General Discussion

General Discussionaquila am

aquila am in General Discussion
sin blyadi

    new ti 6 meta
    (tis a trending guide)


      well if he doesnt go vlads
      then why not?


        AM is a momentum based hero. He can't delay his momentum item (which is battle fury) by 1,00 GOLD . (1/4th of bfury price pretty much) for a useless ring of aquila


          banana shitstain slamma jamma


            why not go for a drum,magic stick,vanguard then manta too while we're at it


              @YoloSwag Considering the go-to build nowadays is treads vanguard before BF you can actually go for aquila aswell, especially considering vanguard aquila basically replaces Vlads. Miracle did it aswell, and if our 9k overlord does it, it cant be that bad.


                Early vangaurd = dogshiet
                Any thing else is ok


                  i thought everyone goes for early vg these days


                    And what do you think about it. Good or nah?

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                      early vanguard = u are hard to kill = u can fight
                      aquila coz banana shitstain slam dogshit jamma

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                        my personal opinion is kinda irrelevant cz im a garbage am player, but on paper vg should help u to come online earlier and give a bit more space for other cores to farm (not ur mid guy only, but also the offlaner, since offlaners are currently way more greedy than they used to be).

                        Free 2 Play Scootz

                          I haven't played am much this patch but I can say bf Rush is optional. If ur against a strong offlaner like axe or Necro id go vg first. However if ur against a solo off and free farming, bf before vg is alright.


                            u get it with vanguard as a fighting build.

                            people also dont really play the vanguard build properly, as soon as you have vanguard you want to make the enemy teams life miserable (i usually pick am into slark, slark camps safelane for 10-12 minutes for shadowblade money, if am shows up 7-8 mns in with vanguard, he cant get zoned and slark cant farm)

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                                  AM is a momentum based hero. He can't delay his momentum item (which is battle fury) by 1,00 GOLD . (1/4th of bfury price pretty much) for a useless ring of aquila

                                  u get it with vanguard as a fighting build.
                                  people also dont really play the vanguard build properly, as soon as you have vanguard you want to make the enemy teams life miserable (i usually pick am into slark, slark camps safelane for 10-12 minutes for shadowblade money, if am shows up 7-8 mns in with vanguard, he cant get zoned and slark cant farm)

                                  Good players can pull it off in good situations.. but this doesn't mean it's the "go-to" build.. sure it can be done.. especially by players like Miracle..
                                  But Dota is still Dota, AM needs farm to output damage and increase his team fighting potential.
                                  like KR said, it can be done if you play it correctly,
                                  but it's not like that's always the optimal thing to do all the time every single game reliably because of the potential drafts that differ game to game

                                  :horse: :horse:

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                                    i actually wanna try it now that i think about it ...


                                      only legit if u get vanguard after bf i think


                                        The Thing about anti mage early game is he needs his team to intiate and keep the enemy focus on someone else and vangaurd dosnt make much diffrance. Hes dps is pretty low early game and all he can do is finish of heros with low health and secure kills with mana void and spent time on farming(before his core item manta or bkb or ablade)
                                        I think getting Vladmir early is way better than vg
                                        Btw im just normal skill xd


                                          Vanguard first is an fucking OG build u guys now that you can make it into basher It's no longer a waste of money to buy it. Vlads should be gotten right after battlefury or not at's a waste of a slot late game and before BF u do no dmg so the life steal u get from it sucks and vangaurd will help you fight better. Vlads is just for flash farming when u get a quick BF because u never have to go back to base.


                                            Pros that i watch go PMS into Aquila into battlefury or vanguard, then manta or abyssal by then its gg.


                                              slahser's wayyyyyy


                                                ive been liking other casual small items alot more, like raindrops or oov