General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you watch your replays?

Do you watch your replays? in General Discussion

    I have recently started to do so. It's fun and very interesting. I noticed mistakes where I thought that I'd never do them!

    I saw how useless I was (for example at some teamfights), it's insane! Ive had everything from missing ten thousands of last hits to idling around in teamfights :-D

    I especially noticed that in one Inovker match, where my spells were on CD and I just idled next to the fight and waited for a my cooldown? Like wtf? REPOOORT

    The more I think and know about this, the less I tend to do this in future games :P You should try too if you havent done it yet!


      nah, i try to find my mistakes actively in the game so i don't make them again

      i would, but i can't DOWNLOAD ANY OF MY GAMES, FUCK U VOLVO

      It's the best method to learn, watching your own replays and comparing it to high mmr player replays

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        i dont cuz im too dumb for that

        instead i let someone better watch it


          Too dumb and too lazy for that
          I usually realize my shitty decisions right after I did it tho


            I only watch my own replays when I go godlike from the enemy perspective to stroke my ego.

            doc joferlyn simp

              what's good about me i can notice and recall mistakes i did ingame just by looking at the post-game summary

              what's bad about me is that i forget what i analyzed

              rinse and repeat

              Corona FRIES

                It's good to watch replay of those clashes that you lost

                Questo commento è stato modificato


                  Charteuse Gale

                    i always feel kinda waste of time and let begone as begone

                    of course learning from past mistake is good but....just a game and so try hard at it is kinda weird for me, better spend it for other activity

                    except want to climb mmr to 9k and you analyze your play, your team, your enemy, everything at the replay.

                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                      I only watch my own replays when I go godlike from the enemy perspective to stroke my ego.



                        I tend to watch it during my time playing dota 1, now I just watch the stats and see my overall performance right after the game. It's time saving and more effective in the long run.


                          I do it now and then but generally I don't have much time to even play Dota, let alone watch replays. Maybe when I'm less busy and actually want to commit time to "getting gud," as people say, I will start watching replays.