General Discussion

General Discussionim going to cry

im going to cry in General Discussion

    icant win a game plus im not motivated anymore but i still play ranlked probably until iget 3300 mmr solo
    i know this is K post but im so fucking sad
    anyone give me 5k acc pls im desperate :(

    2k indog monkey

      Die u fucking dumb piece of shit u got 4k only because your lucky i hope you get back to 2k you fucxking piece of shit kys kthxbye

      2k indog monkey

        Dude you're so good at being toxic I'm actually jealous

        doc joferlyn simp

          i kill bludgeon rape your mother shit ass noob smurf git gud by your own merit you trash


            You know what, let me tell you a story about us, I think we made our smurfs at the same time. We were posting in the forums before are mmr were calibrated. I believe I calibrated mine first and it was 4.1 mmr, and I thought you would get a lower rating since your winrate was bad, but i was shocked when yours was 4.4 mmr, admittedly I was salty, but now.....
            Your tears are delicious :)
            btw K

            2k indog monkey

              Attitude wins games


                He is dropping fast. Go back to 2k. Btw i calibrated at 3.8k now im low 4k. But my party is 3.5 lose sooo fckin many game.


                  @RussianPinoy agreed 100%, plus the things you two with haffy commented are hilarious xD, giving him a taste of of his own medicine.

                  Questo commento è stato modificato
                  casual gamer

                    man if u get a 5k account ur going to get demolished

                    if i was in ur games i could wreck shop every time, and im barely even a 5k at all


                      Im sub 1k cuz i was retard and calibrated with only 200-300 hours in the game. And i cant pull myself out of mmr hell cuz im not good enough rip in piece halp. It sux so much, i just want 1k is that too much to ask?


                        you're losing by 4k, how would losing in 5k be any better?

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          yea i read alll shits ty
                          i even got same guuy 2 times in team who reported me cause he feeded with tinker and im muted and telling my team im this and that and trash and actually he is but im fucking muted and get reported lp stuff like that
                          to become truly free ,trylle unfettered ,u have to become truly uninhibitted ,and i ,who have the boldness,the strenght of a character to throw off its shakles ,so this is whree my education has led me to become most toxic shit ever

                          plz do

                            why u blame others. Dont blame others. dont blame urself. Stop following this retarded blaming lifestyle of our society. Live free and treat urself and others well.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                            Full Давай

                              That's what you get for not practicing support you filthy smurf


                                Yo u can have thiss for an arcana

                                doc joferlyn simp

                                  techies arcana g? lmao

                                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                    nah i dont want that, just the normal avg value arcana