General Discussion

General Discussiontell me your allies "reasons" for making really stupid item choice or...

tell me your allies "reasons" for making really stupid item choice or item build in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    example :
    Storm go orchid first then bloodstone ( ez minute 25 orchid ) = because we need more damage first

    jugg aghs : more damage omnislash

    rushing dagger supports with no wards : need dagger so we can win, yea i am sure we can win with no vision and because of that u get killed million times in laning phase and team fights

    huskar : Power treads , urn , then armlet : item guide lul

    slark : pt , orchid : we need to silence Timber / puck / storm and die million times because need forever to farm orchid rush


      I had this dude called HotSalza play Nature's Prophet, and go out of his way to never kill, die, or assist in anything. He almost had 0 hero damage as well.

      Mary Poppins

        AM jungle urn & armlet because slasher way ...


          PA Battlefury rush : Fast farming (with brown boots)

 Huskar PT then HoD then armlet : Youre void dude, you're the carry

          Then got flamed for every single team fight we lost for "not carrying" as offlane void...yeah great

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          casual gamer

            28 hero damage, mission failed

            La Lumière


              I had a dumb peenoise morphing that went ethereal blade after he got brown boots 5 mins. Then, after a row of reports and about 40 minutes into the game, he goes for another ethereal blade. Gege.

              Had a stupid pinoy juggernaut that muted the whole team and farmed jungle for 30 minutes. When he came out, he went linkens ?????? Only significant item he had was the linkens too ?????¿¿¿¿¿¿

              Dune, the Desert Planet

                Echo Sabre Anti Mage

                Fee Too Pee

                  holyfuck hotsalza do u even have fun with 28 hero damage

                  Fee Too Pee

                    positive player, wow can u explain ur build with echo > manta for AM? kinda interesting seems u have succes. and a good alternative for early fight build but no vanguard ( only tank) , echo provide slow with am have trouble lockdown people


                      Nothing cus i never ask. I just carry


                        Shadow Blade Riki

                        I swear this happened to me (my mmr is really low, remember?)

                        Riki: "It gives me more attack speed"
                        Me: You could go for yasha for that (trying hard to remember dotabuff's advice to not be toxic and advice people)
                        Riki: Fuck you noob

                        He didn't answer me again in the whole game, I think he muted me xD

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                        Mary Poppins

                          ME: PL why dominator go for diffu first
                          PL: Need lifesteal for farming
                          ME : We play against Morphlind
                          PL: Diffu is shit on pl, and dominator give me life for axe

                          He finnaly build and diffusal, when they get megacreep :D


                            AM brown boots bf rush = faster bf faster farm rite xdd
                            I also have seen BF rush without boots at all
                            Void MoM = need more attack speed
                            Spectre vanguard rush on a very passive game = I don't even know people just rush that shit without even checking the situation and throws the game easily

                            Fee Too Pee

                              Yo bws. Still better than spectre brown boots then rush radiance pure cancer

                              roshan killerz

                                Well in SEA, its common to people building sb on any hero like cm wd lion zues etc. Enemy got no radiance and still cm chose sb over blink or force


                                  The build itself is cancer
                                  The ultra slow radi timing adds up even more


                                    My last game. Ogre raged on kotl for making mek and told him: "noon kotl get agh."
                                    He also got agh. Rarely warded result you can see.


                                      ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ strom


                                        I remember still going for BF build on carry void when 6.86 started
                                        Bad decision

                                        CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                          Medusa no shield build
                                          Excuse: This is what he literally said "i can handle" and dies multiple times 1st item maelstrom.


                                            Lmao u lack discipline. Who did u auto attack one time for 28 dmg?


                                              Centaur Armlet = can armlet toggle like MLG shit (died quick anyway)
                                              WK battlefury = moar afk farm


                                                I'm pretty sure I just sent auto-attacking treants down a lane out of habit and they hit someone.


                                                  Underlord battle fury

                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                    My PA first picked carry
                                                    item progress :
                                                    Brown boots > perseverance > DESO >PT > DOMI

                                                    jesus christ first pick carries in my games lul

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I had a PA go battlefury then echo sabre. It sounded stupid and I told him but he told me to shutup cus he was a 5k smurf and we won in the end but holy shit I had to win his lane so hard on lion.


                                                      I had a jug go battlefury and deso and get 2 shotted in every goddamn fight. And he kept fighting too instead of farming with that uber farm build.


                                                      I had a TA rush heart once no joke. That was a long time ago, can't find match now. It was like treads, blink, heart, some insane shit and did no dmg.

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