General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf Riki

Nerf Riki in General Discussion

    Riki's current winrate is 54%. Whenever I dont play him myself, the opponent picks him. Scores always end up 25/3 for Riki's K/D.

    The thing is; even with proper warding etc, Riki has so many ways to stay alive: Smoke Screen when heroes get close (pretty big AoE) or if he loses invisibility, Ultimate if he loses invisibility or in the middle of a teamfight. Blink strike for chasing a hero or blinking out (since it can be used on any unit).

    A couple patches ago, Riki got his ultimate changed. At the time I believed it to be a nerf, but after playing a few matches, it shows that its actually much better than the previous abilities.

    Even the health regeneration Riki used to have while invisible is not really an issue anymore. It's usually worth it to build a Linkens or Hood of Defiance depending on the opponents lineup.

    From what I've heard, its not used a lot in the pro-scene, but I see it a hell of a lot in my matches.

    Overall its a shit hero, and only one of few which not rarely achieve a 25/0 K/D. Its one of those heroes which i've come to lovehate due to a playstyle called 'rat dota' .

    Any thoughts?

      Pale Mannie

        Riki is fine


          ur also pick riki often dude, go spam him if u think hes OP and lets look what u can do in vhs bracket


            yea i said I pick him myself too; doesnt matter for me i still think he's OP and should be nerfed.


              I was coding something in C and found the answer in some Russian Forum. For some reasons i also had this Tab open. Yeeey


                I just think the cooldown on his ult is far too low, he can use it like a goddamn sandstorm


                  he kinda sucks in the last couple of months

                  Preap Sovath

                    He has few hp base already so he doesn't need to be weaken.

                    But I think trick of the trade should have more cooldown or decrease channeling time 1 sec

                    Johnny Rico

                      Riki has a high w5 because tards like you dont know how to play against him.
                      He is really weak, low hp regen, stat dependent hero, easily countered by vision.


                        Why nerf riki? I dont get it


                          If there is a hero that needs to be nerfed. its Shadow demon/Mirana. Riki needs buff/aghs idea.

                          casual gamer

                            ^^strikes in tricks of the trade have x% cleave


                              NS scrub.

                              M U R D E R

                                Normal Skill XD

                                Every time I play against a NS Riki, I just pick a support (preferably Lion) and completely annihilate him with smart placement of sentry wards.

                                The guy's real squishy for the 1st 15-20 minutes or so, so use that time to shut him down.

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  Didn't riki have a higher winrate b4 his change?


                                    Rofl riki is countered hard by a good support player
                                    If you're too lazy pick slardar or something


                                      RIKI easy kill..just pick nuker and riki will gg..ez..or if u are hitter u just buy mkb for his smoke..ez win game


                                        i guess Lion is a very good counterpick now i think about it. You need a nuker indeed. However, just a plain "good support who wards" will not be able to do the job since he has so many escape mechanisms


                                          Why am i even reading this ,you want to know what i think about riki player here what i think and should he be nefted or not?
                                          1)Counter pick Shadar or BH ( Since 80% of the player pool don't know WTF can the diffusalblade do)
                                          2)Counter item not ward that stupid (gem, necros booklevel 3 if you don't know why you are a part of that 80%,MKB,dust(which riki can counter with his core item)
                                          3)Like most of those guy up here mention out NUKE ( any nuke can basically kill him i know i played him before )
                                          4)Unti it a neft because the enemy know exactly where you land to dust you (but if you dust when he is in unti then GG)
                                          5)Zeus kill riki super hard in lance
                                          6)Stand and fight don't run because that how backstap work.
                                          So no i don't think he should be neft you guy are just to stupid or always panic to kill him or because somebody feed the guy




                                            this is plain rat dota. How the f are you supposed to counter. I bet we have used like 60 wards




                                              this is your match, Riki 33-0. Just saying that at a certain point it has nothing to do with skill anymore. Riki is fine when he's on YOUR team lol


                                                pick bara, buy dust, win or lc bkb mkb, riki die in his purple smoke, range hero? force staff is there for u

                                                Execute Order 322

                                                  In higher brackets ppl have better game sense -> they use detection more effectively -> riki falls off

                                                  No need to nerf

                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                    Get proper detection and nuke the fucker down, then he can't do shit


                                                      Just go 2-1-2 with sentries on start.

                                                      Riki roam is useless in this scenario, unless your teammates get cought out of position and feed him.


                                                        cant you consider a hero to be broken if it's K/D becomes either 30-0 or 0-30? I get the sentries, but at 100g each it can become quite costly early game for a support that doesnt get to last hit. Whenever I play as Riki and I know my lane is warded, i ask for a laneswap cus chances are the other lane will not be warding


                                                          riki is fine
                                                          nerf retarded OP PA


                                                            what are you even saying


                                                              Zeus is the answer. Rush force staff. So you wont be killed ez on smoke. And then veil or ghost scepter . Aftrr soul ring and or mana boots of course. Soo gg ez. After a while there is nothing riki can do againt you .. hel will be afraid of you. And you always can ult to discover where he is. But dont be lazy. Even with ur second skill he still can run away. Use sentry often so you can initiate on him and dust so he cannot escape. Riki farm is so slow. He needs kills. If you dont allow that. He will take forever to get diffusal. And them gem is fucking core


                                                                Zeus is the answer. Rush force staff. So you wont be killed ez on smoke. And then veil or ghost scepter . Aftrr soul ring and or mana boots of course. Soo gg ez. After a while there is nothing riki can do againt you .. hel will be afraid of you. And you always can ult to discover where he is. But dont be lazy. Even with ur second skill he still can run away. Use sentry often so you can initiate on him and dust so he cannot escape. Riki farm is so slow. He needs kills. If you dont allow that. He will take forever to get diffusal. And them gem is fucking core


                                                                  Riki is dumpster on high level games. I can't win with him even I roam early to secure lanes of mid and hard carry. I always transitioned riki to carry mid game. But still high level player knows well how to set up a clash versus riki enemy.4-5.5k play


                                                                    Rikimaru Winrate is inflated by sub 3k doters,who can't even get early detection. At 5k doters Rikimaru is a walking gold.


                                                                      ^ na he's still viable in higher mmr games I am playing him in low 4K but I doubt he'll fall off in a couple hundred mmr . His rework Allows him to stay viable in higher brackets although he might stomp Low mmr games a bit less now .


                                                                        I doubt pros would have been playing him in tournaments if he was garbage .


                                                                          Your enemies were incompetent . They dont buy early detection wards , dust or gem neither a counter pick.


                                                                            Review your last Rikimaru game. So pathetic enemies hero of choices. Ez to stomp .lmfao

                                                                            Johnny Rico

                                                                              for pros he is just a second bounty hunter, plus he is better in most situations cause of the silence.


                                                                                At 5k doters Rikimaru is a walking gold. Nope. hes still a bounty hunter-like roaming pain in the ass.


                                                                                  As a fellow NS player, i find countering riki isnt hard.

                                                                                  1. Pick a direct counter (BH, Slardar) i'd recommend picking slardar since in NS we can't maximize BH's ability.

                                                                                  2. Pick annoying str heroes, like Axe or Bristleback (just spam b-call and quill spray) or have a legion commander to duel him (he's really squishy it's a free dmg).

                                                                                  3. Nukers will work (Zeus Lina and Lion).

                                                                                  4. Still having trouble with Riki? Rush Gem on Dragon Knight. Max your 3rd skill and you are a walking sentry.

                                                                                  If this doesn't help, i don't know what will.