General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you ever think you had a shitty game, just remember this one :D

If you ever think you had a shitty game, just remember this one :D in General Discussion

    Oh boy lmfao
    So here it goes. We had 2 dual lanes, zeus/tide vs solo arc, and somehow, as you can see, he won the lane. They picked TECHIES/UNDERLOARD/ARC, THE MOST FRUSTRATING HEROES TO GO UP AGAINST. GAME IS HARD. XD

    So fast forward into the game, arc bought a sb and used it to get pickoffs, so the 4 of us, without tide, stuck together most of the time, but tide, despite dying atleast 5 times in a row the same way, kept pushing alone and arc would simply tp in and kill him. Besides that, she was bitching on the mic lol.

    Now ember, he decided to build full dmg, ALTHOUGH arc's ult illusion alone killed him multiple times. Arc wasn't even trying, but ember still managed to get slaughtered by arc's illusion(I know it has spells and same dmg, but still, imagine what wouldve happened if both arcs tpd in). I told him atleast 20-30 times, no joke, to buy a bkb or linkens. He proceeded to buy and FEED 2 rapiers :D, arc would just orchid and he dies. And he insists on pushing alone while they have a techies who's had 90 min to mine the whole map lol

    I didn't do well either, but I don't blame myself fully, it was mainly tide and ember who refused to cooperate and end way earlier. Zeus and rubick were pretty good.

    So here we are, trying to push, but can't because of techies/underlord/ds with 2 walls. It was impossible, and to make matters worse, arc kept ratting, so we kept splitting up.

    We couldn't push, we couldn't fight, we couldn't defend. We just slowly lost, it was one of the most painful games i've played, if not THE MOST painful one. It was hell lol

    *This is not me bitching, because I didn't do so well either, it was mainly to talk about how shitty our situation against those 3 heroes was*

    Game is hard boys


      That was a cool story bro


        Bro that was a cool story

        Arc played and won 1v9 btw 19k tower damage oo shieet

        Questo commento è stato modificato
        stupid fuck 2000

          the classic ember mentality, i only build dmg and press W BrokeBack i have ult nothing can kill me LUL

          Questo commento è stato modificato

            Yeah he did basically win them the game, the others just prevented us from winning lol
            Oh yeah ikr, game is hard