General Discussion

General DiscussionIn depth explanation of Tiny's mechanics

In depth explanation of Tiny's mechanics in General Discussion

    Can someone explain to me Tiny's various aspects?

    1. How does the toss avalanche thing work exactly? which do you do first to get twice the damage?
    2. How does getting ult and getting aghs affect toss?
    3. How does having maxed ulti and aghs affect the avalanche toss combo?

    I tried to find these answers on the wiki and testing by myself, but I'm ns scrub so I didn't really understand. Can someone give an in depth explanation please?

    Vem Comigo

      1 - Avalanche toss, triggers the avalanche damage 2 times(because avalanche triggers on the ground toss makes you fly and hit the ground again).
      2 - toss damage gets buffed depending of you strengh 50% 65% and 80% of your strengh is added to the toss dmg
      Example you have 100 strengh you will add 50 65 and 80 to toss dmg
      3 - toss does more dmg because of the strengh, and you still can hit the enemy in the air


        Toss dmg does NOT increase based on the strength tiny has .

        Vem Comigo

          ^ so is just a normal buff, i always tought it would increase with the strengh


            blink avalanche toss
            get agh heart moonshard bkb
            agh gives stat gain and beautiful cleave (even more!!!)


              Wtf is with everyone and the bad advice, please never get heart on tiny ever. Tiny is a strength hero that's it. Grow increases toss damage, aghs increases toss damage. By level 7 2 4 0 1. Toss is your best spell shorter cooldown and obv more damage later on


                get agh because of fucking cleave. you can farm faster with that shit, hit strucyures harder and damage on toss !! get agh first item! get cuirass, tiny got literally 0 armor without craggy, aspd is always welcome. get fucking blink. get manta! the damage from grow is beautifully goos with manta. mspd is always welcome, debuff shit. get daedalus, because grow like free rapier. with daedalus and cleave you will hit hard. get butterfly. evasion aspd mspd is always good.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  idk why i feel this strongly but i want to smash my keyboard bcs you neglected to suggest ecchi sabre


                    1-> avalanche does 2 times it's damage while the target is in air. It is possible that some damage is doubled and some not, because avalanche does it's damage in 4 instances and if the unit lands after 3 instances the last one will deal it's regular damage.
                    2-> The tossed enemy takes more damage, 80% increase means that it will deal 1.8 times the damage. It does normal damage to thaghs) enemies around.
                    3-> Nothing changes with avalanche, nothing happens to toss' normal damage, but the tossed target will take more damage from it with every level in grow(and aghs).