General Discussion

General Discussionadvice to SEA supports who hate the role because your carries suck

advice to SEA supports who hate the role because your carries suck in General Discussion
inst:  MissMissclick

    fact is, you just need to know how to support. firstly there are a billion things you do wrong as a support. but since u are normal skill it probably doesn't matter.

    however, the game changing thing i noticed is that although you may buy a lot of wards and think that's your job, most totally neglect buying sentries.

    Buy more sentries and learn how to deward. i.e think about where they might have vision. stuff like that is game changing as a support player. stop blaming ur carries when u are just a walking passive creep who provides nothing to team aside from feeding.

    now that there's the support item stats, its appalling to see how little sentries get bought

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata
    Vem Comigo

      pick omni, slacks is pure shit as a player, worst than most 2ks that i know and he is spamming omni 5k.


        Save this for a carry player who mistakes DOTA for FPS game too.


          A normal skill gamer meme. Rofl

          Luminuos Adra

            I feel you. Btw, I'm a support player. haha


              i don't feel any of you, because people actually appreciate a good support.

              '' a good support''


                say hello to normal skill


                  I know how to deward, I know how to stack and pull, and I even know how to attack enemy offlaners without creep aggroing.
                  So what am I doing wrong?


                    all players in normal skill suck