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General DiscussionNeed help with riki

Need help with riki in General Discussion

    Can anyone give me advice about riki.
    What to build in what situations?
    How to carry the game when team is throwing?
    When to pick riki? Btw I play in normal skill and people rarely pick support.
    I like playing the hero but can't carry the game alone.

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        i start every game with tangos, oov, sentries.

        go sprint to enemy high ground and check inventories, priority is sentries and obs.. u should get there before them, and even if not 95% of the time the first ones there are the cores, the supports are slower cuz they are deciding on items. so even if supports intended to sentry high ground you should see it coming (go scout the sentries and don't stand so close they might luckily find you.)

        1) go mid, kill his obs/sentry with your tangos/sentries. it's important to watch where there support places it or else you might not be fast enough to tango it if you aren't sure where it will appear.

        2) harass their mid player a bit, just a little bit of harass will throw them off and get them tilted, you can't kill them yet, once they run back to their tower immediately disengage.

        3) go snipe courier. i like to stand right at their stairs. lots of players try to 'next level' you by sending the courier to T2 and going back to get it. but those retards don't realize somehow that you can intercept it between T3/T2. (even on radiant, you can stand very very close, just not in the middle, but you can dive for the courier, it only takes 2 hits, and 1st hit will slow it)

        4) if there is a jungler, go harass him and steal LH/exp. EXP is mega important for riki as you will be very underleveled.

        5) go kill mid if you can, if not just harass him and then go kill a different lane.

        and now just keep running to any lane you can kill..

        it's important to show in a lane even if you aren't planning on killing it. because that makes every other lane feel more safe "phew riki is top" but most garbages don't realize it only takes 15 seconds to rotate.

        i have like 90% winrate or something.

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          Nice guide. Well played


            F@ck all those Rikimaru gayfans


              Ty guys.
              What about items.
              I make diffusal every game I play. I've seen many making blink. Is it that good?
              Also what about boots? Personally I find Riki's farming very slow as you are dependent on kills more than cs.
              At my bracket players are afraid of Rikki so they part extra cautious.
              The other dreadful hero is pudge lol. Personally I don't find pudge that much a threat nor riki unless he is fed then it's gg

              Super Speed Snail

                Well, my riki is 45% wr so i cant tell you how to win with it.

                But I'm telling you, blinking riki is extra annoying to fight against. Its just wont die. Whether they use sentry, dust or gem.

                The problem is how you substitute the less damage that dagger has to offer. I'm a 2k noob with low gpm, so I dont know how to do it and prefer the usuall diffusal desolator route instead.

                Getting dagger after diffusal might work if you can farm quickly.


                  Very good guide by Marlan,
                  I prefer to play offlaner/roaming riki

                  Urn of shadows/ tranquil boots early and get echo sabre.
                  First hit that you make 2backstabs then follow the hero blink if necessary and then ult. Follow again and by this time you will have echo sabre procs ready.
                  Note using smoke will help keep enemy in ult area.
                  Diffusal then skull basher
                  Try and finish fast.


                    ^yeah you attack so many times like that!!

                    too bad you deal literally 70 damage per attack with your tranqs-urn-echosabre because you have no agility whatsoever

                    lul sometimes when i play normal skill games without hard supports i go aquila-phase-diffusal-desolator-basher-blink lul 1500 hp but ez shred ppl... or diffusal manta abyssal skadi if long game and need to carry

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                    Super Speed Snail

                      ^exactly my usuall built riki.

                      Diffusal and desolator can still kill even when the score goes bad like 12-45 in 60 minutes.


                        well it depends mostly on how you play not what items you buy. even best riki in the world buy diffusal and desolator at times.

                        but they are best cause they are skilled not cause they buy diffusal desolator.


                          i get green boot into diff blade then echo sabre.
                          I would say you need hp reg for roaming.

                          Also I tend to get all warding done by me with q.blade.
                          There are many games I had multiple diff blade btw..

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                            ^qblade has cooldown so you still need tangos or youre dead to a decent support

                            unless you mean casual dewarding not live-or-die sentry

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                              Dagon eblade sb rapiers the phantom riki way


                                ^ If you have no map awareness of course you will run into their mess. Even with 0s q.blade cd you would die. XDDDDDD

                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                  well i have more the early game lane skirmishes in mind. you can take both of the supp's sentries with 2 tangos, but you can't with QB.

                                    Super Speed Snail

                                      Yeah, even for noob like me. I still can kill support and do considerable aoe damage with those two items, in the most precarious situations, like the time where both enemies hard carry has online, deathball strategy with tanky cores, rusher pushers managed racking two of my lanes at minute 20.

                                      With those item in riki, I still can kill no matter the situation. No other heroes can give me this kind of ability. Because I really enjoy killing pixelated virtual characters played by other human.

                                      If you talk about getting any win, as a 2k scrub with 40-ish wr, I cant say anything about it.

                                      Mary Poppins

                                        @MARLAN look like crazy good. If it work in VHS i suppose it will work in HS too, I'll try this in my next game. Make the mid enemy mad and get carried by my mid :D .


                                          Echo saber is too expensive to get before diffussal it's almost the same price and diffussal gives huge power spike , echo not bad on Riki but you'll win more games going boots of choice pormans shield oov into a fast diffussal .


                                            If game is going horrible some games may need to leave boots at brown so you can hurry up and save the game with your diffussal .


                                              Ty guys for help. Let's see if I can get my first win now. I've lost all 5 games.
                                              On riki. Worst part is even in few I performed well still couldn't carry.


                                                im top riki player, dont listen to others. dont pick riki.


                                                  Pros popularized maxing smoke first when riki started getting picked, but I'm still not convinced that you should put more than 1 points in it till level 12.


                                                    after recent nerfs u should totally get it maxed out at least 2nd imo


                                                      Its not how well you carry. Its how you make all of your opp lose lane. Well its roaming riki not carry riki. If you want carry go hit some lame creeps there and get fat. But real riki is roaming riki where you snipe cour harrass mid go other lane harrass kill occasionally. About skill build its almost always 4-1-1-1 for me though. Item build
                                                      1) if they buy a lot of sentry and dust get blink to escape.
                                                      2) if not get diff and some hp item like sny then item like skadi or butterfly


                                                        Chinese dogy 64% win rate. Damn.


                                                          1 point in passive? That 6 second can cost life and unless your team mates know what to do. Which in normal skill is uncommon

                                                          Mary Poppins

                                                            Ok ... roaming riki work so well in 3k :D


                                                            Get some early kill for naix & storm, farm the pudge with Bounty hunter.

                                                            BSJ. LGD

                                                              lmao the best way is tango iron talon go to your sasfelane scout their offlaner's ward, tell ur shitty pos 5 to go deward it. go enemy jungle use talon on hard camp untill the cd on talon says 10 then hit the hard camp till it starts hitting u then run (repeat until camp dies), go snipe enemy courier. go suicide buy oov and try to kill some shitstain. you're missing from the map so the enemy is shitting themselves.

                                                              tranq wand pms diffusal into basher is core and then u win the game.

                                                              Super Speed Snail

                                                                Yeah, about shoes, some use tread, some use tranquil.

                                                                Usually goes tread, but lately, more comfort in tranq...

                                                                Well, riki not a jungle hero and especially since echo comes, tread's atk spd become less tempting.

                                                                Tranq keeps me out there longer. And in late game situations, I switch it with BoT.

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  i just cant win with riki in this account
                                                                  sure i harass enemy mid and make sure they dont feel safe, but my mid is almost every time pudge who can't even contest the ordinary meta mid heroes even if they are shat down

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                    I build phase urn echo diffusal skadi.

                                                                    casual gamer

                                                                      im pretty sure diffusal echo sabre is the build


                                                                        just a question. do you carry like 16 tangos to deward, or buy a QB?

                                                                        ok, simply winning the mid lane when you have an actual carry hero in mid and pissing enemy team off into buying sentries and dust on literally all heroes is apparently working even for me, nice.

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