General Discussion

General Discussionclimbing 1k with support

climbing 1k with support in General Discussion

    Hi guys,
    I really like playing support, just calibrated recently and got 1,179 mmr.
    Any tips on climbing mmr as a support player?


      And why did u calibrate ? If u calibrate on 1k it means u are totaly new to the game or play very, very bad. Better make new account and calibrate when u start getting High Skill game. At least u will support normal people, not good but way better than 1k carries who have no idea how to play.


        Well , I calibrated as a supporter when I was relatively new , and dude you ain't never getting out of there . Either gain more experience on a new account calibrate , or just learn 3 good carries , and carry ur way out of that hell hole .


          4k support here. Add me. I'll guide you 2-4K support skills. In exchange let me play your account lol. I always wanted to play 1k matches.


            Rising up from 1k to 2k (where support starts to be an actual role in the game) is not going to happen. Get that desolator and divine for your Omniknight or you will never climb out of the trench. Playing as support at 1k is buying courier and 2 wards at start. Your carries will never be able to use the support player and you will end up playing as the underfarmed / non-itemized =useless player in 4 v 5 team.

            However, if you mean picking support heroes and carrying games with them, then its a different matter. Dazzle mid <3

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              Support heroes carrying game?
              Cm mid solo
              Cm offlane solo
              Cm NC solo
              Cm safe lane (less recommended)
              See you at 2k mmr soon

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                  ^^ Hey he told its 1,1k mmr.

                  Emilia 💔

                    Probably going to just be repeating what other people are saying, but climbing out of 1k as a support is going to be near impossible. Supports have too little influence on the game when accompanied by cores who don't know how to work with a support. Best thing you can do if you want to stick to the support role while climbing is play a support who can transition into a semi-core role later in the game.
                    Abaddon could work since it's 1k, Mirana, Silencer, Tusk, and Witch Doctor. I'm not certain what's best since I'm not a great support player, but I also don't know how people play in the lower 1k bracket. Best advice I can give is either make a new account and don't calibrate until you've gained more experience, or what I said, pick supports who can work as a semi core.
                    Best of luck


                      I calibrated at ~1800, dropped to 1150, then rose to 2450, and am now bouncing around 2150. It's possible. Learn a hero, learn the laning phase, learn the counters to the hero, learn the items. If you're that low, almost every game is a stomp; sometimes you're the windshield, and sometimes you're the bug. As you learn more, you will climb. It's a fun game though!

                      And yes, I spammed jungle LC down to 1150, and spammed it right back up. If you are going to play a jungle hero, and clearly select that on the map, it's your team's fault if they don't properly adjust to that (and especially if they last-pick-random).

                      Also, if you're going to jungle, practice first against bots so that you know how to do so efficiently. As jungle LC, if it's uncontested, you should be keeping par with your mid, and you should always maintain awareness of what your mid player is doing, and throw them a heal now and then if they need it.


                        Lich, omni, witch doctor or heroes which excel at mid game should be your thing I guess. I calibrated at 2500 and now I got to 3k. If you get past 2k you should be able to find a team which can utilize support player.

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                            Get good.
                            If you did get good, and now it, you can usually spam 1 hero out of there. I rose from 1.3k to 2.6k (after getting good) by spamming my best heroes.


                              go Io mid and type "mid or feed" works everytime


                                Get support riki, noone buys sentries/dust, and can carry the game as well.

                                Stick around mid and kill their mid 3-4 times, 50% times enemy mid will abandon. lol


                                  At lower MMRs don't be the support that sacrifices farm and levels. It will just get you killed repeatedly and your team will hate you. To support in 1K you just need to buy and upgrade courier, get a ward by the rosh pit and buy dust/sentries if they have an invis hero.

                                  Then find the least idiotic carry on your team and make sure they don't die. Pick Abaddon, Omniknight, Witch Doctor, Dazzle or any supp with either saving abilities, A good stun or LOTS of damage. Buy an Urn pretty much always and if your hero is a good mek carrier get that too. Follow your chosen carry around, make sure they don't die even when they do stupid stuff like tower-dive, and eventually they will get some items. In 1K its often a cast of whoever dies less wins. So try not to die and more importantly don't let your team die.

                                  Also always carry a TP. If you're near a shop, buy two.


                                    calibrated 1k now im 2k mmr in 2 weeks
                                    spam mid a lot : Pudge is the best cause at low mmr nobody ward vs a pudge and most of 1k picks pa and never get any spell immumu items
                                    Necrophus mid : early blade mail bottle gg wp (aghanime late game or octarine)


                                      Come on, cm is one of the best hero to get to VHS bro. Trust me! See my profile, I spammed her to VHs!


                                        I can raise your mmr for fun to some point, i wanna see how 1k mmr looks like :d


                                          I was support till calibrated to 900, believe me go 5 carry team (it will better than team with supp).

                                          I only supp when I know who I play with now.
                                          Now my solo is 1.2k (spamming jungle hero), party 1.5k

                                          And I have my own team with 2k MMR (I always play solo support)


                                            I tried to support in 2k. Didnt work so far lul (keep maintain 2k like 2 year). In 1k-2k you need to win the game yourself. This month, I start to not playing support in solo and only care for myself (thnx for someone in this forum encourage me) and so far I have 100% wr from 15+ rank mm.

                                            Optimus Drip

                                              Honestly. You could jungle prophet then just split push all day. I bet not carries tps or if they do,probably only one person who you can kill


                                                Omniknight or dont do it at all


                                                  In order to get out of the 1K trench, while still being a support I recommend playing omni-knight almost every game for various reasons. For instance most enemy players will be picking high physical damage carries, omni-knight has a high impact (even in late game), and he can make up for an ally carry not having one of the most important items in the game (bkb) with repel. Along with all of this omni doesn't need loads of farm to be useful. This worked for me I went from .7K and am now sitting at 3.6K.


                                                    there was a guy in youtbue that said picking omni was the way to get out of 1k mmr (SirActionSlacks) idk if it was a troll video or not but it made some sense. He said that its almost guaranteed that your teammates will pick 4 hard carries, and at the start of the game buy a courier and a set of wards, he said it was a very good investment,why? because it will determine if you should continue buying wards or not, if your lane get ganked and the ganker was seen by the wards but still your teammate didnt see him coming, dont buy wards its useless for people who never look at the map and focus on buying high impact items such aghs reffresher on omni. He also said that as long as you keep your idiot teammates alive and keep them hitting , eventually your team will win.


                                                      @Ryuketsu this guy is actually right it wasn't a troll video the win rate of omniknight proves it


                                                        do you think you could spam omni to get from 3k to 4k? or do people in 3k know how to counter him


                                                          heres the link to the video i was referring to


                                                            In higher mmr, people know to buy diffusal.


                                                              If you want to solo raise it, learn basics of mid lane and you will do it with no problem. I calibrated at 2.780, dropped to 2.4k, then realized i have to carry (later started mid as well) and i am now on the edge of 4k. Again, i will give u 400-500 mmr for fun if u want, to test 1k :d

                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                Hey man, I've been in a similar situation. Played around with unranked party for a few weeks cuz too much of a paranoid to go and venture to ranked solo queue. (As support ofcourse it's tradition in the squad for the newest member to play support.) Started to play ranked got calibrated at 1.4k (Still support). Two months later I'm still going up and down 1.5k and 1.6k (Still support cuz it's my comfort role). Finally reached the decision to take matters into my own hands started to spam SF PA AM and Riki. Rose to 2k and still trying to escape the trench. But my 500 RMM rise just goes to show you should not depend on others and use relatively self-sufficient heroes who have easy skills to master but still have a strong impact in the game.


                                                                  pick omni.......find out the least idiotic player in your team and concentrate on keeping him(only) alive(through wards,healing etc.)