place.

                  And download speed for 4G might be sufficient, but that does hardly influence multiplayer gaming. I can not see how 4G, a wireless form, can outpreform cable, which has less latency and suffers less from drops. Advicing him to use it, when cable is available, seems wrong to me. Since it has less layency and probably is cheaper too. If he doesnt have access to cable internet, sure he has to go to satelite/mobile, but that doesnt seem the case...

                  Dire Wolf

                    The problem with wifi is there's a shit ton of interference on the 2.4ghz band cus everything has wifi now and is on it and it only has 3 non overlapping channels. Ping matters, but what really matters most is packet loss. You want 0% loss and most loss is from interference. Solution, get a dual band router, play on 5ghz. It's extremely fast, you'll get your own channel. Downside is the range is not nearly as good so you'll need to be in the same room or one over from your router. More than 1 maybe 2 walls and signal won't be that great probably. But I get like 20 ms ping on 5ghz and download speeds equal to ethernet, ~90 mbps on both.

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                      Ping is awesome on 4g for me. I wouldn't want to be doing the daily patch on it though