General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i get to 2k

how do i get to 2k in General Discussion

    To win in 1k you have to get a decent understanding of farming. Thats it.


      U can win at 1k by knowing how to win.

      Remember, if ur teammates are shit , then the enemy also has to be shit.

      Outplay them. Pick a hero who will not fall off late game. Out farm enemy, get kills, avoid death at all costs.

      Develop good skills.


        Spam Omniknight or WD or any support hero you know... or practice with bots first...


          dude.. just create new acc... u will nvr srvive with that acc... :-D


            lol I calibrated at 1.2. Op all I can say is. The ppl there are terrible. So terrible. They don't know basics. Start learning basics cuz I'm pretty sure u don't know any.

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              The Medic Guy

                wanna trade account?

                i have 3,3k mmr both solo and party.
                contact me if you want to trade


                  In 1k people have reaction of a granny. Maybe try Tinker? Its so much fun nuking everyone out of position.

                    swift beaver

                      hey cookie,

                      I mostly play with RL Friends, and they are utterly garbage players. I think they are 300-800 MMR players. They feed, they can't LH, they don't learn, they buy the wrong items, they don't do what you tell em to do, did i mentioned that they don't learn? (they played more games than myself, but still are garbage).

                      My Gamesense got a bit boosted while watching TI and several vids in game leap. But how to use this gamesense, when the games are completely different dota as what we see in vids/guides or high mmr plays.

                      I know that it's mostly my fault that we loose etc. I experiment a bit because it's non-ranked games all the time.
                      And my concentration is garbage someitmes, that's why i tend to not play ranked atm..

                      Also I often take risk and tilt :/. Hence my deathcounter is kinda high. Pushing High Ground to early, etc. dumb fails. I know that I should die less. But it's a bit hard for me, when my teammates never show themselves on the map at all. and the enemy team only seeing me on the map farming the lane.

                      Should i just play more egoistically and farm instead of helping my team out? I tend to fight/push alot instead of efficent farming.

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                        After a while (5k+) it becomes impossible to solo outfarm and win games. Teamplay is a great trait to learn.

                        But that's for 5k+, till then u learn solo win 1v9.

                        Also, fatming up and split pushing isn't the only method to solo win.

                        Dying a lot comes from bad gamesense. If youwere to know that the enemy will be focusing or ganking you there, then u wont die as easily.

                        So get better gamesense

                        swift beaver

                          okay, ty. you mentioned split push and farming isn't the only method to solo win.
                          Can you describe it a bit? What did you mean by that? Just want to improve hearing from a good player (please consider I am at 2.5k MMR currently).

                          Will try to hear to myself more and the screams of my brain saying it's dangerous to avoid death by all means.
                          Often I tend to try to save a teammate regardless if it's hopeless or not and the result is that I die in the process. Kinda trying to get rid of this stuff (my personality is to value others higher than myself).

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                            @cookie how do you get 800 cs in 30 mins?



                              there's as many as you can think of, the idea is to win the game. it's dependant on the game situation and hero picks.

                              example antimage would find his victory in farming up and pushing.

                              meanwhile, slark would find it in an early sb and ganks/pickoffs

                              terror would find it in siegeing towers early whenever his ult is up.

                              Crystal maiden would find it in setting up her carry and ganking/stopping the enemy from farming.

                              every hero has a different win method. and so forth, it really just depends on all the picks and what's available to you...

                              also: trying to p*ssy out and not die will lose you the game, that's where gamesense comes in. you need to predict what should happen so that you DON'T die.

                              but more importantly that you do EVERYTHING TO YOUR HERO'S LIMIT, without crossing that limit.


                              you need to either have really good farming patterns or really good micro.


                                That last hit challenge will help you a lot, you don't have to be a master with mechanics, if you are 6 slots by 30 minutes the enemy team will shit their pants. You push towers and creeps non stop, look at your minimap every few seconds, if something happen to your teamates, ask yourself if you should TP first, 4v1 against shadow demon to get 74 gold is not a good TP if you can get 9 creeps + half a tower hp in the meantime. In pub from time to time I'll join a not-so-efficient team fight just to keep my team happy, you don't want them to be toxic at you because they don't understand the game like you do. It's all about momentum right, if you get 3-4-5 towers really fast, your team is fed, they are happy, this is a good opportunity to get rosh and high ground. Oh btw play like they are bots, don't expect any help and you won't be disappointed. Just brings your own wards and protect yourself.

                                if you stand behind a tower, the enemy team kill that tower and nothing happen you are losing that game super fast. Look at the pros, they never dance behind buildings, they defend it or they don't, no circle-jerk party behind the tower. You can push creeps and eventually with good map awareness you can push tower by yourself and balance the gold. If the enemy is pushing a T1 and there is no way your team can defend it, you can start pushing one by yourself. 2 things may happen; either the enemy team will tp to protect that tower (now your team can defend that tower you were losing initially) or nobody will tp and they will let you trade.


                                  update : my mmr is now 1097 because bristle fed riki and wk. im cursed with bad teammates


                                    @cookie could you give an example of good farming pattern?


                                      @subzero. so you're saying the game is somehow putting your acc with terrible players so you'll lose mmr.

                                      ok so you wanna bet 10$ on that?

                                      @Reaper example: you're in the laning phase, you're some carry, let's say sven.

                                      you have some items, it's like 5-6 min and you have your hotd.

                                      first thing you'd do is get an ememy range creep and send it to your ancients to stack. that's a farming pattern, you've added potential +200~ gold per min for every stack you'll make. unless the enemy steals it, you have +200 gpm from now.

                                      ok lets increase that, every time you clear a creepwave you'd go to a near side camp in the jungle, example hard/easy camp next to the safelane.

                                      you'd clear that quickly and then you'd walk back into lane without missing creeps.

                                      now you've added another +200 gpm for taking 2 camps and 2 creepwaves per minute.

                                      you get the ideas.

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                      Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                        @subzero I said it once, I'm saying it twice, your team is not the reason you are losing.
                               AM feed and farm for 30 mins late Battle Fury. Sven has bad gamensense.
                               Zeus mid and feed.
                               SB diving till fountain, same for Drow.
                               Drow dc.
                               Sniper dumb as fuck.
                                        In this games, I have the highest hero damage and one of the top 3 highest gpm in the game.
                                        I listed only my recent games which means this is daily, you are not the only one who is "cursed with bad teammates".
                                        Guess what, all wins with this fuckers and now at 3k. Stop being a shitty ego maniac.


                                          Git gud is pretty useless advice for someone trying to climb out of 1k bracket. I realize that your MMR mirrors your skill level pretty accurately but there are exceptions and the 1k bracket is probably the most striking one. In SEA 1k, you, if you play short lane carry, you will always lane with either another carry or a support that actively fights you for last hits(the likes of Lich, Shaman, Rubick and Omniknight will use their spells to steal entire creepwaves) so even 30-40 CS at 10 minutes is something of an achievement. Secondly, no matter how good you are, every second or third game you'll be in a situation where two of your teammates are 1-12 at the 15 minute mark making it impossible for you to salvage because by the time your Spec gets her Vanguard, the other team's carry will have three or four major items. At higher MMR levels, that's not as much of an issue but in 1k, you can play as well as you want and you'll still end up losing at least half your games because your own teammates shut down your farm or you end up with retarded vegetables for teammates who'll see to it that the team score is something like 6-35 after 20 minutes.

                                          Edit: Someone suggested stacking ancients. At 1k it's not really worth it because by the time you get a decent stack, someone on your team may decide they need it more and go to town on it. Telling them to back off will get you a 'STFU' followed by a report.

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                                          swift beaver

                                            thanks for your inisight cookie, i appreciate it.

                                            swift beaver

                                              @stoned giant
                                              I hardly doubt this. I play 2.5k mmr and often see mates fail with 1-6 @ min 10 (my mark where i check everything (levels, items of mates and enemies, my items, my cs, estimate the enemy cs, etc.). It's not hard to have more networth then enemy carrys (6/1 stats f.e.) with efficient farming. Often most of the times some lanes are empty and you can easily farm the lane, then go ancients -> jungle->midlane->jungle->top lane->jungle->mid lane->jungle, etc...

                                              Just think about farming routes and never go anywhere without killing every camp on the way to the next lane. Except you have to tp/get in more safe position to farm.

                                              edit: also remember to stack jungle creeps at second 52/53 even while clearing it.

                                              Stack ancients for yourself while passing the ancient camp at the right time or with a dominated creep (supports don't do it for you at this mmr).

                                              Then you have more or at least the same amount of gold as the enemy "fed" carry who has 6-1 stats. And honestly most ppl at this mmr are confident that they are fed and think they cannot die, because of their stats and overextend themselves hardly. You can capatilize on this quite easily. Additional most ppl (enemy carries) tend to farm or fight, not both. They farm 10 minutes and jump to fighting. They run aimless through the map and only try to gank all the time. If you farm efficient at this time and split push safetly you get way ahead of the enemy team (xp, gold and objectives).

                                              ofc it sucks when your teammate dies 12 times. But you can easily use the "created space" to farm more freely. and with efficient farming you are in better shape as them.

                                              just my perspective at lower mmr plays.

                                              you mentioned that someone else gets the ancient stack you stacked. well great for your team. someone gets gold (even if it isn't yourself). You should still be happy that someone of your team gets the stacked ancients. Even if they die while doing this, they don't give the enemy gold/xp.

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                                                @Stoned Giant

                                                almost EVERYTHING you've just said is just retarded. i think you might have killed a couple of my brain cells.

                                                ok you wanna bet 10$ on what you've said?

                                                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                  @Stoned Giant
                                                  Basically you stack about let's say 7-8 times (I cut down certain trees at the Radiant to make this possible)
                                                  Now then that's a pretty big stack you got there and Sven is the only guy who can kill it at 20 mins.
                                                  No one can get the stacks except him, now you farm this stacks because you want the gold from your effort.
                                                  Okay you farmed the stacks and got about 2200 gold in a minute. That's more than you can get from a simple rampage.
                                                  HOW THE FUCK IS STACKING NOT WORTH IT???


                                                    Stacking isn't the problem, keeping your teammates from taking them is. As for cookie's braincells, as a long time lurker here, I sincerely doubt you had two to rub together in the first place.

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                                                        nice double post brainless...

                                                        like i said, if you want we can bet on it.

                                                        also, how exactly are your 1k teammates gonna steal a 5-6 stack with them having no farm to survive even stealing that stack.

                                                        sven is THE EARLIEST hero who can take a 5+ stack. there's no hero in the game who can take a 5+ ancient stack as early as sven.

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                          As long as the other team isnt taking the stack it is helping your chances of winning no matter who on your team takes it.....


                                                            No one does 5 stacks in 1k, best you'll get is 2 or 3 and that too after 20 odd minutes by which time at least one or two heroes have enough farm to take on a 2-3 stack. There are a few who will literally die trying *cough* Huskar *cough*.

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              that's why we suggest get a helm, get a range creep from lane and get stacks

                                                              you can get a 5 min hotd with sven and start stacking by 6th min

                                                              by 12 min you should have a 5 stack. . .

                                                              by 20+ min you should have cleared 2 more 4 stacks.

                                                              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                @Stoned Giant Your teammate dies because they aren't Sven. They don't get the stacks. And you will be god in the mid game. SeemsGood.

                                                                lm ao

                                                                  i can boost you

                                                                  Feeding in progress

                                                                    subzero didn't seem like you had a good draft for most games.

                                                                    In most games your LH was extremely low, I'm referring to when you played position 1 or 2 heroes.

                                                                    You aren't the only one alone in the 1 K MMR range. I've been playing for 1.5 years and I've still yet to hit 2 K as I've been training my mechanics in non ranked matches. Just keep practicing on game mechanics and analyzing different plays and you will improve over time.


                                                                      Ok, so reviewing your stats it is clear you can easily rise in MMR if you are prepared to accept a limited hero pool. Do not play heroes you are bad at playing.

                                                                      For instance:

                                                                      NEVER play Invoker -> 29 games, 24% winrate -> lost 375 MMR
                                                                      NEVER play Pudge-> 28 games, 36% winrate -> lost 300 MMR
                                                                      NEVER play Shadow Fiend-> 19 games, 31% winrate -> lost 325 MMR
                                                                      NEVER play Terrorblade-> 17 games, 29% winrate -> lost 275 MMR
                                                                      NEVER play Magnus-> 17 games, 29% winrate -> lost 275 MMR
                                                                      NEVER play Meepo-> 13 games, 23% winrate -> lost 175 MMR

                                                                      If you had just NOT played those heroes you would have avoided losing 1725 MMR points. Stop playing heroes your stats prove that you suck at playing if you want to go up.

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                      Ne .♥. Fa

                                                                        @subzero you say your last hits it good . 20min battlefury is good mmr 1k it's not good . You need farm brain n create new acc .


                                                                          @subzero you can't blame your team, unless it's heavy trolling, or if you're fighting the lane heavy then your game might not be the best but you can still manage it. Look at my games when I carry, usually my team is all shit. 1k is pretty easy just out farm the enemy team. Tbh don't care about team fighting or any of that because you can't really trust your team to pull off much, prepare for a 1v5


                                                                            First aim for 1.4k mmr then to not let it go past 1.2k with some losses then once you there for a bit aim for 1.6k and so forth . It won't be a steady climb unless u all of a sudden get a lot better or you find some hero that you click with very well but even if you find that hero you click with it'll likely just get you 500 mmr at most so you'll have to get better .


                                                                              usually i disagree with chilongquadiynasty but he's right this time.

                                                                              even when smurfing in 1k i had games where people threw on purpose, players that are actually skilled were throwing games on purpose to get as low mmr as possible just for the trolls.

                                                                              but you'll meet those players 1 in 50 games at best. the majority there is just shit in general.

                                                                              and the thing is, it's not just your teammates that are SHIT, it's also your enemies.

                                                                              and the reason we higher mmr players say this is because WE ABUSE THIS FACT. in some X mmr if your teammates are keen on making some mistakes, you're safe to assume the enemy will as well. so if your teammates don't ward, buy late courier, can't farm, can't gank.

                                                                              it's safe to assume that the enemy doesn't know that either, just because the fact that mmr is an average skill. some players there might know some tricks, but the average player there won't.

                                                                              so when i, or any other high mmr player plays on a low acc. the easiest way for us to win is to just realize what mistakes everyone makes, so that we can abuse them

                                                                              example in 4k, everyone has really great mechanics. but no one has gamesense or teamplay, making it super easy for me to abuse supporting in 4k up to an extent where i win pretty much a game without doing anything, just by leading my teammates.

                                                                              and this works in any mmr, spot what mistakes are common among your teammates/enemies and just abuse them.

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                ^ I think if my mechanics were better I could get 5k I haven't been playing in 4K long but I feel like my mechanics are below average for being 4K or maybe I am just self conscious about it lol :p


                                                                                  idk if you actually read my post, but like i said ''everyone in 4k has really great mechanics''

                                                                                  believe it or not, no matter how much you practice your mechanics you won't exceed 5k.

                                                                                  mechanics can only get you to 5k, and that's having perfect mechanics.

                                                                                  gamesense, decisionmaking, map awareness, teamplay etc. will get you out of high 4ks to 6k++

                                                                                  i actually hit that wall once myself, i was practicing mechanics as much as i could. but no matter how much i practiced, it didn't pay of like in 1-4k. till one day a good 6k player said to me, hey stop practicing mechanics. no matter how good you are at clicking your buttons you won't get out of high 4k to low 5k and then he showed me how to learn gamesense.

                                                                                  and then i got ez +25's

                                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                    i am a 3k.i am the definition of average....but still....i have some heroes that i play well.
                                                                                    how can you win a match like this?
                                                                                    palyed it last night...when teh dumb picks a pa mid vs tinker...they outpush us and from min 30 we were fighting vs megas after a 30k in NW difference..when simply we were outdrafted only with his middle pick?

                                                                                    aspiring to crusader

                                                                                      @Cookie, Sven isn't the only hero that can take ancient stacks at 20 mins... TA can do them at like 10 mins fairly easily.

                                                                                      Anyways I originally calibrated to 0.7k and have since reached 3.3k, so I'd say I'm fairly experienced at climbing out of the trench.

                                                                                      The best advice is simply to make a new account. If you really are any better than 1k, then create a new account, play ~20 games and see where you're at. This will show you exactly what your skill it.

                                                                                      The second piece of advice is to realise that you suck. It is a simple fact. Yeah your teammates suck, yeah they're retarded, but your enemies are just as bad!

                                                                                      Here is some news for you. You can 100% win 80% of your games. All it takes is a basic understanding of the game.

                                                                                      Here is my Sven guide for 1k players.

                                                                                      Ability Build:
                                                                                      Get one point in Q first.
                                                                                      Get one point in E next
                                                                                      Max W next getting Ult at 6/11/16
                                                                                      Max E next
                                                                                      Get stats over storm hammer (optional)

                                                                                      Item Build:
                                                                                      Tangos+Salve+Mango+1/2 GG branches
                                                                                      Buy Stout+Quelling blade next
                                                                                      Buy HotD next (Get helm first, unless you're getting absolutely nothing in lane and are planning on transitioning full time into the jungle)
                                                                                      Buy Treads then Echo Sabre.

                                                                                      1. Pick Sven
                                                                                      2. Go to whatever lane you want (mid jungle and offlane are fine at 1k)
                                                                                      3. Focus on getting EVERY SINGLE LAST HIT. You should NEVER miss a last hit unless getting it will kill you.
                                                                                      4. Rush HotD and dominate ranged creep
                                                                                      5. Focus on getting EVERY SINGLE ANCIENT STACK. You should NEVER miss an ancient stack
                                                                                      6. Buy treads and echo sabre for you next items
                                                                                      7. Once you get to about level 6, start pushing out the creepwave as fast as you can. This lets you duck into the jungle and stack/farm camps without missing lane creeps.
                                                                                      8. NEVER fight with your team. I DONT CARE if they flame ping you/call you noob/report. You ignore them until you're ready to fight. The noob thing to do is waste your time fighting/dying when you could be farming 500 gold in the jungle.
                                                                                      [Yes there are times when you should fight, however I dont trust your 1k decision making/game sense, so your best option is just to farm].
                                                                                      9. Take your ancient stack when you have treads+Max E. Use ult and R to farm it. If it isnt dead by the time your E finishes, then back off and wait for the cd to finish. No point tanking ancients without the bonus 20 armour.
                                                                                      10. Continue farming blink+bkb.
                                                                                      11. Your farming pattern should be something like *push out mid lane, go through the jungle and farm every camp (takes about 1 minute), push out your safelane, go back through jungle and farm the entire thing again. This should net something around 600gpm constantly.
                                                                                      12. ALWAYS take the shortest path between jungle camps. IE buy a quelling blade, and cut any tree that are between each camp. With a bit of experimenting/googling, you'll fine it's possible to get between any 2 camps with a single tree cut.
                                                                                      13. Farm more
                                                                                      14. Now you have Trads, Echo Sabre, Blink and BKB and its hoepfully before 25 minutes. It's time to start fighting with your team.
                                                                                      15. Whenever you ARENT fighting, you should be farming.
                                                                                      16. Farm up Satanic/AC
                                                                                      17. Remember to continue stacking ancients throughout the entire game (until you get satanic)

                                                                                      19. BUY WARDS. Seriously, Dont be afraid to buy wards and up the courier. Place a ward at the river at your jungle to make farming the jungle safe. When your t1 mid falls, get a ward up there too. When your t1 Safelane falls, get a ward up at the river entrance near the enemy offlane tower. This will mean nobody can enter your jungle without you seeing (unless they smoke which never happens at 1k).
                                                                                      Wards cost 65 gold. Deaths cost like 400 + a minute or so time which you arent farming, which adds up to about 1000g cost to you. +XP Loss and feeds enemies. Just spend the friggin 65g.

                                                                                      This is a very methodological guide. If you do this every single game, you should be getting an 80%+ Winrate at 1k. It will not work so well at higher MMRs of course. You cant just do the same thing over and over against at 5k and expect to win. 1k is a different story. This is EXACTLY what you can do.



                                                                                        the thing is, this is where gamesense comes. simply putting it, if i saw my teammates extensively feed like this, i'd either take the opportunity to push while they're getting ganked/dove behind towers or i'd join and fight with them. the thing is, you got your items too late and enemy was already snowballing.

                                                                                        gamesense in a nutshell is you having the ability to know what should happen, meaning that you should never be in a scenario that is out of your control. because you KNOW that it'll happen.

                                                                                        look at the charts yourself, radiant started a medium snowball after 14th min, the real snowball came after 17th++

                                                                                        so that means you could've done a lot in the first 20 min to prevent your enemies from snowballing.
                                                                                        what i do to prevent enemies from snowballing is very simple, as soon as i see another lane starting to feed i'd kick out my support to go roam and i'd solo 1v1 or 1v2 the offlaners. aka offlane/midlane wont feed because there's a 3v1-3v2-3v3 on those lanes, making it throwable either way.

                                                                                        safer option for the team is: i try to kill the offlaner on my lane so i'd force out rotations from their supports into my lane. aka our offlane/midlane wont be killed because their supports are here trying to stop me from killing theirs. but this will prevent you from farming, so you gotta either work with the 2v3 lane or go jungle and leave your support to get exp, and if the support just dies it doesn't matter.

                                                                                        safer option for me: kick out support

                                                                                        safer option for team: force enemy supports to rotate to my lane

                                                                                        why do you think higher mmr players like me check the scoreboard so much? even if another lane is losing it's your job to minimize the overall damage

                                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                        its gonna be fun

                                                                                          im at 900 now, and yes, im always stuck with team that doesnt buy ward when im take a carry heroes ( around 700-900) thats why now im start playing a supp, and get win more easilly, im just bad at last hit and farming, hope i can reach up to 1k,

                                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                            the suports done a great job harassing underlord in the early minutes so i started with a signifiant gold/xp advantage over their offlaner.i havent missed a creep in the 1st eight minutes than forced rotations from io and in min 10 i was 4/0 and with 80 lh....knowing the fact that my suports didnt babysit me after lvl 4, but tried to stack a bit and help the idiotic middle.i guess i was too greedy when i saw i had 12 min bf to still keep the enemy tower just to controll the creepwaves while farming close woods to get as much creeps as i could.that could have been the only toweri could get early...but it my have been a start for my splitpush.than after gettig bf..i tought i might need vlads just to contest easy sven i delayed even more what could have been a 17 min manta.than the snowball started and from 4-0 i woke up at 5-3 trying to get some farm and trying to defend rax against a sven that already had echo dagger hod daedalus 22 mins in.i tried to cut creepwaves when they started pushing....but this thing didnt prevented them from pushing....


                                                                                              Cookie is right. You can't get past 5k with only mechanics anymore. It used to be a different case without comeback patch and with 2x lower base gpm and everything being weaker resulting in less farm overall. Back then winning your lane was very important and everyone relied on that to win games as it was harder to throw and it was a bigger difference between you and enemy if you outdenied and outlasthitted your enemy. Game was about getting ahead and abusing the fact of being ahead. That's what I've been practicing (constant 1x1 practice games, leagues, tournaments etc.) and taking it to the extreme. That's why when ranked came out I was nearly 6k mid2014. At the start of 2016 I was approaching 3k because I've played way less dota (terrible mechanics and anger because of perpetually losing games while retaining my previous almost 0 game sense thus inability to adapt).
                                                                                              Lately I'm noticing that when I started to THINK it's quite easy to win games even with terrible mechanics and I've already done 1 of my old accounts back into 5k just by spamming dark seer and I'm almost back to that on this account by randoming/playing various heroes, too.

                                                                                              Btw, even though people might complain, but you can easily do a lot of impact with jungle heroes like bm/lc and climb super fast on the low mmrs. You will never have to compete for farm with your other carries/supports and you will never get contested in the jungle.


                                                                                                i just started playing supp and got +100 in one night. maybe im just a bad carry


                                                                                                  ^ Good on you for going support. Its harder and need more game awareness than you think.

                                                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                                    @subzero You can win EZ games below 2k just by picking support because people there usually just go 5 carry vs 5 carry. Support has higher impact in early game as they don't need farm or items. You won merely by ez draft.
                                                                                                    There is no certain saying if you are a bad carry or support yet, as you are still not familiar with the game fundamentals.
                                                                                                    And I hope people mention more on support, the role is seriously underrated and "discriminated". We already have enough Miracle, Dendi wannabes in normal skills. Don't dig the trench deeper now.