General Discussion

General DiscussionHello fellow meepo pickers!

Hello fellow meepo pickers! in General Discussion
Nina Dobriv

    To all my fellow meepo pickers. Will you please tell me what I lacked and needed to improve with my meepo gameplays. I know many of you guys are pros using meepo. Just want to have few pointers on how can I improve my games using meepo. Thanks in advance and much appreciated.


      Meepo biggest strenght is that He can Farm faster than any other hero. Any you end up with 400 lh at 60 min.

      Nina Dobriv

        Yes, I'am very well aware of that fact since I'm a meepo picker myself. I just wanted to ask in what aspect do i lack with my meepo games and how can I improve it?

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          Your games are too long, you need to finish faster

          Nina Dobriv

   In this match almost all of our enemies is an anti of my meepo still i got too many kills with low deaths but ended up losing. I want to have a few pointers on how can i improve and win my meepo games.

            Nina Dobriv

              @K. That was also my thought but i always had a very hard time ending my games early.

              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                Agreed with K.
                Also there are some times stacking Ethereal Blades is better than having Dragon Lances.
                Your tower damage on non-stomped games is too little.
                I think you know most of the tricks for Meepo so this is probably all you need.

                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                  If experiencing alot of counters try Manta Style.
                  Still not enough kill Roshan take Aegis suicide push your Meepo's to the objectives.
                  Main Meepo at base so when they die they respawn back there.
                  In the match you gave as an example you could've bought Ethereal Blades and continued to backdoor.

                  Hanamichi Sakuragi

                    One last tip, once you are level 2 and you skilled poof first, you can wait for level 3 and skill level 2 poof and your ult.
                    Makes lane domination better but it ain't a guaranteed kill till your level 4.

                    Nina Dobriv

                      Thanks for your insight :) much appreciated :'>

                      Nina Dobriv

                        All my games averages at 4.4k to 5k when I solo. So damn hard to play meepo but I'm still glad with that coz I can practice and improve :>


                          Good luck with grinding mate

                          Nina Dobriv

                            Thanks bruh