General Discussion

General DiscussionPhoenix players look here!

Phoenix players look here! in General Discussion

    I now have 61%+ with Phoenix after 250 games. Phoenix have been my absolut favorite hero since it came in Dota 1 back in the days.

    But I want to get even better with this hero. I often hear I play very risky, cause I often go with agha. I think it's a must item on Phoenix. If you have good timing with the egg you can turn the games to your advantage.

    Should I keep playing risky or go with a more safe playstyle?

    And how do you play Phoenix?

    PS. Sorry for the bad english.

    Rylo Ken

      I'm using phoenix but agha is not safe . better Shivas guard dagger




          Does anyone still get VoD on phoenix?


            Dagger? Wut? You don't need an escape or an initiation tool

            doc joferlyn simp

              vod for that manfight potential, ive seen phoenixes get ganked by 3 people and it ends up as a triple kill with ray + spirit + egg

              shivas guard and radiance are the only items that make your egg more durable

              shivas = slow, radi = miss chance. if youre getting aghs might as well save up for this

              i dont get why youd get bm and dagger over radi

              but i think ppl cant wreck like zer0 can so lets just say you are in optimal circumstances that allow you to freely choose items


                I often use force staff, mekans, hex when dota 1 back before


                  Aghs now also increases the number of attacks needed to destroy the egg to 7/10/13, so its better than it used to be. Still rather get Shivas first because it offers more utility. Aghs is probably better than radiance in a close game, but if youre doing well, that radiance will really speed up your farm and let you get aghs and other items faster.

                  I personally like going Tranquals> Urn> Midas> Shivas> Luxury.
                  Veil is good but I'm just not a fan of it :P. Radiance and Aghs are your two main luxury items but Scythe of Vyse, Heaven's Halberd and Heart are all good options in the right situations. Mek, GG boots, Pipe and Lotus Orb are all situational items you may need to consider.

                  Blademail is bad, the only reason people ever got it is because there used to be a bug long ago where if you activate blademail, then use ult, anyone who killed the egg would take damage equal to your max HP.
                  Blink Dagger is gimmicky. You always blink away after Ult, but you really don't need the mobility.
                  Force staff is okay I guess, especially if you're a support or your up against riki or something.
                  Aether Lens is okay for the spell amp but you don't really benefit from the range increase.
                  Refresher is super situational and I don't really see any way its better than the other items you should normally get.
                  Octarine is Okay for the CD reduction but don't rush it.


                    does heavens halberd also give evasion to egg ??

                    if so i guess it is decent on phoenix ,may be even better than radiance.

                    doc joferlyn simp

                      actually when phoenix is in egg form he is treated hidden and invulnerable by the game, but for some reason auras such as the shivas atk speed slow and radiance miss + burn and surprisingly gem's true sight still persist. that is why shivas and radi are the only items in the game that improve phoenix's survivability in egg form

                      halberd gives evasion to the hero itself, it does not provide an aura. since the egg is not treated like phoenix himself (who is actually hidden for the full 6 secs of egg form), the egg doesnt get evasion halberd provides


                        thank you dude , that make me understand the hero better.

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          anything for a fellow normal skill who is tryna git gud


                            Halberds passive evasion doesn't give the egg evasion. But if you use the active on an enemy before using ult they wont be able to attack the egg because they're disarmed. Halberd is effective if there is one fast-attacking enemy who can solo your egg like Troll or Clinkz. If you have the money though, a scythe is better


                              any time i see someone with veil on this hero i want to puke


                                ^Would you mind Elaborating Kitrak? I don't build veil from personal preference, but I don't see it as being bad. Why are you against it?


                                  90% of the time veil is purchased it is the wrong item


                                    that title made me laugh good one dude :D


                                      I go veil or atos into shivas into octarine usually. Put a force staff, euls or mek as situational early game. Glimmer as a support is dank. Hex, halberd, aghs is risky but can really pay off sometimes, and lotus orb.


                                        Atos is really bad as an early item. I cant think of a single situation where I would get it at any point in the game as Phoenix.
                                        Also if you want to dispel silences I suggest Lotus orb or GG boots instead of Euls. The 2.5 seconds you're in the air lets them get into position to kill the egg or interrupt the Dive if you ult/dive right after euls.
                                        Rest of the items you mentioned are okay.


                                          veil is terrible atos is terrible

                                          people that go veil especially trigger the shit out of me

                                          casual gamer

                                            what do you go lol

                                            shivas or halberd or euls?


                                              I mean atos is in my list but tbh ive never built it on pheonix. U can atos someone in sunray i guess. Veil also gives needed armor, and helps ur teammates, not just for pheonix dmg.


                                                Euls is cheaper and can also be used as a disable of sorts. Set up for birds.


                                                  veil sounds op but in reality the items garbage


                                                    How? It gives nice stats and helps ur team deal more dmg. It's not an every game item, but like all situational items it jas its purpose.


                                                      stop buying veil


                                                        i can assure u there are better items in every game than veil

                                                        euls force ghost shivas pipe urn aghs lotus are all substantially better

                                                        the only two spells of phoenix that are useful are sunray and egg. sunray doesnt get amped. egg stun doesnt get amped. egg damage goes up by 115. not worth spending 3k gold on. the stats on it are ok but u shouldnt need them in the sense that ur in the wrong position if u need null talisman stats and helm stats.

                                                        shivas is by far the best phoenix item in the game because it makes his ult a teamfight winner. his ults actually quite bad early on prior to level 11 and mostly 16 because its super easy to kill so its not like you just put it in the middle of the enemy team. egg placement usually wants to be in the back if ur level 6 and somewhat in the back if ur level 11 so its not like veil helps that much - egg is really just a sunray reset that is also a roadblock preventing the enemy team from walking in that direction (sorta like a stonegaze). phoenix doesnt just sit on gold. i played this hero a lto during ti6 quals and there was one game in which i actually got to buy a lot of items (107 minute game lol). the rest i finished a lot of the time with just a midas urn and some gold, a few times i had shivas but for the most part if u dump 3k gold into veil u wont get shivas in that game which is shitty.

                                                        and the whole idea of veil helping ur team do damage is stupid. its 25% amgic damage. at the stage where u get this item its not like u benefit from this amp. veils a good 10-20 minute item but it falls off hard later unless u have sandking+phoenix+invoker+puck or some shit. magic damage is super hit or miss, if you get a proper initiation and stuff off you will win the fight regardless of the veil 25% magic damage increase, if u get a bad initiation ull lose, if certain heros die u lose and so on. which is why prioritizing utility items over an item that increases ur damage by a meh amount in super unreliable/unnecessary ways isnt good.

                                                        its great on eldertitan sometiems if you have a hero like void to sync ur ults up and do a lot of damage, other than that i cant think of many good situations in which its good. its great on puck if u can get it early. other than that i doubt many heros should buy it

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                          would you say zeus would benefit much from vod as a first item?


                                                            zues is a good veil carrier as well


                                                              Yeh i forgot to mention urn. And no shit (almost) all the items u mentioned are bigger. Of course an item like shivas will have more effect.


                                                                His fire spirit is good and probably one of the most op spell in the game. Attack slow is precious in late game

                                                                I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                  yea u definitely shudnt be getting veil as a support phoenix


                                                                    I like playing core offlane pheonix (ye i know its bad but its fun). I go tranqs, urn, veil, shivas, octarine, radiance.


                                                                      I can only think of zeus and puck as good VoD carriers
                                                                      QoP is decent imo but she's rather trash right now and hero ult is pure damage anyway

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        if someone happens to random lesh id say vod is a pretty solid pickup


                                                                          sounds great on lesh except he needs a million other items


                                                                            I usually play Phoenix as a snowballer since you will be the main focus of your enemies due to your health-based skills and your annoying ulti. But I usually play as Phoenix whenever there are no "egg-breakers" (Sniper, BS, Huskar, Slark) so you can go full blast whenever there is a teamfight. I'm now doing this Phoenix mid meta in my recent games and max out second instead of ray to prevent the enemy midlaner from scoring LHs and denies. Also, I build Traq, Urn, Shiva's, Tarrasque, Aghs, Radiance and Eul's (if needed against an enemy Silencer) but do not rush Aghs since you can only use it in the late-game.


                                                                              nc necro thread


                                                                                and all he need to buy its dagon, make it like a plane with full of laserbeam

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                  why the fuck is sniper and bs mentioned as egg breakers, but troll and ursa arent


                                                                                    I played the hero less than 10 times in my life i just cant get the hang of him