General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed advice about hero build for climbing mmr

Need advice about hero build for climbing mmr in General Discussion

    After kunkka nerf... My winrate on this hero is dropping. So i want to make hero that will stomp in ns(2k).
    1. i think void is good that ulti really make the game 4vs5. My question is that rush aghanim is good thing? After finish lifesteal on void(offlane void) i go rush agha or i build other item?

    2.riki Cuz in 2k they just have 1 sup pos 5. My question is does early buy gem is good for riki? Or i need diffu and survival item like lifesteal or sentry. Should i play him as roam supp or carry riki

    3.morph cuz ns is never have chain silence. And how to deal riki or puck in early game as morph and how to farm fast with this 330 movement speed. And should i rush etheral or linken first? Does bottle good on morph?

    Bonus question
    1. I think i play ursa very well in this bracket. My question is what counter this hero on early game? When i play this hero the enemy seems never counter me...
    2. Why in 2k hero like ursa have good wr and meepo bad wr but in 5k+ its complete opposite?(according to dotabuff)

    I really appreciate answer with reason. Tnx guys


      1. no, make manta & diffusal
      2. you are in 2k bracket, i doubt they would even bother buying sents or obs, dont gem, play riki as roaming support
      3. Ive seen bottle on morph even on safelanes but i don't recommend it. Hurricane pike to deal with riki, or just go bkb to deal with silence.

      For the bonus questions
      1. any hero that can kite him
      2. ....

      Questo commento è stato modificato

        Does anyone really have to answer that last bonus question honestly lmao

        Free 2 Play Scootz

          Well Meepo because 5k players have better micro and map sense than 2k players. As for Ursa, idk 5ks can kite him better I guess.