General Discussion

General Discussionwhy does spec have a high winrate

why does spec have a high winrate in General Discussion

    its so hard to farm as her and most people that play her dont know how to play her and builds blademail vanguard sny

    i dont understand how this hero has a high winrate at all


      She was broken before this patch when game was over 30mins whoever has the specter would win the game.
      She is still quite strong If there's support babysitting her early game Thing is almost no one picks spectre for fun or anything like that.
      They pick spec to win same with omni

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        Because the heroes that counter her are basically shits that nobody can play
        PL (2useless4me)


          Dude I pick spec for fun
          Its hilarious to see people hit themselves and watch themselves die slowly without hope on 40 min+ gametime


            who else maxes desolate first on spectre?

            Charteuse Gale

              900 spectre game here

              she had been nerfed hard, the haunt cd nerf, stats nerf, dagger nerf, all in one packet

              she still viable in some situation and in a need of hard core baby sitting

              this meta was not really good for her, timber cleary counter her hard even if she had supports helping her, timber is timber anyway, will rect spectre lane. Means she need a really good burst/positioning support like disruptor or sky to kill timber.

              jugg, drow , slark , morphling also out farm her fast, and they they perfom well with cheap items than her+ they are more independent and no need 24/7 baby sitting support than Spectre.


                i used to do it but the MS you get for your dagger is more useful for chasing/kiting in trees

                "They pick spec to win same with omni"

                thats exactly what im asking, how can a hero with no dominant laning phase and that usually builds bad items on her like blademail sny (mostly the 3k below which is most of the playerbase) still have a high winrate?


                  i swear to god ive never seen any good spectres in my tier

                  that includes me


                    i mean spectre even gets her highest winrate in 2k-3k land according to meta tab, and thats exactly where i belong right now

                    Charteuse Gale


                      Because she was hard to play with, no one really like to pick her.

                      she was kinda high risk high reward hero and in need a good supports to be effective.

                      you say every carry need supports to be effective, yes but spectre was truly in need of it, let jugg/slark/morphling/drow solo without support and they can do it better than Spectre, because she had the most worst laning power than any carry. She can't trade hit even with enemy mele offlaner in 1vs1 scenario laning phase and will surely get shut-down vs ranged enemy(or we can say she hardly can put any decent pressure).

                      she does'nt had any flash farming abilities like jugg spin and such or having high base damage/hp/armor/regen to go jungle, she farm very slowly.... her main core of gold are from hero kill , the more the enemy had kill streak, the more money you got either from kill or assist gold.

                      the thing is her haunt cd now is kinda bad with more long cd, and every haunt does'nt guarantee you got kill/assist... many scenario where either the enemy got KS-ed by your team or you lose the fight and get more dumped on your farm while the enemy carry who had good flash farm abilites , got the kill streak . viola her haunt is truly rng-gesus based on your team good perfomance and your enemy bad perfomance.


                        He is asking why spec has a high winrate and you guys aren't answering that question

                        Charteuse Gale

                          btw her win rate was because pub is pub, no one bother to put pressure on Spectre, drag the game till minute 50, scatter around and farm far away.

                          ez gank for spectre haunt and his team

                          win the game, gg

                          in higher bracket, it won't works with enemy grouping and such


                            Just thought of another reason why
                            The nature of NS matches are deathmatch bloodbath and no objectives taken
                            Spec freefarms
                            Game goes late
                            She wrecks


                              Because guys in my tiers (2ks) rarely push their advantage, giving time for me to finish my items. Oh and somehow they love to hit me when my blademail is on.


                                ok let me rephrase the question here:

                                why does spectre, despite all the bad players and bad builds, despite the fact that no one knows how to babysit shit in here, and despite the fact that most 2k-3k games are decided during laning, still gets her highest winrate of 53% at 2K-3K?

                                i mean i kinda understand some heroes' high/low winrates, for example, morph's low winrate, people just dont know how to play him since he's complex, they get stunned by a solo VS and they start morphing everything to str, they build midas or even do the dumbest shit like not skilling morph but still rushing an eblade


                                  Spec has high winrate because in 2k-3k people don't gank that often and he farms 25mins straight and some supports feed him while he is farming.
                                  Her damage is still pretty good especially If you rush radiance/vanguard-abyssal/manta/heart.
                                  Dumpsters newbs back to the stone age once spectre has 15kills she becomes immortal with dank items and can run back to safety with q tp the fuck out If something goes wrong.
                                  Blademail can be build If there's pa on the enemy or when you got rekt in lane and have really low farm but still try to get back to the game.
                                  I think spec should always be picked last especially If enemy has all melee line-up or feeder drow who lost 15games in a row with drow[you can look at his profile before]

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                                    nvm looks like ppl actually answered it while i was typing



                                      If it wasnt for ancient apparition, i could've win my recent game, despite the horrendous gpm and xpm.


                                      Simply because they gave me so much space.

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                                        +Scrublord Nah man you got rekt big time there that game was totally a loss

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                                          spectre has a high winrate because she's a hero that completely eliminates the decision between farm and fight imo
                                          you can farm 24/7 and join all fights when you want with ult
                                          also this is a meta where she can be super harassed in early game, but she can comeback really easily if she gets 1-2 kills with ult


                                            Lul yea u got me XD

                                            Edit: i just saw old spec's ability, didnt realize she's nerfed that hard (new players, sry) i wish i could play that spec :/

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                                            Charteuse Gale

                                              Well time to spam jugg now guys

                                              ez hero to play and will got arcana means he won't get nerfed for sales purpose and surely will got buff to make his arcana more attractive


                                                Good analysis lone
                                                Will spam him too mwahaha

                                                Hatsune Miku

                                                  shes ez, max dispersion get vanguard farm radiance ez pz

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    it's fucken true, ppl in 2k-3k dont play to win. they play to have fun and throw

                                                    i was the bigger player and i let tiny mid while i offlaned, shit developed well we had a lead. then the throw started


                                                    i tried so hard to make them split hit the the rax/ancient instead of fountain camping the enemies. they spent all their money got cocky, dived and died, no buyback, insulted me with bcs i was barely 4 slotted, while i tried to close the game lmao