General Discussion

General Discussionhow to play Sven nowadays?

how to play Sven nowadays? in General Discussion

    was confused on my timing..

    Item progression was:
    Boots --> HotD --> Treads while stacking Ancients
    Echo Sabre

    Is it really bad to "synergize" Void and Sven?

    Critical point of the game was when i blinked in BKB + God's Strength with Echo Sabre
    and then Void went in and put me inside his Chrono
    this resulted to us getting wiped

    But prior to this, i got a feeling that I did a lot of mistakes such as:
    1. I didn't really joined the team fights -- was just static farming safe lane + ancient stack while our Sand King, Faceless Void and Zeus were putting on the aggression
    2. This was partly because we were owning them, Zeus actually went Godlike hence I felt that I could continue to be greedy and farm up on items.
    3. I went Echo Sabre + Dagger -- which could be considered as mid-game items. I should have probably joined the fights after this?

    If you have some time, please watch the replay and provide your comments.


      Can't really tell since I'm a trash sven anyway but threads before hotd is better plus I'm away from PC so I can't check the replay
      On early game use your ult as much as you can to farm jungle,stack with hotd,all while joining teamfights if it's happening,and you can join in PLUS it's winable
      If not then proceed to afk farm until threads hotd dagger
      I used to fuck everything up by afk farming until blink bkb and my team already fed too much by playing too agressive that the lead I made by afk farming is useless
      Don't do the same mistake that I did :(


        Watch purge plays sven, it helps


          Just focus on making good decisions, using good judgement.

          Fight when you know it'll have a positive outcome and give you more of an advantage.

          Dont be afraid to tell your team to gank, or group up, or push, or rosh,

          Always do what ever puts you in a more ADVANTAGEOUS position.

          Depending on the exact situation of the match , this could be

          Split pushing

          Balance them according to what the match demands

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            I usually rush Bracer->Treads->Echo saber-> blink, sometimes with HotD in between, and then think about other items


              I just won a game with my previous item build.. but this time, i joined the team after getting Echo Sabre (w/o dagger yet)

              but then again, we were owning early and mid game but this time i joined them instead of continuing to farm up