General Discussion

General DiscussionMoM + Mjollnir on Jugg

MoM + Mjollnir on Jugg in General Discussion

    Is this still legit? I only tried out pahse>aquila>mom>maelstrom>yasha>mjollnir one game but it seemed to work very well and in theory should be better than the bf build for early games. Jugg always feels extremely weak compared to other carries even with items and going bf>blink eats up too many item slots that you could fill with hp/dmg instead. Just a mom will also amp your omni up ridiculously and with a mjollnir you can wipe teams within a single ult.

    Hackjack- I am nice

      you will have barely any hp

      Vem Comigo

        Depends on the enemy lineup, if they can burst you down with 2-3 heroes dont go for that, but if they are mostly right click dmg, you can get somewhere early game.


          Yeah but the point is not to manfight at all. You omni and whoever has euls/glimmer is protected, but the others get blown up, then you rightclick down whatevers remaining with your entire team. Ofc the build relies too much on your ult so you dont build like this if ur against an AM or something that can just disregard your ult.

          Pale Mannie







                  normal skil yes jugg manta octa radi skadi monkey legit too i owned 4k scrubs with that can imagine 2k


                    Battle fury actaully adds a decent amount of damage to omni slash through its plus damage , cleave and killing off any remaining creeps around enemies early in the omni slash .

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      too situational, although against lineups that dont have that much burst like a lion or line or something it might work. sill cant see why you'd do that build over diffu manta


                        I usually go with stuff like phase -> battlefury -> blink -> yasha -> sange -> butterfly. works quite okay, although havent played with much lately


                          difusal manta mom works well and blink

                          Livin' Real Good

                            BARELY ANY HP.


                              I can never seem to win with the traditional build. The BF>yasha>blink>whatever one. Once omni is used jugg just feels waaay too squishy to actually rightclick. Atleast with this one you can pretty muchdestory anything you need in the duration of the omni.


                                I pretty was pretty successful over a large amount of games going the battle fury build although I don't build blink becuase I prefer to build massive dps for my 6 slots and one thing that I did that I have never seen another jugg do was build an early moon shard . Bfury, phase , basher , moon shard , sange and yasha . For 12050 gold that's a lot of dps / decent amount of hp and some lockdown in the form of basher helped by the s&y. Usually with that build you will take over at that point . Can turn basher into abyssal then get what ever you need for 6th slot and finally use moon shard for another item if game goes really late . I think my build of jugg is more lategame oreintated than most builds but I like never having to worry about falling off .



                                  This game was awhile back when I was lower mmr but I won vs a extremely late game oreintated team in the late game here was pretty memorable game I remember carrying outa my mind in the team fights on it . Not my best game but the team fights were pretty clutch if I remember correctly, I see I had a slow as fuck battlefury too so lanning phase must have been bad for me .


                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    If ur building so much attack speed it makes sense to make basher. And if ur making basher it makes sense to make vanguard first for abyssal later on. If u go RoA->phase->vanguard and then mom+maelstrom u will have hp, sustain, dmg, attck speed and insane farming ability. Keep in mind however, until u get mom or maelstrom u'll be relying on ur q to kill and dmg enemy heroes and not on ur omnislash since ur going vanguard first. But I think the trade off can be worth it since early vanguard can make u invincible (just q and tp out if situation gets tough, they cant burst u down when u hav vanguard)


                                      nice discussion. ill add my own insight on jugg build

                                      my usual build is : phase boots, aquilla/PMS, Magic wand, battlefury(18 mins max), n tp till mid game

                                      after that, the item progression is always situational. right after fury, i always opt for diffusal coz of its usefulness.
                                      then ill go either basher/vanguard. basher to pick off support fast or vanguard to tank some of their carry DPS attack. its always situational
                                      to finish the remaining slot, i always go for dagger/silver edge for mobility purpose, but sometimes i go for SnY if the clash is always teamfight oriented | skadi/butterfly/manta for tankiness n nice rat capability. these items is already self-explanatory so i wont explain

                                      these days, i ve met some crazy jugg with phase, mom, sny, diffusal, n manta build. it intrigues me, coz their playstyle always revolve in doing solo kill to enemy supp. but always end up getting killed while their mom is active. i think yes, mom does harm u more than the benefit.

                                      what i want to signify is, dont underestimate the power of diffusal blade. its strangely powerful. tho the dmg is just 25(manaburn) n 25/35 from the added agility, its more than enough to get triple kill or more if u use it correctly


                                        it's work well :D. just play jug with MoM and mjolnir. Imba Dps :v


                                          ofc it works ...2k shits didnt see pros go for it so they put quostions and think it sucks...sing sing is 7k mmr player and still goes MoM on alot of heroes

                                          Player 56068415

                                            Too squishy in general
                                            But it all depends... If they got burst damage, if you can rely on your supports...


                                              says 1200 MMR PLEB WHO ONLY KNOWS TO PLAY POKER ON EASY


                                                no, its not legit. tis fucking awful

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                  My build is typical with one exception: PMS -> Phase -> BF -> ? -> Manta -> Diffusal -> Whatever needed most
                                                  In question mark place i am making boots of travels early if enemies doesnt pressure me, from my experience i see it working in low 4k bracket still, people rarelly punish this greed and BoT increase split push capabilities by a huge margin.

                                                  Links of proof (check GPM with rushing BoT):


                                                    The whole point of jugg is to get tanky to force people play reactively to you, that's why deso is so good on paper but skadi is almost always better (in my opinion)


                                                      Haunted, I agree, man
                                                      I'm just learning to play proper jug atm but even with my low games count its very obviuos that "tankiness" is very important for him. Jug can't just buy solely dmg items and fight the whole game from distance like ember or ranged carries. He should manfight sooner or later. And one should not forget that his ward heals in percent of HP.


                                                        Skadi is like one of the items thats synergizes with EVERY SINGLE ONE of his spells
                                                        Slow helps you to deal more spin damage
                                                        Health for insane amount of heal
                                                        More damage
                                                        And slow works in omni
                                                        Diffusal and SnY works quite well but most of the time manta is better universally than SnY


                                                          15% ember winrate I feel bad for you fam :(


                                                            Slow helps you to deal more spin damage

                                                            what? by the time you get skadi, you actually decrease your dps by spinning instead of rightclicking
                                                            More damage
