General Discussion

General Discussiondoes it ever happen to you

does it ever happen to you in General Discussion

    when you used to be good on your "signature heroes" but then days pass by you play other heroes & then you come back to your old ones & you just can't play them as good as you used too. It's happening to me on Riki & ursa , i used to stomp hard with those 2 heroes having nearly 75% winrate on both of them , but this days i just can't win on them. For riki its a bit more understandable , his gameplay changed alot recently & i didn't adapt very well to the change, but for ursa , he didn't change as far as im concerned yet im having hard time snowballing on him , im always low on mana ,& when i take rosh at 7min i just only have phase boots & morbid mask & can't kill people without blink dagger , so most of the time its aegis wasted. This is frustrating :s


      meta changes, you need to adapt to the new playstyle

      so no, it doesn't happen to me


        I used to be a decent slardar player, he was one of the few heroes I actually felt confident with and could hit multi man crushes easily. But then I started playing mid a lot, and whenever I pick slardar I just fail to get my blink fast enough to have impact, and even when I do get it I can't hit crushes very well anymore. FeelsBadMan


          Movement feels clunky
          My LH gets uber rusty
          Can't hit razes like I used to
          Not to mention he's not exactly as powerful he used to be (lul potato jungle camps OP)


            how did ursa playstyle change , its still the same but i feel like he does less dmg early game now you need more than 1 overpower to melt enemies early game wtf, maybe hidden nerf?


              I used to play a lot of Abaddon but now he just feels useless in lane and doesn't seem to have much impact afterwards either.


                Ursa play style didn't change - the comeback mechanism changed punishing snowball heroes if they give up a casual death or two mid game.

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                  i only ever played dota in 6.85 patch onward , i started it 8 month ago so since i played there always been comeback gold


                    I can't play LC as good as I used to, don't know why. I think people now know's how to deal with her n stuff or im just real crap these days

                    Vem Comigo

                      Lion, but he doesnt go agaisnt the carryes this days


                        pretty sure the comeback mechanic has been tweaked since then but i can't be bothered to check the patch notes :) either way there's also been other changes such as roshan being buffed, towers harder to kill, jungle nerfed, lane creep numbers increasing over time. as for you comment about needing more than one overpower maybe it is because starting hp is now higher than it was?

                        Dire Wolf

                          Way back when I started dota, it was before ranked was even introduced, I picked up lifestealer and just loved the hero. For one he could jungle and when you suck at dota jungling becomes very appealing. And literally no one could handle him. I'd jungle treads, armlet, ac and even build a satanic every game and win tons of them.

                          I won my first 12 games in a row on the hero, ammassing a 33-10 record, at one point I was 17-2 on the hero. Eventually I just got bored and stopped playing him.

                          But then ranked hit, and jungling didn't work as well. Then came nerfs, open wounds ranged got crushed rank 1 and 2, so you couldn't max feast with a value point in wounds. A lot of kiting heroes become really popular like invoker and storm and naix couldn't keep up. My playstyle with him just didn't work, I switched to phase boots and s&y and got out of jungle into safe lane, but still something didn't click. I think the meta just passed him by. But I also seemed to get the crappiest teammates every naix game, it's like my naix was cursed.

                          I started 9-21 on him for an abysmal 30% win rate. Since newer patches and buffs and echo sabre I've slowly worked that up to 40%, but still 76% lifetime win rate in normal with 43 matches vs 40% ranked in 49 matches. It's such a huge difference.


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                              For me it's slark he used to be my best hero and to this day is my most played hero but if I try to carry wth him now days I just seem to not get my sb fast enough and I'd probs have like a 45% chance of wining the game at best playing him .


                                @dire wofl : That's exactly my situation lmao, i have like 30% winrate on riki this patch, only time i win with him now is when i stack with friends & coordinate , in solo games i just can't win & his new playstyle of a roamer semi support bullshit doesn't help you have abyssmal damage & if zero solo kill potential early game

                                @Rocket : didn't 6.87 or 6.88 patch change overpower from "attacking at max speed" to "give 400 atk speed" ? im pretty sure i read this somewhere in patch note but not sure which one


                                  PL changes have made that hero unplayable in ranked games at least, I'm sure if Icefrog buffs it back into contention I will be able to win games with it again.


                                    Bloodseeker - 70% winrate in 6.84, KDA of like 4.2.
                                    Now 63% winrate and KDA of 3.8.

                                    Went from my best hero with 70% hero success rating and top 94% of bloodseekers (which for a 3.5k player is pretty effing impressive). Now down to only top 90% last time I played him and with a 54% hero success rate. I'm guessing it would drop even lower if I ever go back to him before he gets an actual proper fucking buff so I just haven't touched him on my main though I've played him on smurfs a few times. Still heaps fun but only snowballs the way he used to against absolutely new/bad players.

                                    Both Enigma and Zeus are now higher than him. Funnily enough Zeus actually has an even higher winrate (73%) and hero success rate now than what I had with Bloodseeker at his prime but I'm only top 88% of Zeus. Have a 75% winrate and used to have a 70% hero success rate on Enigma but 3 bad games tanked that down to only 58% now. Still need to play 3 more games to get my ranking for him.

                                    But even though I have both a higher winrate and KDA on both Zeus and Engima compared to 6.84 bloodseeker I never feel confident enough to use a victory charm even when I play them compared to when I played Bloodseeker. The games also never feel like I can solo carry them with those heroes even though I'm racking up my best KDA out of all heroes on Zeus.

                                    Also compare my first clinkz game to all the ones that come after it -

                                    Just one of those ones I cannot win with >: