General Discussion

General DiscussionHow come..

How come.. in General Discussion

    ..RTZ gets 2 Low Prio games while I always get 5 Low Prio games (Yes, after winning too)? I've also heard of people getting 3 Low Prio games only (even 1?)..

    This shit is fucked up..

    Who else gets screwed by volvo?


      Whoooaaaa! I like that new thing :3 Fuck the greeks though (nah, just kidding, or am I?)

      Hatsune Miku

        maybe it depends on your behaviour score ?

        Dire Wolf

          I got 4 last time and 3 before that, all from dc's not reports. I think if you go to lpq more often it's more games.


            Nah, I'm 9k behavior score and it's 5. You have to not get LP for a month or 2 and it reverts.


              @Dire.wolf Ohh. I actually feared you'd say that. There's just no way out of this endless loop of getting reported and sentenced to lpq for nothing :/

              Edit: @aaron Oh, ok then.. Do you know if not playing a month or two resets it too?

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                I'm really not too sure.

                As for the LPQ problem, you just have to mute people ASAP and ignore them. When people make a shitty play, you can't say anything. Etc.

                The other day I had to abandon a match (friends came over randomly) and my behavior score went from 9k to 5.6k instantly. The amount of toxic players increased, right now I'm only 6.7k and for example I had a mirana last game who kept taking my farm when I said ">300 gold to midas" ">70 gold to midas.. it's pretty noticeable how you get people with scumbag attitudes and more often you get clowny games. It's worth it to ignore retards and raise behavior score, or else valve gives you all of the douchebags. Like you might be 4.5k but get supports with a 3k attitude, it's really stupid.

                Livin' Real Good

                  You have to actually play, I don't think it resets your low priority prone status. The same way if you get 5 games of low priority and don't play for a month, you still have to finish them when you come back.

                  Dire Wolf

                    I wouldn't mute and not say anything, cus you want to respond to normal questions, just don't flame.


                      Toxic people stay toxic and tilt you. I mute a fuck ton of people, usually at least 1 or 2 are muted every game. I've learned my lesson, too, if I un-mute in another game, they are toxic still.

                      There's no reason to communicate with people. I'm certain you can get to 6k+ with only pings.

                      Dire Wolf

                        Uh idk I'm only ~6700 behavior score though I rarely get reported, I abandon a bit. But players in my games are pretty normal, same before I abandoned, same after. Trolls definitely come out on weekends though. Weekend dota is awful.

                        I did notice something called leaver game penalty = 4 or something like it in the dota_game_account_debug stuff. So you can probably see what your next lpq will get you.


                          Well I definitely noticed a small difference. It's small because how the hell will there be a lot of 9k behavior score players? There's just not enough well behaved players, but whenever my score drops I swear it's like I'm sorta in LP in some games.

                          Basically it went from professional attitudes 9/10 games, barely toxic to 3k esque attitude players in succession.


                            Also watch out for shadow pool.. I try to be perfectly behaved so I can have normal queue. I wanna see if I can get 5k ez





                                to answer OP i think people that go to LP often get sent there for longer. Ive legitimately never been sent to LP for reports in 5k games, but when i have abandoned i only get 2 games.


                                  I played 200hundred LP matches in my main.
                                  Just finished 5 lp matches with 5wins in a row after that won another ranked match guess what I have 5lp again seemsgood

                                  M U R D E R

                                    it depends on your previous LP and when that happend, what is it for, etc.

                                    in example you had 5 games for reports and never abandoned a game. if you abandon you get 1 LP game. if you get reported into LP< you get 5 again. abandon 1 more game and get 3 LP games. something like that.

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                                      I think it depends on your behaviour score. Mine is ~8500 - 9000. I abandoned two games in a Row and I had to do only one Victory in LP.


                                        Never had Any lp game. Cuz im Not a toxic shithead


                                          No it works that way the more LP u get overtime the more game of LP u have to play


                                            the more often you get lpq, the more games you get

                                            the realm's delight

                                              maybe rtz is not autistic


                                                Thing is If they punish you because you got lp before that means you'll always play LP for no reason but systems' hatred towards you.
                                                Example my third smurf never got into LP and the account has 10 report summary.
                                                But in my main I get reported 5 times and get 5 commends gg back to LP

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