General Discussion

General DiscussionHELP! I can't get out of 3k MMR

HELP! I can't get out of 3k MMR in General Discussion
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    First off I've been trying to play heroes like Drow, Ursa, Lifestealer and Morph. I have some success, but I feel like a lot of times I'm either playing at a snowballing pace or it's an uphill battle with no chance of winning. I need some help on how to improve to get to higher MMR since that's my goal of playing with better players.

    I normally always rage at my teammates because I feel like I'm getting matched with noobs. It's either smooth sailing game or really bad game where we're handicapped almost. I feel like my teammates are always farming when we're trying to take a team fight where it's 4v5 or 3v5 with the others farming.

    I play support sometimes and had some success, but recently I've stopped because my teammates never can carry end win the game. I feel like the only way is for me to play core heroes and dominate if possible and create space, but I feel like my teammates are always fucking horrible and can't win games.

    How do I get to a better MMR range of 4k and keep climbing?

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    Practice Makes Perfect

      i didint read all , no time ^^ ; if u want get out from there , play good- pick op meta heroes and hope for good tieam until u reach 4.2k

      casual gamer

        pick void offlane and chrono people until their ancient explodes


          Pick lycan

          fear is the mind killer

            ^ LUL


              in 3072 u succeed with spamming slark. At least i spammed him the whole 3k so to get out


                Just remember that without great experience in the game, axe, aa and am may rek u ez


                  drow in 3k


                  in 3k there is no team.

                  you are the team.

                  your team doesn't exist.

                  there is only enemies. 4 pretend to be allied, and another 5.

                  play accordingly, and you will rise.


                    Meh try to play alch


                      wait u guys can actually spam slark? hes banned in 90% of my ranked games :/ fucking hell since i got rampage on him & it show on my profile he get insta banned everytime

                      despite what everyone says i think slark is a very good hero to spend your time trying to master him, because the rewards will be mucho + mmr , alot of ppl hate on slark pickers & say its ez hero , but imo he is easy to learn hard to master type of hero & in the right hands can be devastating , its rlly worth taking time to learn him , watch bsj who is a rlly good slark & try to learn. A good slark has no counters , but if ur like me & still learning beware of axe , AM , spirit breaker , AA ...etc bloodseeker is not rlly that big of a deal ive faced alot of them who try to counter me & pick him but they ignore the fact that when they rupture me i will just ulti tp base &keep an eye on ur health to not proc his thirst

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                        Try to spam 2-3 hero or the same position

                        all muted

                          I thank you guys for helping me out and giving me some advice.

                          I'm going to try out what you guys say and we'll see.

                          I feel like Dota is a hard game and will continue to be, so I'll see what happens.


                            Ive been stuck for 3 years in 3k bracket :/


                              3 years man, take it seriously if it annoys you or just quit the game .


                                2k matches still 3k, not uncommon. you don't play much dota. took me 5 months to get out of 3k.


                                  I'm starting to feel people respect my AM too much
                                  Banned every game

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    K -Meow

                                    Feeding in progress

                                      I'm close to 1.5 K matches and still stuck in 1.8 K mmr. Beat that.