General Discussion

General Discussiontimbersaw post laning: roam around for kills or farm bloodstone?

timbersaw post laning: roam around for kills or farm bloodstone? in General Discussion

    so i rekt the lane. their carry has no farm, towers cant damage me, i kill supports that try to rotate to me, sometimes even mids. i take over their t1, and now its post 10 mins into the game and fights are happening in other lanes. now what? should i continue trying to take over one portion of their map to rid them of every resource to force them into going for difficult pushes/fights because they cant kill me without committing 4 to 5 heroes? or should i chase them around the map, trying to kill them with my teammates?

    i actually had my last game like this, i didnt know what to do after i dumpstered luna, and i ended up being a nonfactor. i honestly know i can do better if i had made the correct decisions (or if couldve just plyed slardar off) but i didnt, which led to me playing a bad game. lucky me the luna played badly until later in to the game, so the games even and tinker was able to dumpster them

    casual gamer

      farm bs usually


        shouldn't you "have" bs if you rekt the lane and killed who ganks you though?


          Farm your bs, go as 4 or 5 with your team, push, gain bs charges. ez game

          casual gamer

            not really even if you rap ecompletely it usually takes 13 min at least

            this is the fastest i ever see. this timbersaw was a god


              Get ur damn bljatstone whatever way is faster


                9 min bs omfg fastest i got was 14

                and yeah, u cant always get ur bs even if u dumpster the lane since you get lots of items before it (pms, qb/wand/oov/raindrops, arcane boots but it can be disassembled) and ur only reliable spell for farming is your W (unless you wanna explode all ur mana in 1 creepwave + 1-2 camps)


                  ue saying should u foght with team??

                  why fucking not ur timber u cant hit tower at all u will get bloodstone by double kill in fight u gona grt 800 gold its more that farming 4 lane of creeps and killing 2 heroes are 5 seconds and killing 4 lanes are 2 mins and 15 sec

                  La Lumière

                    Roam to help out your team. Usually, timbersas does so much damage that he will actually KS so you can get your bs as quickly as normally farming. But she I farm, I feel like I am being completely useless.


                      Timber lacks the mana without bs to farm. I just fight and dominate lane, maybe tp to help but otherwise not until blyatstone. Then the rape train begins.


                        Farm for BS then go full DM

                        casual gamer

                          hello arcane + soul ring is enough mana regen to oneshot 1 creep wave per 30s easily


                            Soul ring i forgot abt, but arcanes alone rnt enough.

                            casual gamer

                              here is the recipe to infinite mana

                              drop arcane use soul ring

                              con grats its like you already have bloodstone acutaly

                              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                Follow what JDF8 said.


                                  farm only


                                    i usually die after i buy bloodstone and insta drop to 8 so fucking annoying


                                      like they see ,, o shit timber 12 charges lets 5 man smoke kamikaze ,, boom i die their whold team die and they writd ,,worth it ,, jdbddsnssbalwhshshs motherfuc.kers i better lose game than insta lose charges