General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat To Do When In All Pick ...

What To Do When In All Pick ... in General Discussion

    Nobody in your team and enemy pick any heroes when the time almost reaches zero ?
    Is it worth it losing your own gold waiting for the pick to happen ?

    This situation is really hard for me especially as a support since your role is to compliment, take advantage of enemy lineup, or filling the hole in your own lineup.

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    2k indog monkey

      Instapick support before those retards pick PA or whatthefucktheirfavouriteherois so they won't have 5 counters to face

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        nobody wants to win so just roll random


          Pos 5 support should pick first in most cases so u are wrong OP.


            yep, in the majority of the time the pos 5 is to be picked first

            r h y m e z..

              Hold out until everyone else picks, and then random


                Pick ogre


                  just pick a good support.

                  it's more important to not have your cores countered, than it is to have support synergy.

                  besides, your carries can still choose a hero based on ur support.

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                      Seems like that's actually true now that you all mention it.
                      Turns out support have more freedom in picking what they want to play.