General Discussion

General DiscussionImprove dota2 skill

Improve dota2 skill in General Discussion

    Hi ! everyone i'm new in dota2 reborn can u tell me how to increase my dota2 hero skill i mostly play necro
    and can u tell me what build good for necro start to end
    thx for future comment

    1000 xpm

      dont buy radiance. u should skill 1 time in heartstopper and max ur first skill.
      items to go are: any boots, stick, veil, mek, aghanim, blink dagger, later maybe dagon, maybe blademail, shivs guard, heart. if ur laning is easy u can go fast dagon and veil. but dont upgrade dagon till u have ur aghs, its not really worth.




          1000 xpm is this good now or not


            don't build radiance, dagon, eblade and all that crap, build teamplay items like mek/guardians scepter pipe etc.


              Fucking radiace all asian is like to br carry fck


                They rushing for radiance and dagon just noe ks only i hate necro user fucking noob


                  lol noob alway blame to other player #BADmaN


                    Seriously necro in asian all same just wait kill,
                    Ang go jungle be monkey not a support wtf mindset they hav3


                      @cookies asian you wont saw necro will meka lol


                        He is not a real asian he's from SEA filth