General Discussion

General DiscussionThis guys blame his team over himself

This guys blame his team over himself in General Discussion
Vem Comigo

    This will happen to you if you continue
    he has 8k matches and is still 2k (saw on youtube and searched for his profile)

    this is the video ( ) , pretty funny, i never saw someone with no item build.

    this is his comments -

    I have played about 9k matches and I am 2k MMR.
    This is basically it. This is the reason.
    I might lack a few things in a few matches, but for the most time spent, it's the damn team.
    I wish people get better at this game so I can get better team and then get what I deserve

    There is only so much 1 person can do.
    Some matches you can get lucky -that you perform good and you claim victory that you deserve.
    You cannot win when your team has next to no knowledge of the game or very insignificant practicality of it.
    You playing a carry, farming as much as you can can only do so much before enemy team out carries you as their carry was being fed by all of your team -along with other members of enemy team also getting an advantage over you, you join a team fight, you end up dying as your team mates do not know how to fight in a fight.
    You try to push alone while team takes a fight, loses, fails to defend and report you for not joining in the fight.

    More worse scenarios with other roles/heroes.

    You just cannot argue with me, on all the things I've been through.
    I know best what has happened.
    It's easy to say and judge, but it's hard to understand or experience what I have.

    As I said, go through my content before you type down a comment thinking that you know me or what I've been through.
    Defending the retards who spoiled my games for such a long period of time, and bully the innocent struggling man who still hasn't given up after what he's gone through.

    I won't be further replying unless Bulldog himself comments.

    And i tough that i was bad, lul this guy is a fucking retard.


      i actually played a couple of games with him, he used to be very ignorant.
      i think he's a nicer person now.

      i think he's 3k now(3.0-3.2 idk)

      in his recent videos he started admitting to himself that he needs to imrpove and he can win no matter how bad his team is.

      i don't think further flame would help

      i think you guys should really show him how to get better, not flame him like everyone.

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        Sounds like one of my classmates
        A fucking clown that hasn't improved after 1000 play hours and still cocky as fuck,blaming everything to their teammates
        "Jugger buys agh first everywhere"
        "Fucking noob alche no blade mail" against fucking AM and slark
        Not to mention he still builds void MoM BF and forces everyone else to follow him like he's Jesus or something


          Lol. He obviously doesn't understand dota very well.

          Vem Comigo

            The comments are on a 4hours ago vid, i dont think he changed, adn he continues to be 2k.


              Lul i played with this guy once, didnt know he got dotabuff. Picking pudge against timbersaw lul.


                There are some who are destined to be 2k forever. They need coaching. It's easy to attribute ur success n failure to the wrong things in a highly complex team game.

                Usually self awareness is the first step to getting good. Hence why most will just b 2k. Without being shown that it is possible to control lower skill games irrespective of teammates behavior, these players are forever doomed to focusing on the mistakes of others.


                  i boosted from 2500 to 3400 made new acc 3600 to 4200 made new smuef 4400 to 4535 from now..hes fuckin arogant shi't if je cant win 2k 3100 games hes fucking retarded just like every player on 2k 3k

                  Dire Wolf

                    I just don't get why someone would play 8 games a day if the game causes them such grief. I seriously think they have problems and are video game addicts, basically he's the same call of duty flamer who plays non stop flaming everyone in voice chat on xbox live. He's not playing dota with the mindset of players like on dotabuff, he's approaching it just like he would an fps multiplayer game. I mean whatever, you can play dota however you like, it just sounds miserable and I wouldn't devote 6-8 hours a day to something that makes me miserable.


                      This guy was on dB Forum some time ago and complained about noob teams. Im serious this time.

                      Vem Comigo

                        I think he doesnt have even game knowledge, like my mech skills are pure shit, but i still know a lot about the game, some of his builds dont make sence, he probably pick a build on the side and follows blindly, and them put his own item in them.

                        And he throws a lot too, he has 9 throws/tilts in his first page only, and with 8k games wtf, doesnt this guy learn to be nice.

                        He is probably the incarnation off all the lower bracket smurfers/account buyers.


                          he got a lot of matches but it's his mentality that's keeping him back, i'm 100% sure i could get him to 6k in like a month just because of his experience.

                          all i'd have to do is change his mentality

                          he knows mechanically more than me probably, but his playstyle, mentality and negletance doesn't allow him to gain mmr.

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