General Discussion

General Discussionso underlord seems pretty good actually

so underlord seems pretty good actually in General Discussion
casual gamer

    tanky offlaner with a ton of contribution who rices fast as fuck if given space

    how do u build him item and skill-wise, it seems to me firestorm>malice>aura is the best


      He's definitely not in the same place as like visage and lesh. I haven't played with or against him enough to really say but he seems like he's probably in the top 25% of heroes.


        Go aura firestorm aura firestorm pit ult max aura max firestorm max pit

        This is depending on the game but if you have an easy offlane you can just go max aura max firestorm then ult if you have good XPM

        And honestly just go tank, get vanguard, vlads if you can, of course the raindrop, drums is good if you can farm them fast, pipe if theres one enemy hero with magic damage like invoker, storm or mirana, it just gives you a shitload of regen an dofc the defense

        If you dont neeed pipe you can get shivas too

        Blink works well you can jump on top of somebodies asshole and pit firestorm, bots as well

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