General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips to boost solo que until 3k more faster

Any tips to boost solo que until 3k more faster in General Discussion
Standin. HellNo

    Need help from pro player


      Pay boosters

      Standin. HellNo

        No way just give me a tips


          Git gud

          Standin. HellNo

            Pak u lul

            funky cold medina

              play slark

              Standin. HellNo

                Ok let try

                < blank >

                  Play heroes that can do something late game, like Bloodseeker works for you and in lower bracket Troll can work too.
                  Your winrate with Anti Mage or Sven is really bad, you probably should improve your last hitting. Try to avoid jungling and pick a support when it's needed, no matter if you are solo support. Learn how to support properly (Pull timing, ganking, stacking, warding etc.) Learn how to play every role, when to build which item (MKB/Bloothorn/Silver Edge against PA etc.)


                    try spamming pudge or riki support(better fow mmr imho), roamers are soo beneficial to the team,
                    at low 2k mmr, they probably won't even bother buying detection

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