General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Blade or Blink Dagger?

Shadow Blade or Blink Dagger? in General Discussion
Darth Plagueis the Wise

    Filthy 1k here, sometimes I can never decide if I need a Blink Dagger or a Shadow Balde. Both provide great initiation and escape potential. My question is which one should I buy in which situations? I'll start by spewing some pros and cons that I'm aware of (please correct or add to my list) I won't use things that could be used on either list interchangibly, i.e. Costs more gold, costs less gold, higher cooldown, lower cooldown

    Blink Dagger:
    + Ignore terrain
    + Found at side shop
    - no combat stats
    - damage over time D:

    Shadow Blade:
    + Can be upgraded
    + (near) instant escape mechanism
    + Not interrupted with teleport
    - 200 gold consumables
    - hard to use against or with certain heroes
    - grand theft gem

    ^half hour of thinking
    Sometimes I buy the wrong one, and it costs me the game, and I start thinking about my social insecurity instead of playing another game ;-; I don't care how nitty gritty with charts and graphs you want to be. I am here to learn. Please teach me.


      You will have to make a judgement call every game. Keep in mind blink is needed for breaching uphill enemy base, while shadow blade/se is almost useless in that regard. Also, blink can let you farm a bit faster through increased terrain-ignoring mobility.

      I prefer blink to shadow blade, but sometimes, for example when there is a fat enemy pa, a silver edge upgrade may be necessary. Silver Edge is also a great man-fighting item - it reduces target's dmg by 50% and makes heroes like huskar or timbersaw paper by destroying their passives. You can abuse that to great effect in 1kmmr bracket


        why not both???


          Depends on what hero you are playing and how you are using the item.
          Also Dagger has no DOT its just not usable if you are attacked by a hero.
          DOT is use for things like poison dmg by veno, viper skills, orge ignite, etc.


            you can't think about item vs item

            you need a hero to compare those items on.

            if every hero had no spells, shadowblade would be 1000% better item than dagger due to it's cost effectiveness.



              It's not this or that. Sometimes you need both. Sometimes one is better than the other. Sometimes you need both but you need shadow blade first instead of blink.

              It all depends on the situation, game, hero, etc.

              No one can predict for you.

              its gonna be fun

                i think dagger is more usefull if u fight against fast movement heroes like windranger, or slardar when they run,


                  i think that shadow blade, even tho it costs more, can be more effective than blink dagger
                  shadow blade is useful for noobs like me who cant shift queue
                  for example, say the enemy team had no invis detection, would it be easier to get duals on lc instead with a shadow blade instead of blink? cause with shadow blade u can walk into the right position and dual, but with blink, u have to blink then dual almost immediately on a hero, which i find pretty hard (mouse stuffs up etc)
                  but then again, shadow blade is just countered buy dust, sentries and gem so...


                    on 1k ?

                    Shadowblade. Who will ever bother buying gem on your mmr ?


                      ^^lol its by far easier to blink-duel than it is to shadow blade->duel, primarily because of ability w's short time window and other items u hav to activate, like armlet/blademail

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                        yes ^ but its far easier to just duel someone with shadow blade since you dont need to worry about wards and you can always get them off gaurd


                          @santana, you may be right, but personally i find it easier to hide like you would as if you had a blink -> activate shadow blade -> walk up to enemy ->duel


                            ^ blink is a lot better on legion so you can prep all your skills before blinking if you do that out of shadow blade you won't get any duels unless they super super slow . So with sb you would just be straight dueling them . Also blink dagger is a lot more mobile for the duel . There is a lot of heros that shadow blade is better than blink on but lc is not one of them .


                              with sh.b. u're just another dumbass who hides behind invisibility. But with blink - u're a cool guy


                                most of the time there is no discussion sb or blink dagger , the only hero i can think of who has to make that decision is legion commander ( don't tell me ursa pls , if u go sb/silver edge instead of blink dagger for no obvious reasons like enemy passives then dont play ursa again )


                                  Guys he is 1k. Why does the hero matter? U guys obviously never been in 1k. Every hero gets a shadow blade. Definitely most common core item. Usually it is used as An escape in 1k.

                                  Never understood the initiation potential of a SB. Doubt I'll ever understand it. Usually blink is better for initiation. And buy SB if u need more of an escape.

                                  But hey really good tip if u care about getting out of 1k is learn to play without ever buying that useless item. Unless if u r playing slark. That item makes u play poorly

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                                    100% depends on the game, do you have any other invis heroes on your team that will make the likelihood of the enemy team buying sentries or dust higher? Is there a hero like Zeus disabling blinks? Do you need silver edge to disable passives?