General Discussion

General DiscussionBENAO GETS RAPED BY 2.4K GUYS

BENAO GETS RAPED BY 2.4K GUYS in General Discussion

    lm ao

      actually everyone (especially the forum oldf4gs) care


        Most toxic and selfish 4 k noob gets rekt by guys with half his mmr is actually Most funny thing i could imagine


          Always fun when someones ego outweighs their skill so heavily like in Benao's case.


            ROFL GET REKT


              Why the fuck would this invoker build a Necro


                Good . Always thought that guy was shit


                  Also on the team, can confirm we are as scrubby as our mmrs suggest, really great game anyway!


                    What part of that game was great?


                      The Part when their dicks were soooooooooooooo Depp in your Ass.


                        Well, this is the first time we have played in a tournament as a team so it was a really great experience, and the game had some pretty enjoyable team play, at least for us :)


                          dont be mad, it makes u look like a fool

                          Giff me Wingman

                            this shit is getting better and better :D:D:D:D:D


                              I'm glad I decided not to play with Benao lmao what a disasterous game.

                              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                OMG this is one of the best post in dota buff I ever seen...

                                Mike Wazowski..!

                                  SMH lol


                                    checked the invokers profile. he is an account buyer if you say he is 6.4k i mean just look at his profile LMAO.
                                    you have been fooled


                                      Who told me 3k Team is alwaysshit and cant compare to 5k?


                                        Im pretty sure Benao did Party, he also said he wrecks any 4k and 5k teams.


                                          Well played


                                            I always go for 4-1-1-1 build at level 7 when I play Silencer. Is there a reason to do something else?

                                            We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                              How much I gotta pay to sticky this? LUL


                                                You're blaming the loss on me? Really? Or just getting some tips on silencer?




                                                    Last word does more dmg and it gives vision so that you can harrass as long as he doesn't use a skill, it also prevents them from making any combo. Even though the curse is aoe it has a weak effect even on supports though sometimes when i can't right click enough times I end up not skilling up glaives to give an extra boost to the curse whenever I know people are staying around and fight, you know so that the curse can do some real dmg.

                                                    But since I'm support and I'm against one enemy, last word is better. I usually use it to keep the offlaner level 1.

                                                    Anyways.. I usually need to nuke people fast to make them retreat or die (+ vision) so Last word is perfect for that. You know, vision is essential, you'd get to see if he's accompanied and by whom, you might chase or not and reducing cooldown for the skill makes it first priority. It's like a freeward of the enemy position in teamfights while Curse is just some battle hunger that doesn't even slow and does minimal dmg over time if the fight lasts lets say 10 seconds. They'd just back and heal. Better secure some nuke and info.


                                                      Usually I can do some extra rightclicks on enemy offlaner because of the slow from Q. And if you play vs an offlaner who needs to use some skills to escape (e.g. Slardar - Stun and Sprint) he will take some extra damage for using these skills. Also the damage from Last Word scales poorly. Also AOE damage+slow looks much better in teamfights, than a single target damage+silence.

                                                      P.S. Skill with 30 secs cooldown is not so good for zoning offlaners, I think.

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        I think his skillbuild is pretty solid for pos4 silencer in offlane. maxing Last word first is okay because they had enough slow from beastmaster's boar and you don't need more points in q for dmg if there's noone who spams his spells in lane - not sure if unelashing fire spirits triggers addictional duration of q (otherwise the damage is pretty pathetic for lane harrass)...
                                                        I would completely skip q and focused on glaives and last word and went for euls in that specific case but I didn't played it nor watched replay and didn't played much silencer...
                                                        just a word from normal skill silencer who is just under 3k mmr :-)

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                          to put it simply, dmg over time scares nobody and has close to no effect in a short skirmish i'd say it mostly just tickles. They can just eat a tango and say fuck you.


                                                            I can't agree with that. Your goal is not to scare them, but to kill them.
                                                            Q deals 210 AOE damage over 6 seconds + extra 140 damage over 4 seconds for every spell cast.
                                                            E deals 300 single target damage.
                                                            So Q deals more damage than E if enemy casts at least 1 spell. Difference is even bigger if you hit multiple enemies with Q before their cast sequence. Plus 18% is not the greates slow in the game, but it can make the difference when you chase someone.

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              1 enemy dead from the start of the fight counts more than 2 enemies that are going to die in 10 seconds and rape your ass in the meantime.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                You still have 150 damage from lvl 1 Last Word.




                                                                    Extra 50 damage for level 2/3/4 of Last Word is what I think is negligible.


                                                                      Holy shit max q silencer players tilt me out so hard


                                                                        ^But why? Last Word was great at some time when it provided slow and disarm. Now it's only silence. It looks like all players just have very slow reflexes to change their skillbuilds accordingly to game changes.


                                                                          I rarely skill the same on silencer so don't include me on that

                                                                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                            How much mmr do you have Benao and Soultrap?

                                                                            A Dam

                                                                              I think instead of talking about skill builds you should work on your team play :)


                                                                                ^ why are you giving someone else advice when you are in normal skill bracket ?


                                                                                  that's clearly not the problem. When your supposed 7k loses to a 3k that's when you have a problem. As I said, that shit won't happen again.


                                                                                    maxing 1st as silencer is bad indeed

                                                                                    Mike Wazowski..!

                                                                                      Hey benao.. I looked at the game to see how 3Ks trashed 5Ks.. I'm not blaming you..but I think you lost the game coz every time you used global you guys ended up killing neither the titan nor the phoenix.. And the invo is just bad..I might only be 3.5k, but that invo is bad!

                                                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                                                        Both silencer builds are legit. Maxing Q over E can be as good as maxing E over Q. It's all about prefrence,


                                                                                          My fault invoker deals 0 dmg in 5 seconds?

                                                                                          Mike Wazowski..!

                                                                                            Its your team should talk it out!


                                                                                              No I fucking shoouldn't. I went support cause I supposedly had a 7k mid. As I said, that shit won't happen again. See what happened that game? That's why I don't want a low fucking 4k scrub in my team.

                                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                What are you talking about?
                                                                                                I downloaded the replay and saw autistic shit from everyone.

                                                                                                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                                                  You are a 4k scrub dude, stop trying to say you're higher mmr

                                                                                                  Mike Wazowski..!

                                                                                                    You are blaming 4ks forgetting that you lost to 3ks.. If all sub 5ks are bad then you should have won this game easy..