General Discussion

General DiscussionWarlock

Warlock in General Discussion
Dota 2 Department of Onco...

    Why isn't this hero played more?

    +53% winrate in every bracket, always gets buffs (earth spirit had 53% winrate on 5k+ bracket so he got raped on the balance table), easy to play, hard to play against.


      long cd ult dependent

      Hanamichi Sakuragi

        Because he is a support. (Forgot my Kappa)

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          If he gets caught out the only way he will survive is using your ult for the stun. Has no low cd stuns or anything to actually get away. He's good team fight but guy have to ride your Carrys dick all game or you'll just get caught out and feed so he's pretty boring


            Get pipe of insight against him and his ult doesnt do shit


              Refresher aghs is always surprisingly effective


                He is effective just at the first of the game. if your enemies getting FAT, Warlock Ulti Cannot do a shit . :-)


                  165secs cd leaves a very big window where you are vulnerable to a well-organised team.

                  General Asim Muneer

                    @Geshtapo ... if he is effective early then his carries must be fat too? his ult is team fight material not a 1v1 thing


                      I played mainly supports and I can confirm that WL is hard to play...he need big fight for his skills to be effective...and he has no escape mean considering his core item, this hero need more buff...

                      Dire Wolf

                        I think it's cus he's kind of boring actually. No stuns, can't roam well, his slow makes him stand still and be vulnerable. He is strong in lane cus chains + his dot combos well and can push any offlaner or mid out of lane. But lack of stuns and long cds mean he doesn't fit on as many teams.

                        And the pros say he's actually better as a mid with farm but that never happens in pubs. In fact he often gets forced into a 5 spot over a 4 spot which is pretty bad for warlock.

                        casual gamer

                          if im the only support i cant kill mid with it = useless


                            Hes one of my top 3 heroes. i mostly pick him as support cause of good healing ability with shadow word. Also Fatal Bonds is not to be underestimated in teamfights.

                            milk that tastes like rea...

                              nobody mention upheaval?

                              Dire Wolf

                                upheaval is a great spell but channeling it to max takes too long until ranks 3/4, the cooldown is insanely long at lower levels too, and it requires warlock to sit and be vulnerable, much like shadow shaman chains in that regard, except it doesn't disable so you can't turn and kill him.


                                  I'm the Warlock player dude :) this hero is op