General Discussion

General DiscussionCounters to Naix

Counters to Naix in General Discussion

    As this hero seems so strong this meta and I lose a lot against him I am wondering what works well against him. Comes to mind lockdown by chrono from Void, Finish him by scythe from Necro, Strong Illu hero as Terrorblade. Then we have insta counters/offlaners such as Batrider(laso goes through rage right?), Beastmaster, Enigma...did you experience any proper counter? What about direct CARRY counter tho?

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      Orchid heroes destroy naix, since naix players hate buying bkb/manta on him.


        Lone druid. Pa. Ta. Enchantress. Naga....
        Sniper is the easiet one. You just need positioning. Wich is simply as stand behind your pudge or bristle back and shoot him. Its so hard for naix to kill a good sniper cuz he simply needs to kill 4 armed hero to get his hands on sniper. Ofc he will be dead before reaching sniper

        Item: Blade mail when he open wound you. Any kiting item like ghost septer. Force staff ....


          PA isn´t that great counter. May you force Naix to byu mkb, but then he kite PA as nothing. Also jump with infest bomb and PA is dead. Lone Druid is basically pusher, not that great against Naix. Enchantress ROFL, rage and Ench is dead.
          Maybe TA, but once enemy team has Veno, or something like that...then TA is dead in a few seconds. I know this since I saw them against this hero.
          And nobody picks Sniper above normal skill lol. His laning is terrible against competent players.



            sin blyadi

              Schwarzsvenger is a direct carry counter. No way for naix to win 1v1 against him. PL can be good aswell but needs overfarm to be effective these days. CK does well during the entire game too
              Beast works well if u blink right to naix, roar, burn all the mana he has so cannot even pop rage
              Ghost scepter 4life
              Templar assassin is good unless naix goes incredible attack speed (2moonshards 4 life)
              Razor does well but he is still out of the meta
              Enigma is more anti-slark hero but it can still work against naix if u have good burst in the draft


                Stop right there. What the fuck is wrong with you?
                Lone druid gets eaten alive by naix, every time. The bear dies all the time and tehre is NOTHING sylla can do except for begging lord gaben to give him an escape entangle.

                PA gets completely rekt the moment naix gets mkb or silvers edge. You cannot win 1v1 against a naix as PA.

                TA dies ultra fast to naix, TA is NOT able to kill naix without any help. Naix eats refraction very fast and then 3 shots TA.

                Enchantress? Really? You gotta be shitting me. You are not aware of the fact that rage literally counters enchantress passive.

                Yeah sniper easiest counter KAPPA. Blink echo naix jumping right into your face after he infested an ancient non stunnable and tanky as fuck creep to siege your base only to get out of it, blink to your face and 2 shit your ass.

                Out of all the bullshit you just write, the only thing that was useful and not full of shit was "naga is a counter". And yes, she is. Splitpushing to dodge naix is prolly the best way to deal with him. He is way to strong in teamfights and doesn't really have anything to kill a fat naga fast enough.


                  Son, your reasons are plain stupid.
                  Theres a match up section. U Might find your answer there


                    TA dies ultra fast to naix, TA is NOT able to kill naix without any help. Naix eats refraction very fast and then 3 shots TA.


                    Pale Mannie

                      AA anyone?


                        Kid, my reasons are not stupid.

                        @stardust cusader:
                        early: Armlet > TA
                        rest: Abyssal > TA

                        Infest anyone? I've seen it countless times. Asshole naix infesting after eating AA blast so he doesnt give a shit about it



                          ta doesn't counter naix but i doubt that she's somehow weak against that hero


                            She isn't really weak to naix, but naix will win 1v1. You also can't kill a naix as TA unless you have +1.


                              Aa as a support Pl as a carry


                                casual orb of venom works pretty well against TA's refraction... today on manila there was a game where Fnatic picked Terrorblade against LGD's lifestealer pick and it worked pretty well, you may try it (from illusion carries maybe even Chaos knight?)

                                Have you tried weaver against naix? on paper it sounds pretty well since you can kite him with shukuci with nice dmg output due to geminate... downside is squishiness of that hero.

                                anyway in my noobish games slark seems to be pretty good against him if he doesn't fall behind (he doesn't die to infest bomb when he has echo, se and skadi, can purge open wounds, disable feast for 5s with se, kite naix pretty well and then maybe kill him with 20+ essence shift stacks) but to be honest, this is how it works in 2,5-3k so not sure in your bracket 4k+ so not real advice just little ideas for you...hope it helps a bit


                                  A 17 min blink and deso ta can't 1vs1 naix? Really?! (Ignore his mid lane exp advantage)



                                    Are you autistic? HOW are you going to kill naix with armlet, he is going to toggle like an asshole, infest in something and KILL YOU. Not to mention against TA smart naix players get radiance. So ya, deso + blink vs radiance + armlet, GL winning 1v1. Guess in NORMALSKILL dagon IO > all.


                                      smart naix players dont get radiance in any circumstances unless its fabruary 2016 and its offlane naix. ta and naix have no specific interaction in any stage of the game.

                                      naix is countered by beastmaster, bane, aa, slark, puck and shittons of other curently popular heroes.

                                      lone druid, enchantress and naga (core) are countered by naix, not vice versa.

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                                        Comes to mind Jugger. manta, Abyssal and shit...Ult if Naix is alone.



                                          Yeah, stupid naix player confirmed.

                                          I'm not saying radiance is core by all means, it's a very situational item but against TA, Brood etc. it's pretty neat.

                                          and naix does NOT counter naga ROFL. Naix can't kill naga because of her net + TP in early game, midgame+ he can't handle the illusions + difblade

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                                            beastmaster is like doom...counters everything(but still it´s not carry and mostly is focused by enemy team)..I saw some bane players(if naix has teammates with any stun or so, you´re dead bane). AA works in some scenarios but you need to hit your ult everytime its needed, so nope(otherwise infest and see you later)...Slark seems good but his output dmg is not that great.

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                                              @Question Mark? thanks for correcting me.


                                                I have seen Naix radiance in some match this day on Manila Major....


                                                  hows radiance good against brood
                                                  also this is offlane naix
                                                  offlane naix
                                                  not carry naix

                                                  me, government hooker

                                                    when u thought uve seen it all

                                                    COUNTERS TO NAIX

                                                    Lone druid



                                                      Still I feel like radiance is waste of money for LS most of the time.


                                                        naix does counter naga siren drafts cause he comes online and is strongest in the period of the game when naga doesnt do shit, and u cant escape using ur song. same way drow strats counter am, f.e.

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                                                            Most of agility carries do good against him

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                                                              other heroes that guy suggested are pretty cool, too. enchantress comes rather close to ld in terms of stupidity lmao


                                                                TripleSteal- a minute ago
                                                                naix does counter naga siren drafts cause he comes online and is strongest in the period of the game when naga doesnt do shit, and u cant escape using ur song.

                                                                I think he came with that from dotabuff WORST versus....


                                                                  Ok, nvm, i just saw a PA with hood, bfury and BoT.

                                                                  Broods spiderlings die really fast with radiance. The small spiders have a very low HP pool and die to 3 or 4 ticks of the radiance.

                                                                  What are you talking about? You can use song + net to easy escape from naix in every situation. He can't move from the bkb piercing hold and naga will destroy him midgame. Sure naix comes online faster, but that's assuming the naix lineup can end the game. Your argument is completely subjective and assumes that 1 team does end the game before 25min.

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                    why would you get a 5k worth item for spiders tho, that do nothing by the moment u get radiance? and even then, you cant quite get in range to burst them unless brood runs at you (that is either suicidal weird move, or you are just dead b4 u kill them).

                                                                    i didnt check the dotabuff stats cz they are a lil bit meaningless, due to being based on 2-3k mmr matches mostly.

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                                                                      TripleSteal- a minute ago
                                                                      i didnt check the dotabuff stats cz they are a lil bit meaningless, due to being based on 2-3k mmr matches mostly.

                                                                      Yeah that´s why I am here since it´s complete bullshit right there.:D

                                                                      me, government hooker

                                                                        ill tell you how he came across these great naix counters

                                                                        ld/ench countering naix is like saying drow wins mid against sf

                                                                        oh wait. ppl do think that. and they played the game for 10 years+. how bizarre

                                                                        waku waku

                                                                          you can get urn against TA its pure damage now so it will burn refraction. unless that was fixed


                                                                            @Triple, it's simple. Brood strengh is to create space, but when a single hero can stop a brood push, then brood gets useless. If she cannot drag at least 2-3 heroes onto her lane, she gets useless pretty fast. At some point naix will have blink + dust and feast on brood. If naix doesn't get radi, he can die to brood depending on the spider army.


                                                                              LOL ENCHANTRESS AND LD ARE ACTUALLY IN THE LIST WTF


                                                                                LOL I CHECKED APPARENTLY NAIX IS GOOD AGAINST CENTAUR HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA

                                                                                Speak English, Pick Stuns

                                                                                  Ancient Apparition


                                                                                    I think winner could be Juggernaut.-Carry-escape from open wounds early on with his blade fury, Manta, abyssal core. Good ult 1v1. Probably I ll try it.


                                                                                      A farmed antimage is pretty solid against him [how about that triplesteal]

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                                                                                      Hatsune Miku

                                                                                        Faceless void shits on naix scrubs,


                                                                                          Pugna Is the hardest counter for Naix

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            I still think invoker is quite good, wait out the rage with Euls on yourself or something then cold snap and kite.

                                                                                            Also Riki, riki, riki! Lifestealer doesn't want to build fucking mkb or bkb and he can't rage out of smoke. Max that smoke asap.

                                                                                            Slardar is ok u can get your team to focus fire naix cus he doesn't have high armor now that no one builds ac anymore.

                                                                                            Windranger is decent too as long as you don't get behind and get two shotted. Her ult plus windrun can kill him


                                                                                              The last time we won against a naix we had a super farmed spectre on our team.


                                                                                              Seems about right. The only way you can beat a hero who has:

                                                                                              A free 6 second duration with 10 second downtime BKB+hyperstone+glove of haste.
                                                                                              A free morbid mask which scales the more HP the enemy has.
                                                                                              A free rod of atos which lasts for twice the duration and provides 5 free morbid masks against the enemy target for everyone on your team with a 4 second downtime.
                                                                                              An ability which allows him to occupy an allied hero giving him all the mobility advantages of that hero without the need for his own mobility item, which can also be used to occupy a super tanky ancient creep which provides all the abilities of that ancient, or can be used as an escape in the event that his free BKB is on cooldown so he can't just BKB+tp away, oh and if he also uses it on a creep then it heals him for how much hp the creep has which just also happens to do 400 damage to any any nearby enemies.
                                                                                              3 strength gain - giving him the equivalent of 2540 hp and average 154 attack damage at level 25 and that's before any damage items.

                                                                                              Is to pick the previous OP hero who recevied only slight nerfs to cooldown and damage and armour in the last patch.

                                                                                              Hahahahaha "balance".

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                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                He has shit multi target and low hp and armor. He's only tanky cus of feast so stop him from hitting stuff and he dies

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                                                                                                  Yeah you hear that guys - to beat him you only need to all have force staffs and ghost sceptres on your supports while the enemy team has no forms of lockdown or initiation which allows them to blow up one of your heroes before they are able to run, then just turn around and kill him in the 10 seconds he is not magic immune while making sure that he doesn't just infest into another enemy hero to run away if the fight is going bad.


                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    Or stun and right click his ass down? Ursa can man fight him, Riki can man fight him in smoke


                                                                                                      ta is good against naix, are you out of ur mind


                                                                                                        I have good success vs life stealer with juggernaut .