General Discussion

General DiscussionManta style

Manta style in General Discussion

    Is there a decent rule of thumb to know what you can/can't manta off? I was playing vs Kunkka a while ago and was getting owned by the X. I didn't really want to buy BKB so i bought manta assuming it would take it off but it doesn't. Slark also can't dark pact out of it I don't think.

    I've also run into this before with Glimpse, i assumed you could manta it off but it doesn't work. The game tells you the interactions with spell immunity in the tooltips but doesn't tell you whether manta works so i was just wondering if it's a certain type of skills that it works on, or is it just a case of finding out the hard way?



      you have a .1 sec to manta dodge/ be invulnerable

      mentally handicapped

        for glimpse you activate manta right when the squiggly ball that marks where youre supposed to go back to reaches that specific point. glimpse tries to force move you but at that exact moment you dont exist in the map, which means nothing happens

        idk about x tho

        Hanamichi Sakuragi

          He is not asking about the 9k plays RTZ makes guys, he is asking about stuff that can be removed by Manta Style.
          Idk what kind of rule it follows though. But I assume all silences, dots, and slows.

          mentally handicapped

            if we didnt inform him that manta can actually stop him from getting glimpsed, he would live on with that false thought

            also i think knowing weird interactions and uncommon tricks is important if you are placed in "that" situation


              Projectile attack and spell. If you want to try to get better try this. Dodge sven stun,self bomb alch stun, glimpse, RP


                Any Kind of silences. and slark pounce.


                  You can still dodge x, though it is super hard to do, you basically have to watch kunkka's animation for the return and when it finishes you activate manta.. Projectiles as they fly at you (dagger, qop's dagger, sven's stun) are rather easy compared to x. Manta dispels the same things eul's would dispell, all silences except doom and static field (assuming you don't manage to push yourself out of the edge).


                    Doom obviously not because you can't manta in the first place.


                      If kunkka's somehow ♿ disabled follow as per glimpse, 4 sec after x has been cast


                        If you want to learn how this type of interactions work you can use this site:
                        I know its not so easy to read it alt-tabbing out of game, but you can learn much when not playing.

                        I once saw Era (now playing in ESC gaming) evading glimpse on Chaos Knight using ultimate. Its just about good timing(CK`s ulti is ~.3 sec invulnerability, manta ~.1 sec though).

                        mentally handicapped

                          much of transformation abilities act like manta during cast time; in the sense that close to nothing (even that aghanime'd laguna blade) cant touch you. i think only silences can interrupt you

                          lycan shapeshift, druid turning into a full fledged furry, alche drugs, as mentioned ck thing, maybe others this is just from the top of my head

                          when projectiles reach you while you are transforming you arent affected in any way

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                            I remember arteezy evaded a self stun on alchemist with his manta
                            Sick shit

                            Dire Wolf

                              It's quit easy to figure out actually on a spell by spell basis. Manta does a basic dispel. Contrast that to a stribg dispel which dispels more stuff.

                              Then there is a list of dispellable spells or if you look on each spell it'll say if it's dispellable or not. It's different from magic immunity, x marks the spot won't go through immunity but cannot be dispelled, same with glimpse. That's why it doesn't work.

                              See these:


                              Dire Wolf

                                If you want a general rule of thumb though all silences and most spell debuffs like slows. Glimpse and x marks the spot are not debuffs, they're spells that have a delayed effect, the debuff icon is just there to indicate the spell has been cast. There's a couple exceptions like maledict can't be dispelled or enfeble.


                                  Thanks for the links - thats really helpful.

                                  I'll also practice my sick plays. As you say dodging stuns etc is fairly easy but it sounds like this is a bit next level.


                                    To add onto what Dire Wolf said, most Soft disables can be dispelled by basic dispels. This includes most slows, silences, roots and most debuffs in general. You cannot remove DOT effects in general, (such as Huskar's burning spears) however if the DOT has a secondary effect such as a slow, you can generally remove both effects with a basic dispel. Examples of this are Ignite, Dual Breath and QOP's dagger.
                                    There are exceptions to what I said. Also most Unique debuffs cant be dispelled. (eg: Enfeeble, Spectral Dagger path, Stolen stats from OD/Slark/Silencer and DOOM)

                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                      Eul's counters X much better than manta. The time frame for Manta is wayyyyy too short being at a quarter second, you have to react at the exact moment, I THINK. I have never seen this done because of that quarter of a second reaction needed.


                                        manta projectile dodging is not that difficult, not that easy either