General Discussion

General DiscussionTroll Warlord

Troll Warlord in General Discussion

    It's been quite a while since Troll has been seen. But playing him I see a lot of potential. Personally I like playing a hero in bot games before taking him into a real game (so I can get a feel for Last Hitting, and what I can do). And I can say that I really like where he is right now. I'm thinking of going Quelling-->Aquila-->(Sometimes)Morbid-->Power Treads-->Sange and Yasha-->BKB-->(becomes too situational at this point). I like this build because on top of his exceptionally high armor, he gets a lot of Health, and his damage is not overly compromised (if he can get Fervor Stacks).

    I dunno, he's a fun hero (for me at least). What builds do you guys like to go, and most importantly, why?


      Phase/HoD-satanic/Sange&yasha/silver edge/butterfly/manta
      He murders anything on the map

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        Needs a lot of farm. Only games I've played him my team hasn't performed the best which means you don't get the space or time needed. He still isn't 6.83 level op atm.


          This hero is one of the most OP carries in low mmr brackets.

          Core Roa, Phase, hotd, bkb, s&y, skadi, mkb, satanic

          optional silver edge blink daedulus bloodthorn travels diffusal manta

          Very situational treads butterfly AC Mjolnir

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            Im ass with troll, gets kited too easily and now with so many bkb piercing spells bkb is not always the most reliable. He is a situational pick imo


              U hav a slow and ur fast as fuck, plus u can make shadow blade or blink. How do u get kited

              I dont like bkb either, so just avoid team fights till late game split push and get pickoffs and towers profit ???

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                Phase Lothar mom deadalus GG


                  Has anyone ever tried battlefury? I once saw zai do it on stream but i cant remember how it went

                  Pale Mannie

                    Echo Sabre + Dragon lance is the perfect midgame build but its useless after 35 minutes but you have farmed enough by that point already to win

                    Pale Mannie

                      oh noes iz no blu star


                        How much is troll's range ?

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                          I'm sure the 6.83 build phase->aquila->helm->sny->whatever you need is still the way to play troll. He is just outclassed a bit by other heroes right now, although at the rate he is getting buffs every version I won't be surprised if we see 6.83 troll back sometime in the near future.


                            i feel like you only get helm before SnY if you have a magnus on your team, then you can do ancients with little to no commitment


                              also if you had a drow on your team, would you do more DPS (To Towers) in Ranged or Melee Form


                                Good, he can say in 6.83

                                PMS Mantra


                                  He's one of the best heroes in the game to take advantage of life steal...

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    He's pretty good but treads? Are you retarded? And finish dominator and have an alpha wolf follow you around.

                                    Phase, aquila, dominator, echo sabre, bkb if needed, s&y if you're getting kited, silver edge if it makes sense and there's a lot of heroes to gank and/or there are some passives you need to drop, mkb if they have evasion else butter if they have big right click else daedulus then gg.

                                    Do you follow? So in a normal game it'd be phase, aquila, dominator, echo, bkb, daedulus, gg. But if you are vs like riki you'd rush mkb, maybe even before bkb, if you are vs like a shitload of kiters like drow then maybe an s&y or a blink.

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                                    PMS Mantra

                                      ^ I've seen Skadi do work for TW many a time.

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                                      Dire Wolf

                                        If you get skadi I would not get s&y, since both give you stats and a slow. You'd build it before or after bkb, but I don't love skadi on him. Troll has enough hp without it, and really whether you live or die in fights is going to depend on keeping lifesteal going. Skadi just isn't that much dmg on troll compared to even a crystalis.


                                          Reason I said go Treads, is to make him a bit tankier early game.

                                          Said sometimes morbid because you may want to buy your upgraded boots before you get Morbid.


                                            He is already tanky early game with his Q If you buy treads you cannot catch and kill people

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                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              SnY and Skadi is overkill on him, especially if you also go for satanic. And you would prefer SnY for mobility.