General Discussion

General DiscussionFeel like dota is just 40% coinflip and only 10 percent is depended o...

Feel like dota is just 40% coinflip and only 10 percent is depended on you. Like the average 4 players in 2k bracket can only win 4 or 6 out of 10 in General Discussion

    Like if a normal 4k player suddenly plays in 2k bracket he cant suddenly win 80% of games at most 60% Just like if we suddenly give a 2k player to 4k bracket he wont lose every game he still get 40% to 50%. Anyone willing to do this experiment and swap accounts for 10 games?


      you are so wrong mate, 4k player in 2k bracket will win 90% of games, ofc if that player wants to achieve it need to pick properly scaling core with flash farm and split push abilities eg. (alch, arc)

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        maybe even 100%


          i have no idea what your title means. but obviously due to the skill difference a 4k would win in 2k non stop

          and vice versa, a 2k would lose in 4k


            i dont think so. I have party with some really low people before and those games are extremely hard. Quick example is in the safe lane you are use to supports dewarding the hardcamp and pulling. Suddenly you are having 2 supports stand next to you not dewarding not harrassing and then 5 mins in the offlaner is lvl 6 and you are lvl 4 and ur supports leave you. Where as before in ur normal bracket you averaged 4500 networth at 10 mins you are averaging 3000 networth. I seriously doubt a normal player would win 90% of games in 2k bracket. Sure they might climb out of it in a month or 2 but it wont be a straight climb it will be probably a 55% to 60% win rate climb.


              But you get it that on the average that retards exists in enemy team as well, enemy offlaner is retarded too therefore you can outplay him as you want, deftly ur not getting zoned.


                I had a friend at 4.8k mmr not from calibration but probably 3000 games played at around that mmr. Ya he isnt pro or even very good but is the average 4.8k mmr player. When I did the experiment with him it was only a 3.6k mmr account and he wasnt even able to win more than 4/10.


                  Dickthequick I am willing to bet if I played on your account I wont win more than 6/10 and if I swap my account with yours you wont lose more than 4/10. Like when you are in a high average game you actually play better just like if you are in a low average game you actually play worse. It isnt you that changed but the stuff your teammates are doing is impacting how you play


                    i started grinding solo queue again, im 75% winrate in 30 games in low 5k

                    and this other person i was coaching a bit i played some on their acc (low 3k) and had 100% winrate over 15 games.

                    so yeah, no, a good player can win games when they aren't in the right bracket.

                    just assume you always get monkey supports, and pick a carry (or mid) who can play alone, and then just tell ur supports to fuck off if they aren't being useful.

                    don't be a game ruiner though, if your monkeys won't let you take core, it's better to play support than to have someone feed or too many carries. just pick a support who can do things. like omni/venge/wd or something.

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                    casual gamer

                      guarantee i can win 90-100% games in 2k lol

                      ur overestimating the impact of ur teammates because it makes u feel better about being low skill


                        I got 8 games win streak on my 2k Account 8x pudge and never played pudge b4 and im Not even 4k on Main...


                          if you were to put Cristiano Ronaldo to play football/soccer with some kinder garden kids against some kinder garden kids.

                          what chance would the kinder-gardeners have against him? he would just kick them with the ball even if they somehow miraculously manage to get the ball.

                          even though it's a team game, he won't need to relay even 1% on his teammates, because he can also just kick them with the ball.

                          ok back to dota terms, if you were to put an actually high skilled player into a low skill game, of course the high skilled player is gonna win at least 8/10 games, even if he wasn't miracle- or dendi

                          same in football, you don't need to be Christiano Ronaldo, you can be literally just a high schooler and you'll still beat those kids questionlessly, sure you wouldn't destroy them as hard as a professional BUT you'll still destroy them.

                          example, here's an acc that i played on a while back(2-4k mmr):

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                            it does depend what hero you play. you probably wont get 100% win rate without spamming super op 1v5 cores like spectre or something like that cause at some point youll get a team that walk down mid or instapick mid/carry and feed relentlessly.


                              ^^ What if the professional Football guy would be pedophile and prefer to sexuall harras the Kids Instand of winning the game?

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                                In what bracket is spectre a super op 5v1 Core?

                                Dr. Banana

                                  Not these threads again. I remember how this guy said he could beat 4k players but he only had a sample of one match.


                                    That 90% is from molesting those low mmr scrubs

                                    Not tryharding to win :p

                                    Win comes by itself

                                    Dr. Banana

                                      Im getting bored of these posts.

                                      MMR posts

                                      VHS posts

                                      HS posts

                                      retarded players posts

                                      posts concerning vhs & ns players

                                      Smurf posts

                                      I guess people can never be happy


                                        in low part of normal skill bracket she(spectre) can be treated as super op in comparison to the other cores that require teamwork


                                          I think the op is correct for normal skill players. I don't think a 3k player knows how to stomp 1k reliably.

                                          Don Matin

                                            I see all the time some players nag about their teammates being noob. Let me tell you a fact, if your teammate is noob, your enemy is the same. Although ppl are angry about match making system and they think they deserve more, but they actually don't. Even in 5k bracket you will find some players who are even less than 2k, but it does not matter. If it was impossible to rankup, there would not be any player in the world to rankup from 2k to 3 and from 3 to 4...

                                            It's all about lower your expectations. You go and spectate 7k mmr players and then you expect to have the same on your 2k or even 5k rank. It doesn't really work that way. I rankup and I play on pos 1, it totaly works. In 4k, players are good? no there are not. You barely see good midders and supports, but that also happens on the enemy side.

                                            Pick the heroes that can do early farming and push instead of picking hard carries all the time. No matter what carry your enemy has, they cannot standout against a hard pusher like Drow Ranger.

                                            Dota always has new patches and the way you would be able to rankup on a patch is different with another. So always look for what works best on your current rank to easily rankup.

                                            At last, never giveup. You might lose a couple of matches, but try to win and don't get angry. Don't blame and I suggest to not even try to argue with people on your team. When someone blames you, you won't play any better, so if you blame someone and make them nervous, it would not help you to win the game.


                                              if you lose then it's your fault
                                              if you can't carry your noob teammates, it's still your fault
                                              if you play shit in your bracket, you will lose mmr
                                              if you play better than other players in your bracket, you will gain mmr

                                              simple as that. ez.


                                                W0w i cen pley aginst 4k it actully my nub tim dat drag mi down on mmr so i will creat smurf accun and git vhs


                                                  Seriously nearly every single 4k I know wrecked havoc every match in NS
                                                  Skill difference is way bigger than you think


                                                    Skill diffeeence betwwen a 4k and a 2k is waaaay bigger than a 4k and a 6k

                                                    Dr. Banana



                                                      I get what you mean though


                                                        4:2 = 2x better
                                                        6:4 = 1.5x better


                                                          U don fuk with my math m8

                                                          Dr. Banana

                                                            He said difference. Usually when someone says difference it generally means subtraction.

                                                            M U R D E R

                                                              Oh pls i know 4ks that feed in 2k (but spam omnik to get 4k i think)


                                                                any mid 4k player will destroy 2k, at least 70-80% winrate

                                                                so you're very wrong

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                                                                  ^thats pretty correct I have partied with 4ks who were smurfing and they have absolutely rekt all the games that we played

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                                                                    just woke up didnt realize so many people posted here already. Very easy to talk the talk cookie. I am willing to make a bet with you. Since you are 5k and not 4k which this tread was directed at we use a 3kish account. I give you password and username and I will spec 10 games rules are any game where no one abandons before 5 mins counts if you win 8/10 I will paypal you 50 dollars if you do not trust me I can pappal to a middle man first. If you lose more than 2 games you will have to paypal me 100 dollars. If you accept feel free to add me.



                                                                      The player isn't 4k, he was 5k. He borrowed a 2.9k account to prove that ELO hell doesn't exist. This experiment was conducted many years ago.

                                                                      2903 to 3506 (24-0) 100%
                                                                      3506 to 4017 (24-3) 89%, lost 3 games because he did not go for mid.
                                                                      4017 to 4509 (24-5) 83%.
                                                                      4509 to 5005 (28-8) 78%.

                                                                      Any 4k mid laner will destroy low mmr game. There are exception of course, intentional throwing from teammate, griefing, teammate wants mid no matter what or enemy team has smurf as well, etc. Given a big sample size, most 4k will attain 80% win rate in 2k games during the first 10 to 20 games provided they are not stupidly UNLUCKY and playing mid solo seriously.

                                                                      As for your next point; 2k is capable of attaining 40-50% win rate in 4k games, he might be able to do so if he picks support and being lucky. Other than that, I don't see that happening.

                                                                      casual gamer

                                                                        i remember at least 1 yr ago, 2-3k guy bought 5k account, spammed treant (he was op at the time, armor half cd and half manacost) and had 50% flat winrate barely lol


                                                                          old smurfing gif:

                                                                          40 winstreak old acc in 2-4k mmr(can't remember where exactly)

                                                                          so my question is, why would you bet 50-100$ on something obvious

                                                                          also, who says ''if you win i give you 50, but if i win you give me 100$"

                                                                          what a fair bet, i'll pass. i'm not gonna throw away 50-100$ on the chance some 3k scrub intentionally feeding.


                                                                            sounds like the typical dodger that is all talk and full of shit

                                                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                              i actually feel this way right now, my team wins me the game or loses it in the first 15 mins


                                                                                i'll gladly do it for free, without any bet, like i said i won't throw away 50-100$ on the possible chance for some 3k scrub to intentionally babyrage/feed


                                                                                  mr.kaiba boy if that experiment is made years ago its completely another thing, nowdays smurfs are completedy unbalancing the games from 4k and below, in that bracket mmr its nothing it jsut a number, cause all smurfs in that bracket are droping mmr in their main and than create another acc , drop it again and that recreate so you cant know thier real mmr it can be 1k, 200 mmr or 1 mmr if they keep playing with 1 ac, and cause of that you might be paired with teamates with 1 real mmr and vs some 2k real mmr guys, but the average mmr of the game cam be 3k but that its not real its jsut a number cause they will drop it anyway i kno this cause of many friends calibrated over 3k and than droped fast and than recreate again and again, and he think he is above 3k mmr player cause his smurfs but if he keep playing with 1 acc he might be 1 mmr player maybe who know. I HOPE IDINT MADE THIS TO COMPLICATED FOR YOU KIDS


                                                                                    Lul why Dota players on low mmr never get the fact they are just not that good, as someone said as example players in lower leagues dont blame teammates or saying im champions league player....i feel like in dota every 2k player think he is the best player with everytime worse maybe the only "proud" 2k whats wrong with that its just a number no one cares if you 2k or 5k its still just a game and till you not getting pay for it its doesn't really matter to me, important is having fun, im happy to play there ownage my games when i feel like that, or whatever, im just always disappointed when i always hear 2k trash etc....thats not true i know tons of good players there .....not everyone try hard rank and spam meta heroes for climb up....i played my first 1000 games as unranked and i had a nice fun also played with mmr to 5k try hard mmr when you Miracle or pro maybe streamer but when your orig.acc is low mmr dont push youreself somewhere where you should be


                                                                                      no , definutely nut complicated.

                                                                                      Kia Boyz Leader

                                                                                        These kind of players ruin the bracketing very well. I rage most of the time because of account buyers and swappers who are not on their usual brackets. They suck hard.

                                                                                        Optimus Drip

                                                                                          I think a 4k player, even if they lose the match- will have 10 times better stats than the 2k players for any given game on any given role. If the 4k person was supporting, he probably supported really fucking well in comparison.


                                                                                            all the fantasy points in the world don't make up for these moments:


                                                                                            almost have to be a masochist to enjoy sitting through games like that time and time again

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                                                                                            Dr. Banana

                                                                                              I think, you should just enjoy.

                                                                                              MMR is just a nber and @knowledgeisgone is right, it's not even 'real' anymore.


                                                                                                2k is trash, i can go sup and still end up 6 slotted end game. Got prove as well if you wanna see or you can ask Haffy i supported him 2 games and still ended up as farmed as he is.