General Discussion

General DiscussionCommends are everywhere now

Commends are everywhere now in General Discussion
The Real Carry

    So basically before they implemented Underlord, commends used to be something you earned as you had to do something impressive, friendly or forgiving however recently i have noticed that you can commend anyone as many times as you want at the end of each game and on top of that you can even commend people who you queue with. What do people have to think about this?


      I don't really give a shit .


        "Forgiving" commend was the hardest to get, now they are all the same... *sigh*


          Well there was a time I gave a shit, b4 the reborn update. Like they categorize the commend to 4 group like forgiving , teaching and etc. Which u can check in someone's profile , now its pointless


            Meaningless all along

            doc joferlyn simp

              stats dont lie, commends do


                I commend you

                bum farto

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    ^this guys commends number greater than all of the matches ive ever played


                      commends are equivilent to reddit upvotes

                      Président® Salted Butter

                        Commends are pointless now.


                          Havoc has become a weeb NotLikeThis


                            damn son fixed, this thread made me waste all my 6 commends which im never going to use anyway

                            thinking about it it could be good...


                              Havoc has become a weeb NotLikeThis

                              says sano who had the dp of johan for the longest time

                              me, government hooker

                                i want to be a weeb too


                                  why are people missing stars


                                    Johan is my waifu


                                      Hey wheres my star

                                      Prolly cuz I haven't played in a while idk


                                        I thought you were below 5k sano ?


                                          i'm bad but not that bad :)


                                            Johan? I thought it was Kiritsugu


                                              it is, i had johan from monster like 1-2 years ago


                                                Ah, that johan

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  fucking furries

                                                  5 Colored Paragon


                                                    this is the first time i gave a commend on enemy (drow ranger), because i saw him typing on chat; how he feel guilty their team is losing because of him being newbie. so i thought, wow this guy is really honest i should give him a commend.

                                                    i wish i could play with him, some people are fun to play with.


                                                      How do you even know what type of commend you get before ?
                                                      Never know how to do that in the older version.