General Discussion

General DiscussionEasiest-Hardest-Most Fun Heroes

Easiest-Hardest-Most Fun Heroes in General Discussion

    For you, which is the easiest hero to play in dota 2, which is the hardest, and which is the most fun?

    Personally I believe the easiest hero to play in dota is Vengeful Spirit because it's so hard to mess up.
    If you play it support, all you need to do is pull/stack and stun in lane.

    The hardest hero to play in dota is either Meepo or Earth Spirit purely because I'm so slow at using my Meepo's.

    The most fun hero in the game for me is probably Lich as its extremely easy and I usually play with friends; we lane and almost every time I pull off an Ultra kill or something with my ultimate. Lich is EXTREMELY good with a Faceless void or anybody else who can group people together for a long time such as Chaos Knight.


      Easiest hero for me is sniper. Few active item/ability same for drow ranger

      Hardest prolly is earth spirit, i didn't tried him yet tbh and chen and enchattress cuz of micro thing

      Funniest are Invoker cuzz theres so much way u can kill heros. Anti-mage cus hes really cool boy and his abilties are funny.

      lm ao

        e: wraith king. how do u even lose with this hero

        h: puck. u may say meepo or chen, but learning to micro is super easy compared to attuning your reflexes to this very fast game's pace, where snything can happen in a matter of subseconds.

        f: puck. cause its very rewarding to succeed on this hero. tinker too, although i still have to learn him. if invoker was a girl i wouldve mained him.

        getting bj'ed and distracted

          e: wraith king. how do u even lose with this hero

          Aint mage says hi


            Easiest : Medusa . All you need is to be able to count up to 6 . Then shoot away .

            Hardest : Tie between Meepo and Earth Spirit . You can't just sometimes casually play these heroes , you gotta be a Earth Spirit and Meepo player to be useful in game .

            Most Fun : Timbersaw for me xD . Hook here hook there , press 3 buttons 4 times and supports evaporate .

            Questo commento è stato modificato
            getting bj'ed and distracted

              E: crystal maiden. Despite the sluggish feel with her turn rates, move speed and cast points, she's still really easy to play as support. Always has impact (afk aura ever since it was implemented in 6.4x i think made a huge difference)

              H: i agree with dogolino here. Puck feels like a dota-lol lovechild and requires solid execution to be decently impactful.

              F: brewmaster. From voice acting to skillset, really fun. It's been ages since I played him, and last I played him was against trash talking cebuanos in a dota 1 lan 3v3 with my ilonggo shipmates. Rekt them real gut. Feelsgoodman

              lm ao

                mga bisaya bobo


                  putang ina mo bobo

                  getting bj'ed and distracted

                    Pisting yawa mga bugu

                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                      Berat kamu eu iroy


                        Easy: Omniknight
                        H: Earth Spirit, IO, Meepo, Enchantress+Chen, Puck
                        Fun to play: everything when game is nice

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                          Easiest for me as carry is slark, as support would be lion, lich is stupidly easy....most difficult and most fun in one hero is wisp/io for me


                            E: pa
                            H: meepo,Arc member at decent lvl
                            F: voker or tinker


                              E wk (guys i have q)
                              H meepo
                              F storm

                              Pale Mannie

                                Pudge in all three categories

                                Tresdin Aznable

                                  Easiest: Pa Or Wk.

                                  Hardiest: To me It has always been arc warden and Invoker. But that's probably because I play nothing but right clickers

                                  And Funnist to me HAS TO BE LEGION COMMANDER :DD 463 games and counting

                                  stupid fuck 2000

                                    E: viper, wk, dk, lion
                                    H: puck, meepo, invoker, tinker
                                    F: ember spirit, tinker, timbersaw, invoker, storm, witch doctor

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      Easiest: WK one active ability, maybe you need to use hotkeys for dagger/bkb/armlet/tp but that's about it

                                      Hardest: Chen. Meepo requires muscle memory, same with Invoker. Earth Spirit does have hard to land skill shots but with Chen you always have to have a cool mind to not freak out and just lose it, and fast reflexes for you to put your creeps to maximum use which is hard enough in itself, not considering that every situation varies.

                                      Funnest: Io. Tether escapes and Relocate throws are always funny as hell, also it makes me feel like a Huskar, always on mid-low health but instead of damaging I'm healing.

                                      ✪ BATSSS

                                        E: Heroes without a fuck about skills cause of low mana cost, also easier if the hero has less LH issues, and many passives (so unfortunately not wk), prob... PA
                                        H: Tried Meepo, not so hard, even in a losing game my GPM is 700 something, Earth Spirit is not so hard, i learned... To me my problems are'nt micro or aiming... Its... A bit complex, and my hardest hero is... Well... DAZZLE!!!! WHY? Okay... Playing dazzle gives me a burden around my friends... They said... If you grave perfectly thx, if you're late... I will report... Seriously... And i have terrible cast point math... So yeah i cant grave
                                        FTP: Storm Spirit, Timbersaw...
                                        Y? Audio Responses...
                                        SS: I am Over Here Now!!! ZIPPPPP!!! Touchè!, HaHa, Where's The Party
                                        Timber: That one looks angry!!! Trees.... EVERYWHERE!!!

                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                          hoi yawa sayo kaayo ng mata para lang maka comment dri tulog sayo dugay mo mata oy para mutaas, mga adik

                                          ASSESS Product

                                            E: Viper
                                            H: Chen
                                            F: Kotol


                                              The most rewarding hero to win a game with is Chen. No other hero in the game has as big of a powerspike and as many potential things u can do. Harpy harras mid, smoke gank with troll / cent / hellbear, wildkin stackfarm. every game is different. if jungle gives u lemons but u want to go gank... u cant. u get a wildkin on 1st camp u go stack the 2 mdeium camp and tornado farm one doublestack minute 1, one triplestack minute 2. bam lvl 4 or 5. go get 2 big creep and gank now.
                                              every game is different and if you can work around your teammates you can win games very convincingly and quickly (20-25 min). Imagine your opponents being unable to point out their own mistakes. imagine people playing dota the way they want to play but just get rolled over by your early game win into 6 towers into rosh into HG at 25 minute. look at them in all chat. wondering what happened. showing them that u CAN punish their greedy shitpick and actually make a pushstrat WORK. its the best feeling.

                                              Most boring heros

                                              Hard heros:
                                              i struggle with Earth Spirit, Wisp and even Tinker. Probably many people find Chen to be harder though.


                                                E: Wraith King
                                                H: Invoker, Meepo, Chen
                                                F:Ogre Magi is pretty hilarious


                                                  E: lina!
                                                  H: invoker
                                                  F: earth spirit


                                                    E: WK like this hero only has one skill that is targetable. It's a fucking no brainier hero just stun and hit
                                                    H: I wanted to say meepo or Chen but I fell what dogolino is correct puck reflex is harder
                                                    F:Kunkka . Absolutely love this hero imo

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                                                      WALANG PANDESAL SA CUPCAK...

                                                        E: TerrorBlade
                                                        H: TerrorBlade
                                                        F: TerrorBlade

                                                        getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                          Ano ni gina mual ya man. Huy pamahaw to danay huy gutom lang na.

                                                            Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                              Easy- Omni

                                                              Hard- The "spirit" heroes, most micro heroes also take skill (just a different kind)

                                                              Fun- Puck, but only if you're good with the hero


                                                                ez - all the hard heroes
                                                                hard - all the ez heroes
                                                                fun - arc

                                                                my life is a mystery


                                                                  easy: void. too many things going on? pause the game for a few seconds and figure it out.

                                                                  hard: puck and voker. i understand everything about them, just can't pull it all together most of the time.

                                                                  fun: phoenix. hard to lose with this hero right now, and he is pretty versatile.


                                                                    Easiest hero to use : barathum , pick up moonshard + dominator + mkb + your charging strategy : you wmin
                                                                    Too hard to run? Use charge
                                                                    Too hard to open? Click and let's run for your life
                                                                    Too hard to kick enemy's butt? Moon shard + mkb for what? XD

                                                                    Fun hero to use : lifestealer , slip and kill.. who don't want? XD

                                                                    Aditional : night stalker
                                                                    Wait when evening. And time to Sparta XD .. add it with BKB and silver edge : and say goodbye .. enigma want to BH you? When you fat enough .. Even he's using dual black hole.. still not really useful tho since he's already bulk and ready to become tank

                                                                    Hardest hero to use ever : TA , I swear I never going to use her anymore.. it's super hard to use
                                                                    Far harder than Rubick or either invoker

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                    getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                      Putang ina man eh. May pwe pwe pa nga extra.

                                                                      getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                        TA only becomes hard to use when you skip dagger for a shadow blade, like I often see other TA noobs do.


                                                                          Easy: Omniknight
                                                                          Hardest: Rubick, the glorified range creep
                                                                          Funnest: Rubick, the glorified range creep


                                                                            wow this kind of thread like this shit have visitor o_O

                                                                            for me
                                                                            ez : invoker,alche
                                                                            Hardest : chen(wtf with this hero. his ulti is shit)
                                                                            fun : techies,rubick

                                                                            I can’t believe its not h...

                                                                              E: drow, jugger
                                                                              H: chen, invo
                                                                              F: ench and treant, cause When you get that 5 man ulti on treant

                                                                                Questo commento è stato cancellato
                                                                                Not Supp-ort

                                                                                  Easiest is slark not sure u even need a mouse


                                                                                    Easiest : for sure AM
                                                                                    Hardest : Meepo or Io
                                                                                    Most Fun : Rubick, Riki, Broodmama


                                                                                      easiest - definitely Traxex. Unless u use shadow blade as an escape mechanism. Hardest - Invoker - never even tried and not gonna soon.
                                                                                      But most fun - of course PUDGE the BUTCHER. I love him even if he's ugly

                                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                        does anybody even still build shadow blade on ta?


                                                                                          E: spectre-> hit creeps= win games
                                                                                          H: morph (that I've tried), probably earth spirit of those I haven't.
                                                                                          F: Anti-mage (all the split push), WD (for those satisfying ults), cm (cause I can do what I want and be impactful no matter what)

                                                                                          La Lumière

                                                                                            Easiest: Viper, Wraith King, Sniper
                                                                                            Hardest: Meepo, Chen, Earth Spirit
                                                                                            Most fun (funnest isn't a word ): 6.86 Arc Warden


                                                                                              E:WK ( 1 Skills, 2 Lives, buildin Lifesteal, buildin Criticals. something that newbie in dota Need )
                                                                                              H:Chen, Meeps


                                                                                                Ez: AM, PA, VIPER
                                                                                                Hard: invoker, chen
                                                                                                Fun: invoker, pudge, clockwerk :>


                                                                                                  ez : slark
                                                                                                  hard : sniper
                                                                                                  fun : tinker


                                                                                                    ez : sniper , drow , jugg , viper , pudge , omni
                                                                                                    hard : ivk , storm , sf , ta
                                                                                                    fun: clock , bat , storm , timber

                                                                                                    like clock for long range hook and rocket
                                                                                                    bat is a kidnapper :D
                                                                                                    storm - zip zap
                                                                                                    timber - timberchain of coz

                                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                      ez: pa
                                                                                                      Hard: my win rates say lion and cm. any micro hero, my brain can't use two units.
                                                                                                      fun: mirana because w/ aghs got 1000 damage and early game solo kills mid. Any hero I am wrecking the other team with.

                                                                                                      Ruben Amorim

                                                                                                        Easiest : Bristleback
                                                                                                        Hardest : Shadow Fiend
                                                                                                        Funniest : Techies