General Discussion

General Discussionthis is some next lvl bullshit

this is some next lvl bullshit in General Discussion

    tell me im crazy but check my last slark game this is the fucking reason why my winrate with that hero is a joke , i don't fucking get it like wtf why everytime i pick that shit enemy team go full tryhard with rat dota arc warden & morphling who take ur rax in 2 hits , doom forcing me to go linken , retarded magnus wombo combo & all , in the other hand what does my team pick ? QoP in motherfking 6 point fucking 88 patch where shes fucking useless & went afk throughout the majority of the game ( if not afk she was in the graveyard dead 24/7 ) , a riki who was somewhat decent with his clutch smokes winning us some team fight , but the hero suck late game & the game dragged too long , & last but not least a mirana who ulti randomly like a down syndrome mofo , she did 1 or 2 good ulti the whole game lol

    ik the salt is real & git gud & all that stuff but i had to take it off my chest after 1 hour fucking 18 min of rat dota


      you play slark, then you play for midgame but instead of building normal items, you build linken... (i think we know why you lost)


        ye gj getting doomed & dying without linken


          normal skill player bitching about his team?

          never seen that in dota.


            im pretty sure u would have lost that game so jump off ur high horse ( if u played slark with that team )

            Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

              no he wouldnt have lost simply because he isnt a

              N O R M A L S K I L L


                you're free to give me your acc, i'll gladly disprove you.


                  >losing with slark in 2k


                    timings on your items are dogshit


                      rofl what ? i had a min 13 shadowblade & 16 echo sabre its not extra ordinary but thats the norm , & i had 70 last hit by 10 min


                        @ cookie im not saying u wouldnt have 90% winrate with my acc , but THIS game particulary u would have lost, there is no fucking way a slark alone can win vs that line up especially at 1h 18 min where morph & arc r mega fat , & dont tell me about pushing & ending at 30 min , can u solo push vs an arc warden , magnus , ember defending high ground ?


                          Lose against 5 core. Lmao

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            ^ that


                              If you want to see some cancer uncarryable teammates, watch this game:
                              24/7 insane super sick hooks and plays. And still lost. Steal cores, still can't perform even half decent to get carried by their supports. LUL


                                Thing is.. He (cookie or any vhs players) wouldn't let the game drag to an hour.. what he Will do differently is get the momentum going early and end the game early/ create massive gap that the enemy can't come back..

                                It's all about u knowing ur hero and the game well.. normal skill players tend to do a lot more mistakes than hs/vhs players so yea.. it's pretty easy when u understand the game..

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  to all the 4K heroes saying git gud to carry ur team , check this match i just played
                                  me & my friend dazzle qued party ranked we r both 2.1k party mmr , & LC is 4.4k solo 2.9k party & we win them , so it means allmighty 4k mmr cant carry his 2k friends to win us? u can't fucking 1v9 unless ur miracle or a 7k

                                  casual gamer

                                    git gud to carry ur team


                                      Dude give me ur acc. I'll win 10 games in a row. I know the system inside out and I'm 100% sure I could do that easily on your account. And I'm not even miracle or 7k.

                                      casual gamer

                                        ???? picking slark in normal skill should look like this

                                        where ur team mega feed and it doesn't matter because you win anyway


                                          this is what happened when I queued party with my 2k friend


                                            Not saying you and me are good slark players but retards have been blessed with this hero for awhile
                                            When I pick slark the enemy team goes full tryhard and counters my ass


                                              Anything can work in normal skill
                                              You can pretty much 1v9 all the time unless you got heavily outdrafted
                                              Keep improving


                                                u can't blame anything or anyone buying linken+bkb other than yerself. C'mon man pick this or that! Dota isn't only about saving your ass, it's about kicking others' asses!!


                                                  How is this guy 4.5k mmr but plays normal skill?


                                                  He only played limited hero pool and lost all 10 of his calibration games and he got 4.5k. Kid was so bad.


                                                  I was Morphling in an account I a trying to get to lvl20 cus Cookie was looking for one.


                                                    niether morph or ember had should be able to silver+abyssal kill them over and over in fights or if they split push.

                                                    Slark is free wins until you have high mmr.


                                                      this is a slark game where i don't get retard downys but i happen to get alot of those when i pick him


                                                        morphling had linken wtf , maybe it doesnt show at the end score because he sold it maybe at the end to get another item when they alrdy won the game