General Discussion

General DiscussionMy experience in SE-A

My experience in SE-A in General Discussion

    They ping at shit for no fucking reason,They ping at them selves for some fucking reason.

    They are extremely selfish with the courier and will take it from players when its already have way to someone.

    They are fucking horrible at picking (Last pick tusk? for a lion mid??) (last pick doom with no carry) (Lifestealer, Void, AM, Madusa and silencer. Basically easiest game ever)

    They tend to flame when they die 1b1 but you're alive so it's your fault for not helping 1 person surrounded by 5 but they all die one after the other.

    All they can come up with is mom/mum comebacks probably because they are retarded.

    They do give out commands though.

    1 team will be good but the other will pick some retarded shit like 5 man carry all the time.

    Some of the shit they do is like when I was very low 2k.

    Only pick for themselves which is why they pick retarded heros last.

    And when you play there are a lot of fucking new accounts which is kinda proven by all the "predict my mmr" threads that are 80% made by this region, Go check for yourselfs


      Welcome to the SEA server m8 .I hope u enjoy (kappa) your stay.


        Can attest. The bloody courier is right next to me and they take it away from me saying "me courier first noob support".

        inst:  MissMissclick

          ive never had bad experience in sea, until i decided to spam a lot of games in one day, then i saw a huge spectrum of players. wasn't a very good experience. and u are right about how they pick. usualy wins are when ppl decide to cooperate and the other team goes full retard with picks, and whenwe lose it is the exact same shit the other way around.

          just huge variation in game quality

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          doc joferlyn simp

            welcome to the jungle. ill be your guide for today


              I remember SEA players cant deal with riki at all. Dust and sentries doesnt exist because there are no supports to buy it.


                You're in a low mmr tier kiddo. Worst doters lmfao. All servers below 4k games is like that. Don't blame servers, blame your low mmr and low IQ. you still can't comprehend that the problem is within yourself.


                  Git Gud

                  INSAN KEKURANGAN

                    yesshh, climbing mmr in SEA is literally a trial by fire lel


                      U think that only hAppen in 4k below? Noooope, SEA is real hell
                      I wish i could play in another server.


                        Im from SEA ayakami ,so yeah those shit happens only in a low mmr games(1-4k)
                        These gamers that doesn't improve at all. Blamers/flamers , slow reactions, slow mind set,poor positioning at team fight's, poor coordinations, low morale players who spam type ''gg''.
                        Look at my last game, we still loss the game even with good xp/gold/kills/push advantages early-midgame.
                        Now here's the situation, see how high morale a 5.8k solo mmr gamer was(morphling enemy) look how he carried and rallied to victory his feeder team. Look at his hero damage you'll able to agree that he do almost everything to win that game. Hes playing in esport tournaments and infact he played vs a 7k team s1lykos( pro team like mineski/execration/tnc ) Sea doter talent's


                          You can ask all 1-4k doters in every servers, they're all experiencing those things.


                            That's only the minority tho
                            Majority is acc buyer and ako mid 2 tAngoes even in 4-5k
                            I've experienced it already


                              As i said low 4k (1-4k) ,5k gamer in SEA is already mechanical equivalent to 7k EU/NA .


                                Link me your 5k game and i am glad to see if your correct

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                                    @@ low fresh 5k gotten hydrocephalic..
                                    Come back once you had 6k. Im playing vs 5.8k -6k.


                                      5009rofl. Barely holding tight your blue star @@


                                        Also 2 hero jungler and someone already pick mid hero he also pick mid hero so we got 2 mid hero boise.

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          I am a SEA player. I got used to casual players. I got used to disadvantages. I know I am not good enough as well because I've met stronger opponents and teammates. I know they would think I am a burden to the team as well. But one thing I learnt from doto is that flaming and blaming will only discourage your team, it can only be a disadvantage. If I just accept their faults and try to make up to it, if I just accept their GGs as reminder of my mistakes and keep on playing my best, sooner or later the opponents will be drowned by their ego and inside conflict, and we will emerge victors. I believe it was mostly commitment that brought me to 3k and it will continue to carry me on the road to 7k.
                                          SEA doto best doto

                                          Final Acts

                                            Last night we were winning something like 35-11 when our pudge decided it was trolololl time and started hooking teammates onto cliffs and spam clicking the courier to keep it from delivering more tps. Sea ftw!

                                            A waifu a day keeps socie...

                                              mfw Peru East has gotten more cancerous than SEA

                                              good shit good shit


                                                8k SE-A (barely any)= 10k EU according to Crappy Coco


                                                  Actual depend ur luck


                                                    Sea game hafe timming if afternoon all is a kid
                                                    Nite time and midnite all is ggwp

                                                    Vem Comigo

                                                      I watched some 3k-4k games on sea (where some people here say the team8s are fucking retards), and i must say 10/10 are retarderinos, imagine a 5 minute courier fight between 4 guys, on ranked, it started at minute 5 and prolonged to minute 10, with those 4 guys, picking the courier, returning items to stash, picking courier, returning items on mid walk (yep no wings for thee)

                                                      thats is like a 2k game going full retard

                                                      Fee Too Pee

                                                        Sometimes you got decent teammates that communicate with decent mic thou. Fucking enjoyable play ranked with them

                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                          But of course i got a fucking last pick centa when i already mark offlane as void. And he going top with drow and both destroyed by timber
                                                          Some people just.... cannot pick....



                                                            There are times when all of your other 4 teammates suck in picking. Was playing in NS to chill, but instantly got 4 paper heroes when the enemies have got so many nukers/gap closers. Regretted not picking IO just to throw them to the other fountain.


                                                              Tight little blue star gachigasm


                                                                Haha yeah hes holding tight his little blue star man @@


                                                                  Yeah swirl so mechanically you are equivalent to low 4k account at EU so dont be sad. In fact EU had the most inflated mmr region and those scumms who feed their account via sanboxie


                                                                    When you intentionally feed in low MMR SEA games it usually backfires since the enemy just get over confident and end up feeding themselves to your team.


                                                                      crappy coco sea smurfer 42% winrate kappa keepo


                                                                        aye lmao gets reported into Low P for feeding in the SE-A server. I guess a max of 5 deaths is worthy of LP. Honestly dont see why valve counts reports for feeding if you dont feed.


                                                                          @noo feeling's ,it wasn't easy to play 4-5.8k mmr range.


                                                                            No worry ranked games will be seriously played later on .. Im smurfing to enjoy dota. That account seems smurf too man so dont bark with fellow smurf😂


                                                                              Just stay on aussie mates , SEA is hell !!!

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                all these PMA is good tho, but one thing i learned, its not necessarily bad to flame once in a while every game. in sea its the best survive so if you act like a pushover, acting like a mother or some shit, you wont get anything done.flame once in a while if a teammate is doing something exceptionally bad, but dont overdo it bcs they might act aggressively. NEVER encourage fights, if there are fights maintain neutral and thats the time to just shu.t up or straight mute

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  shu.t up is also banned wtf db


                                                                                    Half the time I told them to sthu since they would argue almost straight away. And when my team was bad I just ignored them and farmed since there was nothing I could do but I take punishment for it


                                                                                      Sounds like a typical day at US East whenever I'm not stacking. Good thing that never happens anymore.

                                                                                      Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                                                        Hahahhaha someones having a hard time dealing with 3k SEA ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) road to 2k >Nice

                                                                                        Nero Scarlet

                                                                                          I got to 3k recently by spamming supports. Not bragging, just putting it out: supporting is ALWAYS on option. No matter how fu*ked up your team is


                                                                                            having a hard time? hardly all my performances have been good. My team on the other hand

                                                                                            Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                                                              Did you win though


                                                                                                How can I win against a Dusa and Sven at 60 minutes? I make space for the team to do something but they don't do anything.

                                                                                                3/4 of the 4 games I lost is because we didnt choose to pick a carry which I covered in the opening post. So once more everything you say is useless and you are just trying to trash talk.

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                                                                                                Quas Wex Report

                                                                                                  crappy coco is just typical 3.8 - 4k player if i check his recent match D:


                                                                                                    Sounds like my everyday games, you'll get used to it. Good luck tho, you'll need a lot of it.


                                                                                                      Going to keep playing in SE-A but wtf is coco?


                                                                                                        tbh yes sea is shit :D if theres 2 ppl party and they both retarded and you told them not to feed, they will say "go fuck urself" "lets report him" lol.
                                                                                                        also theres ppl who most likely to first, second and third pick carry and whoever got last pick and not pick support would get flammed even if he did good
                                                                                                        idk about higher mmr tho