General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to be more efficient as a support?

How to be more efficient as a support? in General Discussion
Président® Salted Butter

    In my last 2 winter wyvern games, I believe I was underperforming really hard, especially in the early stages of the game. Can anyone tell me what I could've done better?


      Stay off the map, by not showing on the map, you'll add pressure to other lanes.

      Carry a tp first item on heros like - Omni, WW and dazzel.
      you can turn a fight instantly, even if you have to cancell your tp, you can force the enemy team to back.

      If you're playing defensive heros, focus on stacking as opposed to setting up ganks.


        Stay off the map, by not showing on the map, you'll add pressure to other lanes.

        i don't like this one, i like the rest.

        i'd recommend doing the opposite, FORCE AS MUCH SHIT AS POSSIBLE!

        don't get me wrong, it's fine to stay off map and surprise people. but only if you're gonna do something with it, being afk behind a tower is not tactically hiding to apply pressure, it's being lazy and losing the game.

        and simply more because people in higher mmr will tend to guess where the supports should be, so doing a stupid thing like that will just make it easy for them to kill your teammates.

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        Potato Marshal

          You need an anime profile picture if you want to be a good support. Also being a support doesn't mean being a total cuck that's struggling to upgrade boots and being 4 levels behind everyone else by the 15 minute mark, don't be afraid to take farm if no one else is around.


            being off the map, isn't afking behind the tower. It's stacking and setting up positioning.
            if i tp to my offlane and chill, while the enemy carry hits a powerspike (eg. lvl 6 on void).. then i can do a simple save, assuming shit goes bad.
            If i was showing in lane top alot, they won't be kept guessing.

            During laning phase, your job is to zone/ pull.
            If you have done your zoning correctly, you should never show on the map..

            It's like playing bh or nyx. I've spent games with like sub 10cs, as my entire gameplay revolves around getting vision/ganking heros.

            on a defensive support, your job is to save cores and counter initate. WW and such can play agressivly yes, but due to the nature of the hero, i'd highly recommend playing him in a standard way.

            Staying off the map, also adds pressure on mid rather than sitting in lane denying for your carry.
            You can also gank mid etc. but yeah.

            Basics of defensive supports, is simply to learn power spikes..
            Your Darkseer got a mek, Start pushing.
            the jungling axe has been missing between 7-9mins. Expect a blink, and think about what his most likely target is.

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