General Discussion

General Discussionis there any better method than replay analysis?

is there any better method than replay analysis? in General Discussion

    so i've been using replay analysis to improve, but it's insanely energy-draining. guides never helped, 99% of the guides is just the same recycled info that suits a NS scrub. i've been mainly avoiding doing it for myself in the last year, just because it makes me fall asleep.

    not because it's boring, but because it's frustrating to figure out what you don't know without something to base it upon.

    anyone here 7-9k could share me their methods?

    because i know there are people who have gotten to 7k from 1-2 years after they started playing.

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      let them be and focus on yourself other than trying to help others who only relies on others to improve without doing much themselves?>

      dont you know eu 5k = sea 3k and us 2k?


        You could pay BSJ $50 so he can tell you to pull at :53


          my pull out game is pretty good

          i don't mind helping others, zdon. but that won't help me

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          BSJ. LGD

            if thinking so hard till it gives you actual headaches then ffs stop trying so hard its just a game, youll explode and get mad when things dont go your way XD. Also the headaches are from blood capillaries bursting due to your brain demands more blood or some shit, im getting them from playing osumania.

            also 5k eu=3k sea

            actually jk the headaches are from stress

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              It's called being talented

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                  i can produce 500-1000 mmr a month, it's worth it(on a month that i do it, it's really stressing)

                  i'm just wondering if i can get a method that's less stressful.

                  the method of analysis i use is a very simple idea, but hard to figure out.
                  it goes like this: figure out what the person you're analyzing is thinking.

                  you can see why it gives me headaches^

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                    watch pros


                      just watching won't teach you anything.

                      anyways, i'm open for actual suggestions made by blue stars and up


                        Try this :

                        I just googled. Tell me if it is worth it, if you try it.


                          the stuff that it tells you is pretty vague and tbh pretty stupid.

                          ''work on your lh when contested, you hit 80% bla bla"
                          " move your camera"
                          " click enemies more"
                          " you had 2 deaths, work on not dying"


                            Well, do you click your enemies enough? Do you move your camera to other lanes every few minutes or when someone pings? I know, it sounds very very basic but these thing are really important.


                              ofc i don't move my camera like a spastic. i get all the information i need from simple movents.

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                                  Grinding dota and watching good player perspective replays while constantly thinking 'what would I do next', and comparing to what they actually do are the only methods I've found. Pro players are very good but pro games are a very different environment from pubs and I find it's better to watch pubstar replays.

                                  That being said in my limited experience serious 5 dota tournaments even at an amateur level are a totally different environment to solo queue ranked and I highly recommend you try it if you can, it is insanely fun as well compared to pubbing. This has helped me improve an insane amount as well even with a limited number of scrims/actual games.

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                                  Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                    Watching pros in pub makes me improve a lot. I don't know if it works to higher skilled players 6k+ .


                                      Well I know what u mean. I get so drained from watching 10 mins. I only do it because everyone says u should. And it's only fun to watch the games you won, so that's why I'll be 1k forever.


                                        Bsj visualisation
                                        Taking responsibility
                                        Are both fast and proven methods

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          what is bsj visualisation i thought it's just some meme


                                            bsj the best player this world has ever fcking seen

                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              CLQ uses bsj visualization and i heard it's gr8


                                                Also pnpnpnpnpnpnpnpma


                                                  KR is kitrak he's actually pretty high mmr .


                                                    i don't want any shitposts, and no posts from Non- blue stars

                                                    and i especially don't want shitposts from non-blue stars.

                                                    @I'm so bad..., yea i use the first method, the comparing to higher players, but sometimes i just can't figure out why they do stuff that they do. and that's the part that drains me, to figure out that it just takes so long

                                                    i haven't played any tournaments, i don't have a team, nor do i plan making one since collage just started.

                                                    inst:  MissMissclick

                                                      ^thats why u get a coach who;s better than u so they can explain shit without u having to figure it out urself.


                                                        you find me some 7k player that's willing to coach for free like i do.

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                        inst:  MissMissclick

                                                          well sometimes u dont need someone who's that much higher than you. pro teams can get coached by people with lower mmr, but sometimes its just someone else's perspective that u need especially at higher levels.


                                                            1. you can't compare pub to pro

                                                            2. tldr for your comment: ''lower your expectations, you aint gonna git gud''

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                            inst:  MissMissclick

                                                              its not about expectations. my point was that perspective might be all you need.


                                                                to hit some mmr you need to have equivalent knowledge of that mmr.

                                                                there's nothing a 1-4k can teach me, that i can't figure out in 5 min on my own.

                                                                i play every role, they can't even teach me even role specific stuff

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                                  KR has almost 7k he commented about watch pro players .
                                                         his real acc.

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                                                                    I think watching your own replays from other people's perspectives can be less boring for you. Like if I play a support and I die during a team fight I like to watch the other team's carry perspective to see how he gets to me and from there I'll learn how to readjust my position. I'll watch how their supports ward, how they smoke how they rotate etc. so I can roughly gauge their thought process.


                                                                      the best and fastest way to improve is to play with players better than you.


                                                                        Spam a role with max 3 heroes (have a backup plan of 1 hero for each other role if you can't get your role). Make sure they are all good heroes for the patch and you will remove some variables which should gain you mmr and then get even better by playing in a higher bracket.

                                                                        Some guy (positivity) already did this with underlord spam from 4k to 5k or something and now he's 5.2 playing other heroes as well.

                                                                        Just by having a similar plan with your hero every game makes winning a lot easier, even if that plan is wrong/bad.


                                                                          Same way I got 7k and most other people git gud as well if you think about it


                                                                            ^ this also helps.

                                                                            by mastering a hero you reduce the amount of things you need to focus on in a game.

                                                                            if you don't have to worry about your hero then you will learn how DOTA is played much faster.


                                                                              Thinking about the different things happening in the game at the same time.and focusing more on information gathering than trying to be efficient with your hero (eg last hitting and animation cancelling in mid-game)


                                                                                Ywn do u think drow am pa is good

                                                                                yung griphook

                                                                                  thinking you know everything, and cant learn anything from some other people, is a fundamental flaw in improving in anything, my son


                                                                                    You can't learn from people who are genuinely bad at the game though, especially when they are much worse than you.

                                                                                    yung griphook

                                                                                      Sure, but its the principle of the attitude. I played college baseball and have seen a lot of very talented, but uncoachable people who didnt progress because fo it. Same thing applies.


                                                                                        exercise and proper diet - gradually increases O2 supply in the blood to the brain
                                                                                        eat nuts
                                                                                        listen to music while playing


                                                                                          drows good, pas usually good, ams very situational

                                                                                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                            so what elses good?
                                                                                            i used to play loads of jugg, but after morph drow became really popular i think its a really bad matchup for him so i stopped picking him
                                                                                            started to try abit of safe lane od, seemed decent, think safelane ods not really affected by armor nerf but not sure
                                                                                            i used to play abit of slark too but stopped for the meta
                                                                                            im sayaka btw

                                                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                              As u said im not blue star and im not gonna give any advice but im gonna say this
                                                                                              Waga stream is rly good especially when he answers the questions and explains the logic behind his builds, actions and etc. Idk it might help u see the game from his perspective

                                                                                                Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore

                                                                                                  im not a safelane player i dunno, most people pick morph, drow or luna though i personally think lunas garbage if not with SD

                                                                                                  ddsama always plays pa morph OD or slark, few times AM


                                                                                                    Why r high level pubs picking am more? Every am game always looks like an auto loss


                                                                                                      AM is a good pub hero because he lanes fairly well and lategame he is very much a 1v9 hero, so even if your team are morons you can get stuff done. He also has decent matchups against some common heroes right now like Morph, Slark, Storm, Tinker and POTM.

                                                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                                                        am is super fun and when i lose it always feels like it is my fault, which is kinda conducive to improvement imo

                                                                                                        hes not weak at all imo, and he's good against morph