General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to get boots of travel and when to get treads on morphling

When to get boots of travel and when to get treads on morphling in General Discussion

    I want to know a situation/example of when you would get each, important pros and cons.


      If you get rekt on lane go treads if lane is easy go travel.


        doesnt it depend on the playstyle you want to go? like split-push or fighting

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            I think you only buy treads if your team is getting shat upon and there is no way to dodge fights and split push. Otherwise I always go for travels. That being said lots of higher mmr players than me like Beesa and Illidan go treads almost always so use your brain and figure out a playstyle that works for you.

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            Cheap Laugh Guy

              Indeed, there are three playstyles for Morphling

              Go BoT if you rush Ethereal
              Use BoT and Replicate to sustain at lane
              Do buy few core items (Magic Wand, Aquila, Bottle?, Dragon Lance/Yasha)and raise Adaptive Strike last before E-Blade because getting it too early isn't great. Then I would send Replicate back to fountain for escape and start roaming picking off squishy supports. (This part I'm not so sure, 'cause my Replicate always time out before I found a target and wasted a lot of farming time. At the point, I would rather not get Linkens anymore because of the mindset... "Oh, I skipped Linkens for BoT, fuck it I'm getting EoS/Hurricane Pike) This way of Morph is kind of unstable and just for fun.

              Go Treads if you rush Linkens
              Send Replicate, preferably after Lvl 2, across the map to switch lanes for faster farming and split pushing
              Mana wouldn't be a problem since you have Linkens and Treadswitching. Then get Ethereal Blade/Manta Style/Eye of Skadi and the rest of your luxury. Classic and powerful, intense late game!