General Discussion

General DiscussionWould love some advice on my last two matches (lycan & NP)

Would love some advice on my last two matches (lycan & NP) in General Discussion
Dr. Banana

    I underperformed in my last two matches, want to know why.

    Lycan match: They had ta. I thought that with me, wolves and necro I will burst her down in no time. Then they had AM, I thought the same thing (I know that he will be able to kill me late game, but I tooky chances). They had sniper. Sniper is food for just about anyone right know. Then, they had axe. I was a bad boy on this one. I know that axe counters lycan hard, but I still picked him because I can counter the rest of their heroes (except am I guess). But then, it wasn't all my fault either. Our invoker is relatively new to the hero (even though earlier this year he told me he 'mastered' the hero). Our as didn't cast serpents during fights, and our Pudge was Pudge. Pa couldn't snowball. You could say that "you picked lycan, you should've split pushed" but the fact is, I couldn't. That riki and axe were going to kill me. Overall I think we had poor coordination.

    Furion game: I think this was COMPLETELY my fault that I performed shit. So they had lina, timber, viper, Sven and kunkka. I thought that once I got hurricane pike I could attack them from a distance without them casting their spells on me (except kunkka I guess). But I forgot about timber: his 1st spell cuts Trees. I completely forgot that. But then, I had an sf and a drow on my team. All 3 of us benefit from my sprout and drow's damage buff. Could I have picked a better hero?

    Thanks in advance.


      lycan match: you answered your own question

      natures: yes, a support. you had 5 godamn cores

      KYLO REN

        nature : u face timber sven lina and kunka ? that's just so fucked up dude , they can clear ur treant easily and handle ur pushing line up with timber, lina and kunka . so yea.

        Questo commento è stato modificato

          Improve farming
          Improve drafting
          Improve attitude
          More game mechanics knowledge
          (How to improve in dota in general)
          Overall you did good on the lycan game but some games are just unwinable

          D. Igne Natura Renovatur ...

            How can riki and axe kill you? You just buy wards and are fine. They dont have any unexpected tp

            Dr. Banana

              @Aui_2000mmr I'm the guy with the best attitude you'll find at my skill bracket. I rarely flame people (I did flame that invoker though, but then again, he's my friend).

              I hate the "lost because of noob teammates" excuse. I used to be that sort of guy. Now I'm not.

              Dr. Banana

                @FerynaCZ axe has blink and riki is invisible. Riki can't kill me on his own though.