General Discussion

General DiscussionMaelstrom or Battle Fury on PA?

Maelstrom or Battle Fury on PA? in General Discussion

    So guys this question has prevented me from sleeping last night. Maelstrom has almost twice as less damage than Battle fury, but both have their ptos and cons, most obvious of which is maelstrom can be upgraded, bf not. What d'u think guys



      Happy Pill <3

        I think you need to seek help @_@

        coco crunch

          I wont ever build mael on PA lol, and Bfury is situational. I preffered Phase boots > VG > Deso > Bkb > Abys

          coco crunch

            > Cuirass then the 6th item is up to you if your enemy has Wind ranger or other heroes that has evation buy MKB

            registered flex offender



                Maelstorm is horrible on PA.


                  Why do people think it's so horrible, it helps her farm and because of the quick attacks with phantom strike you're basically guaranteed to get a proc. I can definitely see the synergy with pa, as for which is better though, I have no idea.

                  Maybe I would get it if you wanted to finish fast vs someone with illusions or summons you need to clear as a cheaper version of battlefury?

                  One of the games from the pa guide games they built a mael


                    maelstrom does magic damage. pa scales off physical damage.

                    bf is still relevant 30-40 mins in the game. maelstrom/mjollnir isnt.

                    also its rng xDFfdddDd

                    casual gamer

                      battle fury

                      I remember when people built treads vlads maelstrom for a bit, shit was weird


                        Build Dagon. EZ mmr


                          depends on the line up, if your team cant gank ur early deso is wasted as well, battlefury safest option, mjollnir user know what they doing, so if u dont know, go bf



                            Ma tty

                              it depends on were do u want to go mid or safe
                              If u want to go mid i prefer to go phase , vlad , deso , bkb , ab

                              If i go safe i prefer phase vanguard , deso , bkb ab

                              sometimes if i have a few easy kills i go phase armlet deso ( but it's situational )

                              Bf is required only if u play against potential illussions like naga , alchemist , am , morph , etc who always or in 80% make manta :)

                              Never just never go Bf 1st item . If u want to make bf fast make roa before which can give u some skills to survive gangs


                                I still prefer the old build going treads (sometimes Phase), pms, dominator for being able to take early fights then bf to farm up into late game. also had some success with Phase into sange n yasha for a more early to mid oriented game. also tried other builds but they didn't work out quite well for me.


                                  Tango, Shield, Quelling blade


                                    Normally the enemies build AC, Shiva, Vlad, Amour items... if they are gainst PA. Getting Maelstrom, Mjolnir could be useful.

                                    However, do not build them if your team has a lot of magic damage, as the enemies will buy BKB and pipe.

                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                      1) Max Dagger
                                      2) Buy OoV and Blightstone
                                      3) Farm Dagon Level 5
                                      4) ???
                                      5) Profit


                                        Does pa dagger proc the lightning chain for Maelstrom?


                                          @Joe: Yes

                                          Maybe when you're against mega creeps, but there are many items much better than maelstrom.


                                            Mjolnir active and Dagger Chain Lightning seems okay


                                              I know that dagger sends enemies' tranquil boots into cooldown but does it cleave?


                                                Battlefury for nords


                                                  Ive seen pros build maelstrom on pa in actual professional matches. I was like wha?? And then i remembred abt the attck speed that her blink gives her


                                                    Get 4 battlefury and 1 divine rapier. So good! Watch my last game!


                                                      I know that dagger sends enemies' tranquil boots into cooldown but does it cleave?

                                                      yea i feel liek that's the only reason to build multiple battlefury's.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        neither, go vlads deso win game

                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          Why would you go maelstrom on PA? Her whole gimmick is that she has a very strong crit, so you build around that.


                                                            VG Maelsrom -> MKB appeared to be pretty good considering my team already had a Deso carrier.

                                                            Her strong crit scales well with attack speed, and maelstrom also provides a handy chain lightning UAM and raw damage stat.

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              Maelstorm is good god


                                                                if you want speed just buy the moon shard or AC is not that bad of an item on her since you also reduce enemies armor with deso you destroy everyone but at the same time she doesnt have enough slots imo

                                                                deso abyssal boots bkb bf (ac,vlads, satanic, whatever)


                                                                  I think BF works better with crit, much better than mael strom


                                                                    BF = 100% chainlightning procs. And the cleave amplifies when you crit, maelstrom/ mjonir doesnt


                                                                      Deso if you're gay maelstrom if you're retarded...


                                                                        Maelstrom is really situational.