General Discussion

General Discussionanyone got feeling suddenly forgot or become fucking so terrible to p...

anyone got feeling suddenly forgot or become fucking so terrible to play dota 2 or is it just me? in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    so.... once i played like fucking good, everything going my way......
    like couple months ago i jsut like win streak , 4k mmr my dream hits.....

    and now i am 3475 mmr solo and i loss 6 UNRANKED games and did all terribly.....

    seriously is it only me or some of u guys experienced feels like u are the noobest one in the team

    any tips mate pls i cannot enjoy dota now


      catch some pokemon before getting into the next game

      oh wait, silly me, pardon for mentioning that shit game play ingress instead that's a real game unlike pokemon go


        U're getting old maybe? Enjoy the lore of the game. Listen how your hero responds to kills, especially those specific kills (d'u know what I mean?). Play it on the highest graphic settings. Try to troll your enemies (not your allies like those IO and Tiny dumbasses).


          U're getting old maybe? Enjoy the lore of the game. Listen how your hero responds to kills, especially those specific kills (d'u know what I mean?). Play it on the highest graphic settings. Try to troll your enemies (not your allies like those IO and Tiny dumbasses).

          Potato Marshal

            You're either becoming old, or becoming a woman, both groups are pretty bad at video games. Check with a doctor to make sure.

            Potato Marshal

              But seriously if it makes you feel any better, I was dipping between 3.8-3.5k mmr for a long time, had a few major lose streaks (losing 20/25 games) where I dropped down to around your mmr There were times where I thought about cutting my losses and just wanted to quit ranked games. There were points where my mmr was lower than yours is right now back in March, but went up to 4.5k by June.

              Dota really is a game best played when you're relaxed. Try not to play with the mindset that you're making up for losses, or that you want to get back to your old mmr. Take a break, maybe spend some time thinking about builds for your favorite heroes. Never play while stressed, never play more than 5 consecutive games in a row. Try learning and getting used to a new hero, even if you don't plan on playing them afterwards, it might help you learn new weaknesses when you play against them in the future. Just don't stress things out too much and you'll be able to get back to your old mmr at the very least.


                Anytime you tilt hard and feel llike everyone is so much better than you, just chill, take a break. Play unranked for a while. When you dont feel like an idiot anymore, play ranked.


                  Same with me...i win 1 month all(~700mmr) and the next month i loose
                  Now i started winning again
                  You can check my games in last few month:D

                  Fee Too Pee

                    @Snu i feel like an idiot play unranked m8 pls :(
                    appreciated these tips guys. hopefully i can enjoy play dota 2 soon again.

                    i kinda suspicious i kinda lost it when i play alone because lately i played so much with my friend with lower mmr (ex : queling blade + stout shield and bam rushing radiance as alche) that i cannot keep up when i played solo. idk. 4k > 3475 mmr maybe because i cannot keep up anymore since i always played stupidly rush when i play with parties dayum i am so bad now

                    and i just become bad in general . (see my LC games , literally win streaks so much, and BAM never win again)

                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                      I'd focus on trying to win on at least once of every culture type in Rome 2 Total War (including DLCs makes 12) that should take a fairly good chunk of time. Then you can move on to Attila Total War and do the same for their 7, then you have DLC campaigns for both games. Finally you can get around to playing the Witcher 3 which has just been sitting on Steam waiting for a decent period of time to grind it so you can really get into it. Replaying Fallout 4 and doing the DLC for that too, has to be replayed because in the current save game there is a weird sound bug that makes like a constant power armour sound effect occur even when out of power armour. Dragon Age 3 and the Pillars of Eternity expansion also need to be completed.

                      After that you can get back into playing ranked Dota and trying to raise your MMR.