General Discussion

General DiscussionDid someone make a smurf not spamming meta heroes only?

Did someone make a smurf not spamming meta heroes only? in General Discussion

    I just looked at the meta and it would be interesting if someone made a successful smurf playing only non-meta heroes(lowest winrate and/or lowest pick rate)



      me ckeck my profil

      1000 xpm

        i play a lot treant and magnus and some pudge
        why u asking?

        Questo commento è stato modificato

          doesnt matter...what matter is your main mmr and casual play


            I am actually looking for something more extreme like spammin heroes of the following list:
            1 bristle
            2 gyro
            3 windrunner
            4 NP
            5 Razor
            6 Broodmother
            7 Troll
            8 QOP
            9 Techies
            10 PL
            11 Enchantress
            12 SF
            13 Lycan
            14 Tuskar
            15 Ember Spirit
            16 Chaos Knight
            17 Doom
            18 Legion Commander
            19 Lina
            20 Brewmaster
            21 Weaver
            22 Lone Druid
            23 Oracle
            24 Witch doctor
            25 Chen

            I ordered them by the win rate in 5k+ games for the current month
            on the list
            We could add Leshrac, Visage, Pugna, DK and DP judging the extreme low pickrate.
            I do understand that Windrunner and LC are 2 of the most picked heroes, so spamming them would not really make a lot of sense but I don't want to remove them from the list because I am a lazy mfer.

            Since I assume that the majority of smurfs are in the range of 4k till 5k+ that would make sense tho, meaning to spam heroes that the meta doesn't let you play.


              i said dont mean nothing maybe get heroes for alot farm and have goks winrate 15 plus wi and on calibration go tinker arc and u can get 4950 i saw guy did that when i was calibrating


                I don't actually care about the calibration or the mmr since the system still punishes hard supps, If I would care about mmr I would push this account with some meta heroes. It would take me less games then to create a new account(120+ games) to get somewhere. But I am actually only looking to make my hero pick pool bigger if someone has some really creative builds on unregulary picked heroes.
                For example the supp Kunka that they said Lanm brought into the meta was probably played by someone who did what I am asking right now, play a lot of heroes with unusual builds. Then a pro uses this build and he is suddenly the god of creativity.

                There is a reason I am looking for the low winrate heroes, because if you are spamming a hero there is a high chance of you losing less games, no matter what the meta currently is.
                For example, I played a few games against one of the Broodmother spammers, all of them had a winrate of 60%+ what isn't that easy to have on none of the current meta heroes on such a large sample of games(all of them have 1k+ games on that hero).

                I am pretty sleepy so I hope I didn't make some serious spelling or grammar mistakes, so the message actually got through...

                Professor Dog

                  Did you put legion in a list of lowest wr/pick rate? Since when has that hero fallen out of top 5 pick rate

                  1000 xpm

                    i really wanna see a techie player with 60% wr at 6.88 patch


                      @1000 xpm
                      Wait is it possible to get over 6% winrate on techies in 6.88?


                        Just spam Faceless Void


                          God ppl stop picking legion wtf


                            play winter nice with sven enivma play dark seer nice with sven sk elder titan nice with void invoker nice with void ...


                              Help! is such a baller >Well played!


                                I Spam luna alot, She is 54th popular. got 95%+ winrate with luna :v


                                  Random every game



                                    yeah it's possible, go solo off then rush blink-medallion then blink suicide into people

                                    you can pretty much instagib anyone with medallion/suicide as long as they have 7 or below armor

                                    only works against certain lineups tho, obv wont work against high armor heroes like tb


                                      sorry wut det mens ))))) i know to use ball like ball for basket football?u think mi skilled playaaah)))))))


                                        i calibrated a smurf 4.5k flat from mostly Veno, Morph (offlane) and razer.
                                        Also calibrated annother 4,640 from alot of Zues, Lycan.

                                        I feel that smurf calibration is in comparison to other players playing that hero,
                                        If i play consistantly in the top 5% of players playing the hero, then it'll place me in the top 5% bracket in scaling to MMR.
                                        Other factors, even dying as a position 3, for thier position 1. creates favourable trades, i think this may also impact the calibration as opposed to KDA.

                                        I was running top 100 Zues during calibration, unranked was playing 5k- average fluxuating.
                                        Was also running top 100 Veno during calibration on the other acc, playing roughly 5k unranked

                                        My veno i was playing 3-5-25 with 35k hero damage (9 on fighting) and was below average in comparison to my 'average' veno game.
                                        Which i'm assuming is in quite a high percentile of other veno players, which generated a 'decent' calibration.


                                          So after writting this post I decided to make a smurf and play only the low winrate heroes of 5k+.
                                          The main problem in all of those games is that noone actually wants to support. I assume that I am playing against other smurfs so that kinda evens it out, but how exactly do these people think they will win a game if they lastpick something shitty or pick a support and still don't buy support items. There were games where I basicly solo supported even if there was a supp in my team(like the QoP game).
                                          I would seriously advice the players who only play carries to just watch a tutorial on how to supp just for their own sake and to understand what a supp is doing in the game and what a carry should do for the supp.

                                          I think the main part of the better players just pick other heroes who are seriously buffed in the current meta and avoid picking not so good heroes as SF or Brood. Altho they can be good situationally they are very easy countered.

                                          It is all still a russian roulette, tho, whatever hero you pick or whatever your performance is during the game.

                                          PMS Mantra

                                            Before you check who I play ~~~

                                            I am only a lowly 2k scrub, but I spam only 1 hero. And I play wherever is needed to win games, including but not limited to, spending 1-3k a game on support crap. However, I only take a backseat to farm until the laning phase is over. I don't trust my team to carry me. My favorite position is Radiant cliff jungling. My team mates are usually so bad that I get headaches and have to quit playing for the day, so I don't have many games under this accounts belt yet. My most core item on this hero is Blade Mail. I like to in fight, positioning isn't so important to me. Can you guess who I spam just from what I said?

                                            Mode adiman

                                              pick morph win dotka


                                                ^ I would probably say furion because it is a noMeta hero, mirana if it was another thread.

                                                Judging the fact that you are a smurf you probably only play against other smurfs, so thats not so bad as everyone tells you it is.

                                                If you like what you are doing, its fine I guess.

                                                PMS Mantra

                                                  ^ Nope and nope. My heroes win rate is right down there with Mr. Furion, though.

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                  Mode adiman

                                                    I probably have the worst Furion Win rate lul

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      and im just here trying to play games with other heroes in order to cover my lc lmao

                                                      A T O M U S

                                                        spam zeus invoker.tinker ez 4k


                                                          who would want to limit themselves like that

                                                          unless they're oldschool for those heroes or retarded


                                                            I am actually impressed by that obsession to use the word retarded or insult words in general to describe something. It is like your vocabular is filled with only 100 words.

                                                            It is only limiting someone if he is extremely bad with those heroes. I saw BM spammer with 60+ winrate and the meta said it is the worst hero right now..

                                                            One reason to do it is being bored by the constant meta picks.


                                                              Brood is just awful because pubs are awful, I'm sure in the 1% of games where it is a good pick in the hands of a good player it's basically a freewin.