General Discussion

General DiscussionBest way to play offlane underlord?

Best way to play offlane underlord? in General Discussion

    I was first time using underlord and i found this is the best (probably imbalance) offlaner hero support. The weakness is just disablers and nukers like lion

    Here is how i play this during match

    >buy 1 pack of tango, mango, stout, 2 gg branch, and a ward

    >harras safelaner by conveiently put green rain while they want to last hit. Don't forget to deny some creeps

    >use pit of malice to isolate ur enemy or juking inside forest

    >farm more to build ur support items, you should have at least AC boots, Mekansm, and Crimson Guard before building any items. U can build Desolator and/or Battle Fury to push creeps and destroy tower quickly. U may want to fuse those support items into GG boots to create more space

    >let the carry win the game, ur job is assist them in war and rescue them with ur dank rift if things going to worse. Also, you have gg aura so your existence is important against right clicker enemies that rely on base damage

    >if ur enemy can invis, just use pit of malice at random place or at u to reveal those invisibles luckily

    >don't forget to chat gg commend us if u win the game. You may also chat commend support because there is a hard support that also supporting you. You are actually semi support as Underlord

    >And become the Scrubbysal Pubsterlord by spamming Underlord in pub matches

    Thx for reading m8.

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      Do not play this hero on 2k mmr games


        Because Undelord is just useless in 2k bracket or really cancerous just like pudge and techies?


          its kinda useless, i mean u can get heroes and do " more " than underlord! also practice on heroes with more impact so u actually become better and win more games :) if u wanna try underlord go ahead try it but in NS its kinda useless


            Lel i was still in normal skill in pub. I will just last pick underlord if enemy drafts not so many strong nukers or disablers. I also can use pugna as anti caster and anti right-clicker

            Hatsune Miku

              why support if you can carrry

              try echo saber on underlord, u can use the echosaber slow to make sure they get hit by rain longer.


                Cuz im a good guy m8. Pit of malice and another stunners is just enough. That also included as late build after my support items and gg boots finished


                  Roaming position 4 underlord seems better than the old dota 1 offlaner underlord.


                    U may be right. he can escape even while stunned but underlord needs more XP. he is not crystal maiden that can circle around map and warding then ended up feeding enemies. Good support have a good escape


                      Once your level 6, gank together with your team in any lanes especially the core heroes of enemy. He doesn't need lot of xp if you play him as pos 4. By just ganking,those support kills/kills give you better gold and xp.


                        Im 71.43% wr on him via pos 4 playstyle. I do wards/dewards/smoke/tp/roam. At 4k+ dota. So ez to stomp mmr with underlord . just figure out the playstyle that fits your skill level.

                        casual gamer

                          max FIRESTORM

                          buy ARCANE MEK

                          kill creeps in large camp, kill creeps in lane, farm crimson/pipe deathball when ur team power spikes and take all towers

                          casual gamer

                            u may have difficulty in lane early. just go farm camp and get xp under tower. when u hit level 5 + arcanes u can start memeing their carry with firestorm

                            ur strong at fights lvl 7-11 especially, pit of malice is strong as fuck

                            edit: with levels this hero strong at contesting stack pulls. cant wait to see him in CM after probably minor nerfs

                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                            garbage man

                              Underlord is bad, don't play him.

                              king slayer

                                Just don't

                                  Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                    Underlord is only rekt by lion. Already tested in Unfair bot

                                    casual gamer

                                      you should be able to farm a 13-15 minute mek + arcane against a trilane, at least in 4k

                                      if the lane REALLY sucks and ur level 5 retreat to jungle until the creeps are at ur tower

                                      casual gamer

                                        lion isnt that bad if you buy wand and play intelligently

                                        casual gamer

                                 swm 5.4k player,

                                          i farm large camp and spam out lane with firestorm. at one point i have to go to jungle. despite only getting lane creeps with q i get a 13 minute mek and deny my tower eventually, my team carries me and the pitlord deathball meme ends the game




                                            That moment when u use pitlord as hard support. You already spent all starting gold then u must secure first bounty to buy the courier. U often buy blue ward to maphack against invis enemies and ended up being carried by kunkka and storm spirit...