General Discussion

General DiscussionUnderstanding the Lower Bracket

Understanding the Lower Bracket in General Discussion

    So After creating multiple smurfs to experience every mmr bracket from 4k to 1k, I have some insights on the current condition of Dota 2.

    So since Dota 2 was released in 2013, with already 230,000 avg players on at a time and peaks of 422,200. by the time ranked was released the player base doubled and the peak players record was 800,000. Since then the primary player base has only grown by about 40%. This means that at the time ranked was released already 60% of the player base was already playing and had a hidden mmr score.

    the other 40% of the new player base growth joined after ranked 2-3 years ago with no predetermined hidden mmr. When ranked was first introduced the average player calibrated at 2.5k-3k mmr. about 20% where truly bad enough to hit 1k mmr having already had a hidden mmr previously. At this point in time not many "smurfs" or alternate accounts where as used in the mmr system as they are now, therefore many of these 1k players climbed to 2k-3k over the last 2-3 years.

    This essentially creates a replacement system, where older players are climbing up the ladder while the new players enter into the mmr system at that level, and as time goes on, newer players calibrations will gradually get lower as the skill of the avg player rises with time. But since new players are a minority of the player base and the majority of players have been playing since 2013, these means that about 1-10 players are truly 1k-2k mmr skill.

    What I discovered while smurfing in the 1k-2k mmr bracket:

    40% of the players have true 1k-2k mmr skill, and have only played about 1-2 years.
    30% of the players are using a "smurf acc" a secondary lower mmr acc, these are players who were around when ranked came out and have made a lower bracket acc for fun, since currently in 2016 about 80% of the player base has played for more than 2 years they far out number the new players and so do the amount of 1k smurf accs they have created.
    30% of the of 1k players are "troll acc's" made by 2k-3k players where they just troll the games. Example: an acc where the player is playing axe and the acc is 2 years old, half his games he has 500 gpm a typical 3k item build, the other half he builds 4 stout shields and flames everyone with stupid little remarks like "worest mid all time" and acts like he doesn't speak english."

    When a true 1k mmr skill players que for a match they are likely that 4 of the 10 will be regular 1kbies, 3 will be smurfs, and 3 will be non-consequential troll accounts. the match will largely be determined by the amount of smurfs to trolls on the teams.

    How Player behaviour score is involved. Player Behaviour score does largely determine who your are matched with on your team, but its more of an avg. For example if a player has a score of 7500 he will have an avg of 7500 player behaviour score from the players on his team meaning he will probably have himself, a another similiar 1k player with avg player behavior score, 1 smurf, and 2 trolls who have a score of 5000-6500. the Smurf will have a higher player behavior score from getting commended more while the trolls will try as hard as possible to lose.

    The other team may have 2 smurfs and 3 regular 1k players. this is why the 1k players have such a difficult time getting out of 1k mmr. They will have to do 2 things in order to raise their mmr. One they will need to have a higher behavior score in order to avoid being paired with more of the troll accs and less of the smurfs, 2 they will need to be well above the 2k skill level in order to play on the level of the enemy team smurfs.

    But since I also notice that most of the 1k players are also often the laziest players they will most likely not be able to utilize this information.

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      THE FUCK?!

        im smurf, but im still at NS, idk why


          Considering that on the many new accs I have made I can get vhs in 1 match every single time, your in normal skill because you are normal skill


            the games are pretty hilarous, it usually turns into a total battle royal with 50-60 deaths between both teams by 22 minutes

            THE FUCK?!

              but my hidden mmr is 3k, i'v seen it at
              idk is that accurate or not


                3k hidden mmr is normal skill, your gonna need 3.3k+ to get hs matches and about 3500 to get all hs matches.


                  Did u magically pull those numbers out of thin air though? Like I dont see how u would verify the facts u stated. Whilst interesting theory, it's all bull at this point

                  Full Давай

                    fascinating conjecture. would be nice if you can provide us actual statistics


                      So you're basically saying a 1k match's result is determined by which team has less trolls?
                      I'm sure I rarely met them tho
                      Everytime I play ranked people who throws the game are actually braindead (300 gpm carries profile and shit)


                        there are published statistics on dota which indicate 60% of the player based joined the community before febuary 2013, 40% joined after this point. that would indicate from peak player statistics that about 20% of the player base has joined from 2014-2016.

                        These 2 year old players are most of the true 1k players, while 80% of the player base has higher mmr as dotabuff estimates that under 2k is 20% of all matches. if 50% of the 80% higher mmr players make 1 lower mmr acc then thats equal to 40% of the player base which is 2x times as much as the total amount of 1k games. Since the most players are 2k-3k this would mean the majority of smurf and troll accs are 1k mmr. this would be relatively half of the smurf and troll accs are in 1k, which would mean about 20% of the player base has 1k smurf or troll acc, equal to actual amount of 1k skill players.


                          bws thats where your wrong, you think those kids who say all game everyone is noob while they die 13 times are braindead, they are actually troll accs


                            I'm not going to go into the convoluted math u just described because I'm too lazy. But can I just point out that u seem to base it on a big assumption that "true" 1-2k players have to be new players. Why do u think old players can't be true 1-2k?

                            The Robot Devil

                              Smurfs, Trolls, definitely a problem, though in my experience nothing like what you're describing. I get a smurf pretty regularly, trolls less so -- main problem is kids who have no idea how to play or what is going on .... and how much they feed. If you get a jungler who doesn't die too much, great! You got a late picked, draft destroying, mid-demand feeder? GGWP. And so on. Which team has the most morons, and how hard do they feed?


                                magnathrusta most of the feeders are actually trolls, lets review what troll players do, they pick axe jungle and then jungle all game and feed never buy blade mail or blink. Try to steal mid every game and say things like "team noob, team shit" while they feed 4 kills mid. Pick zeus support then sit in lane and never cast a spell and absorb all the xp, then when someone dies they call gg team noob.

                                last picks natures and afk farms nothing all game and fights never, picks a support but then keeps feeding, if you win they will buy a divine and feed it. pick jungle pa and buy vlads manta and feed. these are not how players really play, sorry but nobody is that dumb, all the players you think are massive idiots are in fact just trolling and trying to piss you off. Sorry but dota 2 is generally not played by people with and IQ of 85, these are troll players not geniune 1k players


                                  and like I stated, if a 1k player has a higher player behaviour score they will get less trolls, if they a score of 9000 they probably will avg only 1 per game or every other game, if they have an avg of 8000 they will probably see 1-2 every game, less then 8000 they will get 2-3 every game.

                                  #Hot asawa ni Marcos

                                    How to know your hidden mmr?


                                      ^ Well if its hidden, youll have to find it. 4Head

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                                          i smell bullshit


                                            the stats smell like bullshit, the idea is fair.

                                            i've smurfed way more than you in 1-4k and im 100% sure that there are waaay more 1ks there than smurfs than you say

                                            im not gonna pull any stats out of my ass, but if i were to guess 8.5/10 are actually 1k

                                            people don't care that much to smurf in low mmr

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                                              I have many friends that have over 2k games and less than 500 mmr. Some of them dont care cuz they almost only Party, some of Them are like 50 years old and cant get much better cuz of reaction. How ever if i play with this guys, i always find a whole lot of different enemys. Some have good mechanical skill but rush stuff like butterfly on pa. Some are true noobs, some are trolls. Sometimes there are ppls that just play in 5 Stack. Once if even Seen a alch Player who ended up with 300 lh at 25 min and 1500 gpm while He raped me mid like im the 1k. But all over im pretty sure a Lot real 1k players could be much higher (like 3k) if they would only face other real 1ks.

                                              █‌ █

                                                OP, that's the point of MMR. MMR isn't a reward for number of games played or anything similar you think of. If you're better than a 1k you'll easily climb out of 1k.
                                                You'll only get a slight disadvantage because of smurfs (4 possible on yours, 5 on the enemies) and a slight advantage because of more feeders on the enemy team.



                                                  all that bullshit accumulates to a ''1k'' player

                                                  either he's trolling on purpose, or he's just genuinely bad

                                                  either way, their overall game inpact is THE SAME

                                                  ok so im gonna repeat this so you understand it COMPLETELY, ok?

                                                  person 1: high mmr smurf, plays carry crystal maiden. gets 10-20 kills and then becomes useless because even if the enemy is retarded, the cm fed them 1-2 kills with all her networth. and now she's useless in the mid-lategame because a cm can't solo close the game. overall useless

                                                  person 2: troll, flames teammates, picks nature's prophet and spams ult with scepter to delay game. overall useless

                                                  person 3: genuine 1k, goes to lane and misses every lasthit. 30 min into the game the carry didn't finish a bfury. overall useless

                                                  in general, all 3 have the same overall impact. which is miniature, and everyone in that game is overall useless. game winner is pretty much random.

                                                  there are no 1ks who should belong to 3k, if they would then they could just rise. but they don't rise because they're bad.

                                                  what it seems to me, is that this thread is just becoming the same "ye old blame teammates thread"

                                                  lookin at harambe's profile and his post, i'm pretty sure he's an actual 1k.

                                                  edit: the same theory works for any mmr, not just 1k

                                                  one player can be 6k mmr because he's insane at farming

                                                  other player can be 6k mmr because he's insane at ganking

                                                  third player can be 6k mmr because he's insane at pushing

                                                  player 1 can't push or gank nearly as good as player 2 or 3, but he can make up for it with his farming patterns

                                                  and vice versa

                                                  same with 1k, they can be shit in many areas, but all that shit accumulates to a giant shit river overall in their team

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    i still remember the 70-80 games long winstreaks several boosters got at 1-2k bracket.


                                                      81 winstreak record bitchez :D

                                                      alche spam, ye im a cuck.

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        ^ ofc 95 % of the games are free win for a real good Player. Maybe on 80 games you have luck to win the other 5%.
                                                        Yes your 3 persons are not 3k but whats with my friend? Hes has a Lot knowledge He good Support pulling and everything but his reaction is capped with his age. He will never be able to win a game on his own but hes supporting much better than most 3k players. Still hes stuck in 1k

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                          Yea that's what I thought if u truly smurfed in all mmr ranges u would have a better sense of the kind of players in each range instead of making some weird excuse that there are trolls and smurfs and that it matters somehow. Lol


                                                            believe it or not, dota is a way slower game than you think

                                                            for first 10 minutes you pretty much hit creeps

                                                            you don't even need reaction times for that

                                                            supports sit at the side and rightclick, maybe a couple of smokeganks and wards

                                                            that's not something you need insane reflexes

                                                            dota is a slow as fuck game


                                                              ^You don't need reflexes to hit creeps, but to lasthit.


                                                                no you don't

                                                                you predict lasthits, you don't reflex lasthit. only low tier players reflex lasthit

                                                                that's why they miss so much.

                                                                if you predict lasthits, you can know when to lasthit a creep 3 seconds in advance, you don't need shit for reflexes

                                                                dota is a strategical game, not a mechanical skill game

                                                                csgo and sc2 are more mechanical, due to all the reflexes and micro needed.

                                                                but you don't need that in dota, dota is waaaay more strategical.

                                                                edit: there's one person who watches my games regularly, he's like ''ok how are you so high mmr, you miss-micro, you miss 1/10 stuns, anyone outlasthits you"

                                                                and im like, it doesn't matter because i have a better game understanding. sure he denied 30 lasthits from me, but i killed him 3 times in the laning phase

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                                                                    it amazes me how slow the game is when i watch my replays thats for sure.


                                                                      How old are you?


                                                                        I dont think you understand what im saying. For example his Main is ogre Magie now if theres a Legion Blink + duel someone He is not able to stun Legion before duel is over. His reaction time is somehow 3 second. Im Not talking about fast game at all.


                                                                          the difference between an asshole and worthy human being is trying to help people, all you ever do is post shit about how your 5k mmr and everyone sucks like shit.

                                                                          I am a higher mmr player trying to help these lower mmr players instead of bitching at them all the time, you need to shut the fuck up and learn to help people not demean them all the time like your a king on throne


                                                                            ok lets make an counter argument

                                                                            @cookie you really are dumb as shit, no I am not a 1k mmr player, I have 3k accs and 4k accs, and can calibrate at 4k mmr with any acc.

                                                                            good for you, way to lose so many games on a 1k acc.

                                                                            you also are not objective and biased, you say what want to fucking believe not what evidence supports because you want to fucking lord your self over everyone, guess what bitch, give me one of those uncalibrated acc I will get a 4k+ calibration just like you, I dont think I am quite 5k but I can definitely do the same shit.

                                                                            evidance? lol show it, i can back my shit up with all my smurfing/calibration experiments. what did you provide?

                                                                            nd can you fucking deny the existence of player behaviour score all you want, but why the fuck would it even been a visible stat it had no merit, if the developers give the console the ability to see all your important stats the why the fuck would one called player behaviour score not be important? I can quote the dota developer saying publicly that they have a way of grouping together players with similiar playstyles.

                                                                            yep, from my experience(objective from smurfing), i've played on A LOT of accounts with various behavior scores 1-5k mmr with the same end result for every one of them 1-3k 90% winrate at least, 3-4k 80% winrate, 4-5k 70%, 5k+ 60-65% winrate

                                                                            from what i've had, behavior score doesn't always update immediately, and also that really all it did is affect if you go into low priority

                                                                            as from what i've seen low behavior accs get mutes and lp, which reflects their behavior and constant self-defansive flaming on forums.

                                                                            sadly, i'm not an asshole, at worst i get into lp like once a year if my internet drops.

                                                                            there's like a thread about this once a week, about the scary scary low behavior ''hidden pool'' which no one ever confirms, because the posts are made by biased flamers who need an excuse FOR SUCKING SHIT GAMEPLAY

                                                                            and no you dont know shit about 1k mmr brackets. your so fucking annoying and think you know everything I would love to 1v1 you in mid lane

                                                                            calling me out on a 1v1?

                                                                            compensating much?

                                                                            i'm always up for 1v1, i've even held 1v1 contests

                                                                            How old are you?

                                                                            18 years old

                                                                            the difference between an asshole and worthy human being is trying to help people, all you ever do is post shit about how your 5k mmr and everyone sucks like shit.
                                                                            I am a higher mmr player trying to help these lower mmr players instead of bitching at them all the time, you need to shut the fuck up and learn to help people not demean them all the time like your a king on throne

                                                                            yes, i give myself authority backed by my high mmr so i can do exactly this what i'm doing now: debunk bullshit posts on this forum.

                                                                            i help anyone who has any questions, feel free to ask.

                                                                            people add me daily to ask how to improve or for some general tips on either my steam or facebook, so yea as much of an asshole i am

                                                                            i give actual advice


                                                                            I dont think you understand what im saying. For example his Main is ogre Magie now if theres a Legion Blink + duel someone He is not able to stun Legion before duel is over. His reaction time is somehow 3 second. Im Not talking about fast game at all.

                                                                            a 50+ year old man would still have a relatively normal reaction time, i'd rather say he has some kind of a comprehension issue where he actually can't process what's going on around him. aka panicking or he has some kind of a mental disabilitty.

                                                                            panicking doesn't come from a bad reaction time, it comes from a lack of knowledge.

                                                                            from your example, if he knew that the legion is gonna duel someone. then, even with a slow reaction time he could just instantly followup stun. because he would know what would happen.

                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                              there are a lot of stats visible in console besides behaviour score that do not affect anything, ever; for instance all the other stats u get displayed joinltly with beh score when u insert Status command.


                                                                                well no I already I am quite pissed off at you cause on other accs I post things and you always come in and call my idea bullshit and then say the samething, call me a lower mmr player. You just don't recognize all the different accs. Normally I wouldn't get so pissed but you have called my stuff bullshit like 10 times now and then insulted me and I never said anything back, this time I kind just had it with your attitude.

                                                                                Why can't you just say something like "oh maybe, But I have a high winrate at that mmr anyway" you think you can win 90% of games. thats great but why dont you go midlane and me and 3 of my friends will all group gang bang you in mid as pudge mirana and kunka and see if you can carry the game. my gpm on this acc is 750 while losing plenty of games that I dick off in while I read dota buff and work on my business, I am busy right now working on stuff so I do that while playing dota 2 on these lower accs with consequence if I lose.

                                                                                do I think I would win 1v1 vs you, no cause my other 5k friends beat 70% of the time in 1v1 if they are a mid player, and I don't really play alot of mids like SF or qop. I have only been playing dota 2 since 2014.

                                                                                One thing I know for sure, I can easily reach 5k in a year, and once I have played the game as long as you have I will be alot better than you are.


                                                                                  oh, thats a lot of senseless bullshit over there.


                                                                                    I'm 33. You can trust me that reflexes matter.


                                                                                      oh your 18 that explains it, your just a little kid


                                                                                        So what's the mmr of ur main acct?


                                                                                          hilariously enough, i took a brake from improving and training for about a year

                                                                                          it took me 1.5 years to go from 1k to 5k

                                                                                          im 100% sure you can't even come close to that.

                                                                                          and yes, imma call your shit bullshit, just because it is

                                                                                          and i have the right to call you out on it, because i get people adding me to ask me the same bullshit they quote here from this forum. and those actual low players think that the ''bullshit'' is actual advice. just because they heard someone else say it.

                                                                                          edit: i'm just a little cute 18 year old kid, and you failed to type "you're"

                                                                                          jacked, 5.5 gave it away a long time ago. current highest i own is this one 5.2

                                                                                          and im pretty happy with the progress i've made learning to offlane

                                                                                          @soultrap i have diplopia, even triplopia sometimes, i'm blind as fuck

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                                                                                            Why hatin? Just love <3


                                                                                              Is it "who is more sick" competition now? =)

                                                                                              If yes, high chances that I'll win. Be careful. =)))


                                                                                                1 to 5k in 1.5 years is impressive as fuck. What the hell.

                                                                                                Anyway my question was to OP. Because he doesn't seem to paint a coherent story of his own skill level. I'm confused As to how good he really is.


                                                                                                  Always enjoy your post sir cookie and jacked..

                                                                                                  I know that game understanding is one of most impact in players skills, but sometimes even with many playing times/experience it's hard to improve someones understanding at the game(you can see someone with thousands match but still in NS)..
                                                                                                  Any suggestion..?
                                                                                                  (try coach my Lil bro out of 1k.. Lul)..

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    good read, one side is less bullshitty than the other


                                                                                                      Lul sijerman I always enjoy your posts too bro. U seem like a real swell guy. I think start w basics that don't need much high level explanation. Like last hit and laning mechanics.

                                                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                                        ^agree with that sir..
                                                                                                        Try to explain the importance of farming..
                                                                                                        But in my experience it's really frustrating to see my Lil bro/friends don't know when to farming in lane or go to jungle..
                                                                                                        Usually they will just jogging running around in map..
                                                                                                        At worst died in the process.. Lul..