General Discussion

General Discussion6.89 expected changes?

6.89 expected changes? in General Discussion

    Slight Drow nerf, I think movement speed or gust/aura.
    PA dagger nerf, but a slight base agi or damage buff.
    Slight Tinker nerf, base damage or int growth or most probably spell range.
    PL buff or rework...
    Dragon Knight +5 base damage and 2.8->3.0 strength growth.
    Chaos Knight needs something to speed up his farming.

    Dragon Lance nerf... again. The item is too good. Maybe a recipe 200 gold or something.
    Slight Assault Cuirass buff, like 40as to 55, while aura remains the same.
    Halbert cast range increased?
    Iron Talon change..?
    Blademail +1 or 2 seconds on cooldown or a bigger manacost.

    Dire mid tier 2 tower and Ancient moved slightly back.
    Minor changes around rune spots in Dire's favor.
    Safelane hard camps distanced from the lane to favor the offlaner.

    I don't know, I haven't thought about it a lot -
    Free to discuss and add your own stuff, this is too small for the whole patch.

    Your suggestions:

    Radiant secret shop remapping.

    BUFF: Enchantress, Medusa, Ember, Doom, Templar Assassin, Spectre, Winter Wyvern, Disruptor?, Gyro, Shadow Fiend.
    Lifestealer (slight buff). (personally I'd like if his BaT was reverted but as a cost buff to his strength or feast reverted aswell.)
    Sniper (BaT or agi gain)

    NERF: Morphling, Luna, Underlord, Void, Mirana.
    Omni (Repel mana cost)

    Echo sabre nerf - recipe or something

    New Aghahim upgrades:
    Lycan (something about wolves or wolf form, not about 2nd or 3rd skill)
    Death Prophet (+6 or 8 Exorcism spirits)
    Ember (allows him to jumping to a remnant without using others if there is any and adds 10 secs to remnants)


    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      perma ban for jungle LC, WK or Luna


        Perhaps a rescale to LC's passive, make it procc more from heroes and less from crepies?


          how about no?


            can you stop picking heroes for jungle if u have no idea how to play them im so sick of this shit...
            i random him cause a braindead 5k took my mid


              You are off topic, unless you want to change the jungle.
              Jungle creeps now spawn at 2:00 instead 0:30. There you go.

              Dude. I love jungling, every time I do, I gank who I can, mostly mid.

              I don't know why people hate junglers, I'm pretty succesful when I jungle.

              casual gamer

                buff to sniper, BAT or agi gain pls

                PL, SF, gyro also

                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                  Buff Na'ix icefraud.


                    Seriously, I didn't want to say it, but the BAT nerf to Naix was painful.

                    Agreed on Sniper and Gyro.

                    Sniper doesn't need much, I guess his old agility should be given back.

                    I forgot Nature's Prophet, he needs a buff too.

                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                      make enchantress great again

                      < blank >

                        I just don't want my Monkey King to be trash tier

                        the realm's delight

                          make templarka great again

                          Pale Mannie

                            place radiant secret shop cliff somewhere else to prevent any cliff jungler in my team to farm both camps


                              I'm glad how almost every patch they're buffing Pudge lmfao, he was good how he was but he's becoming better and better mid hero now.

                              not arin

                                arc deleted from dota


                                  They will probably slightly nerf illusions or maybe buff highground defense. They'll so something to nerf the SD illusion siege.

                                  ℳy ℒiƒℯ ℳy ℛuℓℯs

                                    Some buff for Doom maybe, hero is actually dead. nerf ultis cd or sth...

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                    stupid fuck 2000

                                      pls buff ember spirit


                                        Buff Medusa :D


                                          Omni could have the cost of repel increased. Wouldnt change much for pro scene and would lower his pub winrate by a bit

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            Buff Winter Wyvern, buff Rubick.

                                            Fuck Arc Warden


                                              Expected nerfs; to Morphling, Drow, Luna, Underlord, Void and Mirana. Also I can see Lance getting nerfed with a 400 gold recipe. Same thing for Echo Sabre as well.
                                              Expected buffs; to PL, DK, Templar, Spectre, WW, Disruptor. Naix getting back to 1.7 BAT.

                                              New Aghahim upgrades; Lycan (something about wolves or wolf form, not about 2nd or 3rd skill) // DP (+6 or 8 Exorcism spirits) // Ember (allows him to jumping to a remnant without using others if there is any and adds 10 secs to remnants)

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                such an aghs (embers) will beat morphlings one and take the top place in the rankings of most useless aghs upgrades in the game, with a huuuge lead.


                                                  Isn't that the point? xD


                                                    Just nerf dragon lance not drow!


                                                      Buff silencer. Ty.


                                                        Nerf dragon lance
                                                        The whole meta is shaped around it lmao
                                                        QoP and PL buff
                                                        We haven't seen those heroes having some impact for awhile


                                                          make SF great again


                                                            They gotta nerf raindrops too


                                                              No dont nerf luna

                                                              registered flex offender

                                                                make AM's ultimate pure damage, but adjust the damage so that the values are pretty much the same at 25% magic resist


                                                                  buff antimage thanks.


                                                                    techies stasis trap disarms towers for 10s


                                                                      neutral creep spawn at 5min mark


                                                                        sf becomes great again
                                                                        storm can use ult again
                                                                        lesh is radioactive again
                                                                        qop can kill ppl again
                                                                        arc gets dumpstered back to the fucking stone age
                                                                        underlord gets dumpstered back to the fucking stone age
                                                                        pl becomes cancer once again


                                                                          Nerf cancerous kunka and his x mark..

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            lotus orb buffs also ideally, replace energy booster with literally anything


                                                                              Almost forgot about raindrops
                                                                              Needs nerf

                                                                              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                -Always show player MMR in your profile (I don't know the purpose of hiding your mmr).
                                                                                -Ranked Games unlock after 200 matches to avoid smurfing.
                                                                                -Auto Pause for 10sec when someone DC
                                                                                -Type -ping shows your ping to all your teammates. -pingall shows your ping to all players.
                                                                                -New Server: Philippines

                                                                                -Buff these heroes: Leshrac, Chaos Knight, Krobelus, Troll Warlord, Shadow Demon, Dragon Knight, Wisp, Crystal Maiden, Treant, Zeus, Techies, Gyro, Abaddon.
                                                                                -Nerf these heroes: PA, Mirana, Overlord, Tinker, Ursa, Juggernaut, Drow, Spectre, Timbersaw.

                                                                                -Reduced TP CD when used
                                                                                -Reduced Sentry Ward cost from 200 to 150
                                                                                -Increase Dust of Appearance duration
                                                                                -Rescale Dragon Lance stat bonus
                                                                                -Diffusal Blade LV2 charges can be refilled by buying recipe again


                                                                                  ^ buff sd nerf spectre
                                                                                  How did u even reach 2k?


                                                                                    @N4randza same as me, i love jungle so much, that 80% of games that i played, i go jungle =)). especially for luna, all luna games was jungler and have 90%+ winrate with it. so why not? ;)


                                                                                      make lycan wolves HP % based on lyan HP so he don't suck after 35 min :) , may be some buff to his 3rd skill.

                                                                                      Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                                        They definitely need to buff Shadow Fiend so that he becomes like one of the skill based heroes that can actually reward you.
                                                                                        Whenever I see Shadow Fiend it's instalose for whoever has him.
                                                                                        Buff Techies.
                                                                                        Make Bash chance interact like when you have multiple instances of crits (this makes it so that Troll can have Basher) Reduce Bash %
                                                                                        Buff Viper.
                                                                                        Buff Lina, every single one of the heroes in DoTA2 can do a better job at everything she offers.
                                                                                        Buff QoP.
                                                                                        Rework Jakiro.
                                                                                        Buff Leshrac.
                                                                                        Buff Mask of Madness, shitty high risk item that usually gives low profit.
                                                                                        Buff Clockwerk.
                                                                                        Rework Bloodseeker.
                                                                                        Buff Lycan.
                                                                                        I don't want anyone to get nerfed. ;-; Except Faceless Void, the hero has a 12 second silence (talk about balance)
                                                                                        Silight buff to Tiny.
                                                                                        Rework all the shitty aghs.

                                                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                          Make Abaddon great again :D


                                                                                            Implement Divisions as in LoL/Starcraft instead of current MMR system.

                                                                                            (i guess this is my public suicide right now :P )


                                                                                              Rework Necrophos. His ult is badass, but most of him is so boring

                                                                                              Buff for QoP aghs
                                                                                              Buff/rework for brew aghs
                                                                                              Buff/rework for storm aghs
                                                                                              Buff for BS aghs

                                                                                              Nerf for Underlord

                                                                                              Buff the armor on iron talon to 4 and increase price by 125. Make the active only half for ranged heroes


                                                                                                Nerf Kunkka. Delete Arc Warden. Buff Windranger.

                                                                                                Full Давай

                                                                                                  arc warden spark wraith cast range now scales based on level.


                                                                                                    Arc Warden, Timber, Invoker, Drow and Omni will be nerfed to the ground.


                                                                                                      i just want OD great again :D


                                                                                                        ^ he's if not great then really good atm, like 55% winrate 25% pickrate 5k+ bracket
                                                                                                        good vs morph